MovieChat Forums > MEWsHusband

MEWsHusband (59)


Female Ralph Macchio Foster's Home? Shameful. The best part of the X-Files. I love this woman. Truly a bad movie. Why does she keep being pushed? Contrived romance. View all posts >


I weep for the young women of the 80's. Imagine seeing this and thinking that Alex was some kind of role model. She's a histrionic psycho that gets attached to a man that was essentially a predator. "Cute Jewish girls" What kind of preachiness did it delve into? I might not bother watching the final season if that is the case. If you know how the drill goes, how do you not understand why people are actually bored of this kind of shit? Come back when you've watched the series and tell me if you think the Amazon series matches the message and themes of the Fallout games. It's a cheap cash-grab. Beyond him complaining about the music, he is correct. It's a Wes Anderson wet dream. If you actually enjoy Fallout the show, then you have never played any of the Fallout games and do not understand the actual message of Fallout. How ironic. Mine is still the Home Alone house. So cozy. Yeah I call total bs, sorry man. I'm an ass man, titties are not my domain. Nah, it's a butter face. You just have different (bad) taste. View all replies >