MovieChat Forums > Christopher Columbus Discussion > He was the first step in establishing wh...

He was the first step in establishing white supremacy/systemic racism in America

As soon as him and his people set foot in the continent they started to propagate systemic racism and white supremacy by forcing their Eurocentric views on the natives. It is good that people are finally seeing this and calling it out. Cancelling him is a first step towards reversing the damage that has been done.


OK Rachel Maddow


how does social warrior justice in 2022 help the enslaved natives of 500 years ago exactly?

you should leave america and go back to europe if you want to reverse damage


u realize the indians were a bunch of different tribes that were raping and fighting each other ruthlessly before any white people arrived. most of them died to diseases they were weak too not even directly killed by the white man like u libturds like to make it out to be. its survival of the fitness bud


People often claim that the European’s took the natives land. OK sure the Europeans did abuse the natives but why was it their land? Because they showed up and started living there? That’s the same thing the Europeans did.

There wasn’t a country established so the Europeans didn’t invade a foreign country.


Many tribes were nomadic but not all. European countries even had treaties and alliances with a few of them later on, which shouldn't be possible if they had no sense of having territory. If the reverse had happened (somehow, in an alternate universe), and the Aztecs showed up in Dover, would you accept being conquered simply with a "well, you showed up and started living here first"? I don't think so. They could point out that the Normans invaded and the country was made up of hostile tribes that were conquered. What makes British land British? Besides, if someone is determined to take it they will find a reason and it won't really matter anyway. Whether the actions of the conquistadors can be attributed to Columbus himself is another matter. This discussion is about Columbus, let's not forget that.


As I said I in no way condone the way the natives were treated, they were treated horribly, however I don’t see that they had a legitimate claim to the land. Their ancestors came across the land bridge from Siberia so they invaded the continent the same way the Europeans did. There was no country established so the settlers didn’t invade anyone.


No one really has a claim to anything, other than what they can hold by force. As I said, there were a few tribes that could be, and indeed were, treated as nations that could be entered into treaty with. Eventually, the disparity in military power made even these irrelevant. Getting wiped out by disease didn't help much either.


Yes he was a great man. An explorer and adventurer. A man willing to boldly go.


You are one of the most vile, racist trolls on MoronChat. Delete your account!


Victors aka conquerors set the rules of the game, that's always how it has been through the test of time. Anyone else thinking otherwise are the nice guys that finish last in the human kind scale. If whites didn't do it, the Chinese definitely would have.


You're dumb and gullible. You must vote democrat.


Find out where your ancestors came from then go back there, that will reverse the damage.
