MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Ben Kenobi says a swear word in this mov...

Ben Kenobi says a swear word in this movie.

He says ‘damn’.



It would have if it was a Pirate film ... or is that a 'Yarr! rating'?


Some characters said ass in the new one


Han Solo says Hell.


Hell is not as bad as damn.


Theologically, I think they're about the same...


Yeah. My parents considered both equally bad words. I would get in trouble for saying either.



There is a difference between saying, "I'm worried about so and so going to Hell." and saying, "What the..." which is considered by my parents to be the equivalent of taking the Lord's name in vain. Since you are making lite of Hell by saying it.



I admit I do watch movies with cussing. Not my favorite aspect of a movie. But it doesn't bother me that much in film. I do make a big deal of it if a person near me does it though. I always hated people just cussing in casual conversation.



My parents considered both equally bad words. I would get in trouble for saying either.

What? Weren't you a man in his 30s?

Btw, I personally don't cuss a lot... but let people talk however they wish. You should do the same instead of being intolerant.


I have had to become a bit tolerant at work but I generally don't like to hear cusswords and don't generally like to hang with people who say the fword every single sentence in casual conversation.


Okay, whatever, I don't really care. I just think that you shouldn't be SO sensitive because of a word. I swear REALLY rarely because I don't really feel it's necessary and I also think that when you overuse the word, it loses it impact.

Now... back to the other point: how come that you could "get in trouble" with your parents for using a word?? If you are a man in your 30s, your parents don't have a word to say about it.


I was more just saying my parents raised me not to cuss around other people and even as an adult it's a hard mentality to break. I also see them fairly often too though since I live in the same town as them. Somehow I do not mind it in movies but it bothers me in everyday life.


"The times, they sure are changin' ", says Bob Dylan in one of his songs. This film was made a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

When this film was created (1977) in the United States, films could get away with saying more than just a cuss word or two; even show a woman's bosom, such as Mrs. Griswald in her shower scene in 'National Lampoon's Vacation'.



Do all the fanboys shriek "OH MY VIRGIN EARS!!!" when it comes on?


Well it's PG for "parental guidance suggested." It also shows barbecued human bodies.


Yep. And Han Solo shooting Greedo at point blank range. I was little and watched this movie many times (with my parents at first). I turned out ok. I did not fry or shoot anyone and I'm not traumatized either, lol.

I wonder if they took those very disturbing scenes away when they did their new digitized editions many years later?


No, they just changed the Han and Greedo scene to make it look like Greedo shot first.


That’s nothing, you should hear some of the stuff R2D2 comes out with.


Now that you mention it, there's no telling exactly what he and Chewbacca are saying. It could be ANYTHING.


Chewie swears like a trooper (but not like a stormtrooper, ok?).


He also said sand people. Which is a derogatory term for Arabs.
