MovieChat Forums > Dylan Mulvaney Discussion > The issue is not trans. It's Mulvaney.

The issue is not trans. It's Mulvaney.

If Caitlyn Jenner or RuPaul (of course he is not trans) were spokespeople for Budweiser or Nike, there would not have been the current uproar and boycott.

The issue is not that trans people can't represent products.

This Dylan Mulvaney character is a freak show all on her own. She is not a likable figure and the advertisers should have known this.

RuPaul could represent Bud Lite and no one would bat an eye.




If Caitlyn Jenner or RuPaul (of course he is not trans) were spokespeople for Budweiser or Nike, there would not have been the current uproar and boycott.

I disagree.


RuPaul has a popular show on MTV. He also endorses Absolut vodka and other products. No one is boycotting.

Jenner is a regular commentator on conservative Fox News. The right wing has embraced her.

Mulvaney was just a bad choice. There are others who could have pulled it off.


Vodka is different than beer. Beer is drunk by men who fancy themselves as "real" men... 😂

Kid Rock would have started this bullshit if it were the others as well. He's a bigot hiding behind the "woke" agenda.


The pushback might not have been as big, but there would certainly be some noise. A person either finds this stuff disturbing or they don't.


It’s big media and Fortune 500 companies trying to shove this mental illness down everyone’s throats as though it’s normal.

It’s not organic. There has never been a calling for this. It’s centrally planned chaos by the people who run the left and the Democrat party. It started with the Obama trannies. These companies are blackmailed by race/gender hustlers.

The people who love this country and make it work are done with it.


And thankfully, we still get to decide what we spend our money on.

And last time I checked, there were other people making beer besides Anheuser-Busch.

Those bastards only understand one thing - money. You have it, they want it.

And don't stop until that company is dust. That's the only way the others will learn.


you gotta love it...

Males are now replacing females in EVERYTHING thanks to the lgbtqwtf's...


You should check out some of the queer discussion forums. Most LGB are more strongly opposed to this transgender bullshit than straight people.

Gay males are sickened by men who castrate themselves.

And lesbians do not appreciate these nasty ass men pretending to be women.


I'll pass.

The Law of Unintended Consequences has reared it's ugly head again. The Feminazis said there was not any difference between men and women and that anything a man could do a woman could it better. Well they took themselves off the pedestal and this is the outcome. This is going to get much worse before it gets better if ever.


Well if you refuse to educate yourself, stop blaming the majority of gay men and lesbians for this nonsense. We are more against this trans obsession than straight people.


I was watching a video where a militant trans activist excoriated a lesbian as transphobic and bigoted for rejecting any possibility of sexual relations with a trans woman who still had male anatomy. It was absolutely crazy to this gay women that this was the “logical” extension of the “trans women are women” narrative. I had never thought about this issue before and couldn’t believe that is where the activists expect this gender / non-binary world view to go. It would mean there is no room for gay or straight people to compromise with the trans community. So, I can absolutely believe the point you are making.


The whole transgender premise is bizarre. You can't choose your biological sex any more than you can change your race. You can live however you want. Few have a problem with a man wearing a dress and stiletto heels if that's what he chooses. But don't tell me that a woman can have a penis and testicles and still be a woman.

I'm against the government officially and statistically classifying these men as women. Give them a subcategory, like "transwoman", or let them check "other" under sex. But don't expect the other 99.7% of us to share their delusion.


So Onan,

What's your personal opinion on it? Do you hate castrated people?

I kinda agree with your OP. I do think there are some trans people on social media and whatnot that wouldn't have created this kind of backlash. Blair White is probably a good example. Although, she's very passable, in fact, you might call her pretty on some days. lol

That seems to help a lot in social situations for trans people. I mean, guys that just look like... well... men in drag aren't taken very seriously.

But the truth is, Bud Light is not a very good beer to be begin with. In fact, I don't think you can actually call BL a "beer".

It's simply a carbonated malt beverage. But beer it is not. There are so many real beers out there that taste 1000X better than that crap.


I have no problem with anyone living however they want, and choosing the gender role of their choice.

And transgenders have existed throughout history. But most of them didn't mutilate their genitals.

I believe anyone who hates their body enough to mutilate their genitals is mentally ill. If, as they claim, gender is a social construct, why change your body to conform to a social construct? Medical science can't create fully working testes or ovaries. Why destroy the real thing and replace it with a nonworking replica of something else?

I agree with you. Budweiser is an awful beer. It's as fake as Mulvaney.


Fair enough, I suppose transitioning is a catch-22.

