MovieChat Forums > Christopher Columbus Discussion > He was the first step in establishing wh...

He was the first step in establishing white supremacy/systemic racism in America

As soon as him and his people set foot in the continent they started to propagate systemic racism and white supremacy by forcing their Eurocentric views on the natives. It is good that people are finally seeing this and calling it out. Cancelling him is a first step towards reversing the damage that has been done.


American Indians were still living in the stone age as recently as the late 19th century. I propose that all of them who resent the American continents being taken over by Europeans centuries ago give up their houses, cars, electricity, piped water, smart phones, flat-screen TVs, the Internet, modern medicine, etc., and revert to the the superior enlightened existence of stone-age life.


And honestly it's all worked out for the best! What an amazing place the western world is today 👍

Plus if they wanted to keep the land they should have tried to defend it 🤷‍♂️


It's comical how these snowflakes are so critical of the very world that allows them to exist? No self-awareness whatsoever.


Genghis Khan pushed asian supremacy on the Europeans, and The Ottomans pushed Islamic Supremacy on Europeans. Those are just two examples. Whatever you spent on your education was squandered as they only taught you a tiny sliver of world history. Don't get me wrong, Columbus was not a good guy, but you are hating on him for the wrong reasons. War and conquest happened all throughout world history and no society was immune. Before Columbus showed up, the natives were conquering and slaughtering each other. Ever heard of the Caribs and how they rolled?


And what those white supremacist ceated was the greatest country in the world. A place so racist that every person from every continent sought to get there. Many would risk their lives to get to such a place.


The European conquest of the Americas, like the conquest of other civilizations, was surely accompanied by great cruelty. But so was the widespread American Indian tradition of raiding, depopulating and appropriating neighboring lands and tribes.
The real question is, What eventually grew on this bloodied soil?  The answer is the great modern civilizations of the Americas; a new world of individual rights, an ever expanding circle of liberty for all races, religions, and creeds, and twice in the Twentieth Century, a savior of the world from totalitarian barbarism.

It is also a manifest prevarication to sing the saintliness of “the natives.” Indians did not institute some pre-Columbian land of virtue, empathy and ecological harmony. Inca civilization as just one example was a totalitarian theocratic society in which the individual had no importance and virtually no existence. Inca society was dominated by a state religion that obliterated individual free will and crowned the authority’s decisions as divine mandates. Your notion that pre-Columbian America was a hemisphere of noble savages is adolescent fantasy.


This kid just trolls for his fun. Never responds back. Pointless posts


So, do you actually have an argument to present?


naw, your troll threads are just to trigger and waste time.

are you going to respond to any actual posts here? :D


