

True, but you're missing the silver lining. The stench from that bed was so bad that even rats and other vermin wouldn't come within a good stone's throw of that cottage.


That cabbage soup could have done with some rat meat.


Hey, protein is protein!!!


He should have taken his overworked mum instead of Joe.


I always thought that was so freaking gross. This movie did not charm me as a kid in 1971.


VERY freaking gross!



And how the hell did they go to the bathroom?? Gross!



I always thought the geriatric bed-ridden foursome was so weird. Is that the case in the book and WHY?


It's in the book all right, all four of them crammed into one bed.

But apparently Grandpa Joe was the only one who was shamming.


Or was he? Grandpa Joe only needed a trip to the candy dude to put some steam in his whistle, maybe the other coots could have been similarly motivated?


Yes that was pretty much exactly how it was in the book. From what I remember the only differences that really stuck out to me were A) That acid trip boat ride and B) The Slugworth subplot.


The boat ride was in the book, including Wonka's chant.


Ok I guess I didn’t remember, I read it when I was 8 but I didn’t just think of another difference: in the book the other kids brought both their parents im pretty sure


Yes, they did. The other differences that stand out to me are the very different fate of Veruca and that the oompa loompa songs were different.


Clearly, they were liberals.


OMG. Stop. There is nothing political about it. Stop infecting every single board with your politics. You want to spew how much you hate liberals. Fine. Just keep it on the politics board.


Nothing to do with politics. Liberals have terrible personal hygiene. They hate soap more than they hate America. Naturally, the idea of staying in bed with others for decades, without having to bathe, would be irresistible to them.
