MovieChat Forums > Simone Biles Discussion > I can see the criticism of one calling t...

I can see the criticism of one calling themselves the GOAT

Even though Mayweather is cocky, he proves it with all those wins (50-0) and doozy plays (hugs and runs around the ring tactically to win matches via points).

Sunni Lee has beaten Biles on numerous occasions and she took the Gold this 2020 Tokyo Olympics while Biles took Bronze bringing her tally to 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze. She went full cocky and then failed to prove it at the big event. You can't call yourself GOAT and not live up to it. All in all she still would be considered GOAT since she holds the most medals and gold medals at the World Championships.

I think the difference here would be people calling her GOAT vs she herself claiming to be one then failing to maintain that posture. We all know Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Roger Federer are GOATS but they never claim it themselves (that I could recall) so even with their failures at times, it was acceptable. She on the other hand was comparing herself to the likes of Mayweather which is a false equivalence if you ask me.


Every GOAT has their day in the sun, then it sets, for every one of them. I don't recall anyone losing their shit over Ali calling himself the greatest. Biles is good, she knows it, she says it. So do her peers.


He did catch some heat for calling himself the greatest.


Ali was kidding, but he also actually was the greatest, or at least one of the greatest, and unlike Biles he's not remembered as "the quitter".


Why do you remember her as the quitter? Are you in a better position to judge Biles than her peers are?


Because she quit under the biggest spotlight afforded her? That's a heck of a lot more memorable than anything else under the banner of someone who claims to be one of the greatest of all time.


So the reason she withdrew from that event was not a rational one to make? Are you in a better position to judge Biles than her peers?


Yes, because I never claimed to be the greatest of all time.

I know my limits. I'm not going to make claims I can't live up to, especially ones where you're put under a strenuous, global spotlight in which you must live up to those claims.

As others pointed out, most used GOAT as a line to make money. If she wasn't doing that then she honestly believes that she's the GOAT, and if she believes that then she has to live up to it if she's going to say it out loud.

Never say things you can't back up on a public platform, especially not to media, the public, or the press where they WILL hold you to it. Because if you can't back up what you say then it means your word has no value, you're untrustworthy, and you're not as good as you say. That's exactly what she proved by withdrawing after making bigger claims than she could possibly live up to.


Your opinion does not impress me here. So you think it is irrational that a person who pushes them self extremely hard might have a moment when they are unable to perform?


You can push yourself extremely hard all you want. No one has an issue with that. If you can't measure up to the expected performance and have to withdraw, it's completely fine.

What you don't do is make boastful claims that you're the greatest of all time and then have to withdraw because you aren't as good as you thought.

It's a lesson in humility and knowing a bit of decorum when it comes to being boastful.


Are you claiming that Biles was not the best prior to dropping out of that event and failed to remain so after she dropped out?


Did she win a gold or did she drop out?

Claims are only as good as the claimant can hold up their end of the bargain, if she did, then good on her... if she didn't? Well, the rest of my comment stands.


No one is the greatest for winning a single gold medal. Biles' career is a long and distinguished one, even after dropping an event.


Everything you’re saying is fair. Steve Spurrier quit on his team and it completely tarnished is reputation. He still gets ripped for it. Biles doesn’t get some special protection just because Randb doesn’t want anyone to remember and talk about it. There are multiple sports top 20 lists of infamous quitters and this is routinely a subject on sports talk media. Doesn’t mean I don’t root for her. I hear she’s making a comeback and I think that’d be great assuming she doesn’t lose it again in the middle of competition. It’s not fair to leave another competitor home if Biles makes the team and bows then out because she can’t handle the pressure.


I still say Shawn Johnson is the GOAT!


Who dat?


My future wife. Shawn Johnson and Nastia Luikin were something else.


Yeah, Nastia Liukin gets my vote. Her uneven bars performance was phenomenal.


When it comes to Ali - everyone knew he was bullshitting in a jokingly manner. His interviews were always half jokes - and he did have a decent sense of humor.

When Mayweather said it - everyone knew he was delusional. Keep in mind, in his case, he was saying without humor - and everyone hated him for it. His showcasing his money all the time also made many hate his guts. The thing is though, that's exactly what he was going for - he wanted people to want to see him lose - that's how he sold tickets, by being the most arrogant SOB you will see whom people would go to see hoping that he would lose. Simone.... you don't sell tickets by being arrogant and then quitting. And she doesn't have a great sense of humor - so in her case it's a loss loss.

So - to recap.
Ali was joking - he used arrogance combined with humor to sell tickets.
Mayweather was arrogant on purpose - he used that to sell tickets.
Simone - she doesn't get that Mayweather was hated half the time for his arrogance - she thinks people love him for it and she doesn't realize that boxing is a money sport where Mayweather promotes himself to get more money via ticket sales. There's no such thing in gymnastics - the prices are preset and you don't get more money for getting bigger audience. So, in her case it's a lose lose type of situation by copying mayweather. She could have copied Ali and say it with humor - that would be a positive - maybe even financial, since big brands like humor, she'd get more sponsors. So yeah - different sports, different reasons for arrogance - and there's no financial incentive for arrogance in gymnastics, unlike boxing. So, she should stop comparing the two - lol


Fifteen minutes and out. She's over.


Why do you wish that her career is over? She is still doing very well.


Massive egos go hand in hand with being a celebrity.