If gender has no meaning anymore, why even try to become the opposite sex?

But hey, if people want to live this way, then let them do it I guess.


If I want to stick my cock in a meat grinder, it's really not your business.

Signed, million man.


But be my guest, shove your dick in a meat grinder. I won't stop you.

But if you ask surgeons to cut off your penis I call that medical malpractice when they do it. And I do not want my government creating laws which allow doctors to profit off your mental illness.


Your first statement contradicts your second. What's the difference? The doctor option is way safer.

Signed, million man


No contradiction. I don't want law and medicine to allow genital mutilation. I have a say in that. What you do in private is your business.


So you'd rather me go the meat grinder method and possibly get some kind of staph infection, rather than have a doctor do it under medical supervision and a sterile environment?

Signed, million man.


No, I'd rather you see a psychiatrist and accept your body as it is. On what planet is self mutilation a right or a healthy option?


Self mutilation has been around for a long time. It's nothing new. Why is it a problem all of a sudden? Not your choice to make.

Signed, million man.




Meat grinder is a non-sequitur. No one does this and no is advocating for it and most importantly, no one is demanding social change based on the concept of throwing your private parts in a meat grinder.

What people are talking about is changing society/language/thought to accommodate a few people that think they're the opposite sex or no sex at all as in non-binary. Personally, I don't think science has figured this one out yet. People don't "normally" think they're the opposite sex. But again, if this is what they feel they must do then whatever... do what you gotta do.


Meat grinder is the perfect comparison. People are concerned with other people's bodies, when they should be concerned with their own. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter. Life is short, worry about yourself. Trans people are not mentally ill. You can say the same thing about gays. Who cares if the language changes to accommodate Trans people. They are people too. To call them mental is fucked up. Maybe those people that say that need to take a long hard look in the mirror first.

Signed, million man.


What would say about a man who wants a healthy limb amputated? Is it the role of society and medicine to encourage this?

Body integrity identity disorder (BIID)--is the amputation of healthy limbs ethically justified?

The term body integrity identity disorder (BIID) describes the phenomenon of persons who desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who desire a paralysis. Some of these persons mutilate themselves; others ask surgeons for an amputation or for the transection of their spinal cord.


No. They would refuse to do it. Hardly the same thing. We are talking about mental happiness. You can't tell me how a Trans person feels being in the wrong body. You are not experiencing it.

Signed, million man.


It's exactly the same thing. A person with BIID is not happy until they have a limb removed. You are not experiencing that.

Bottom line, I'm not saying biological males can't live as women. I'm saying genital mutilation is both unhealthy and unnecessary. Learn to accept your body. We all do. Doctors can chop off your testicles but they can't give you ovaries. Oh well.


All right. Fair enough.

Signed, million man.


bloodhost, I do agree that for the most part, this doesn't effect the average person, until it does.

If someone has a slightly different opinion on this, they're cancelled and shouted down by activists. And these activists probably don't really care about the issue that much they just want to yell at people and collect a check while doing it.

And it doesn't stop there, women's sports is now topic that some can't ignore and trans athletes are gaining some advantages in this area.

So, you can play ostrich and stick your head in the sand and pretend its not a big deal but it has some effect on the way people have to deal with it. Too bad really because generally speaking, I have nothing against trans people but the ones working behind the scenes are beyond annoying.


I'm sorry, but your slight inconvenience means fuck all to me, as compared to a lifetime of agony.

Signed, million man.


And that's where we all reach an impasse. Some feel it means fuck all and others think there has to be another way to deal with this.

As I stated in a previous post, I do think science will eventually find a different way to deal with this. In the meantime, I can tell this convo is over. lol...


Having a transgender sell beer is the mocking of beer drinkers. Beer manufacturers know that male persons drink beer because they need beer to make the women look more attractive to them and the last person who is an option for sex to a male person is the tranny.

Showing a transgender advertising beer is saying to the male person that they are so unattractive themselves that they might as well skip to the transgender, which is insulting to the male person. Beer makers used to show people partying with good looking women in their advertisements then all of a sudden, the only option is a transgender in advertisements.


I think the whole point here is to get so drunk you'll fuck a trannie. 🤣


Did you see the person who was in charge of this ad campaign? Looks like the typical bat-shit crazy, insufferable white leftist woman (complete with a rainbow in the background to show she's an ally 🙄). Basically, a far left activist who got the company burned due to not having any idea of how things work in the real world and why the silent majority will never accept this insane ideology.

Bud Light and all these virtue signalling companies that use the alphabet brigade as mascots to promote their brand deserve every bit of hate and boycott that they get.

