MovieChat Forums > Megan Rapinoe Discussion > ... and now I don't eat at Subway anymor...

... and now I don't eat at Subway anymore

Advertising works.


If I was a franchise owner, I'd be pissed. I mean, the sandwiches are overpriced and not particularly good - marketing is all that's left.

The Jared Fogle debacle at least was unintentional. But selecting this anti-American racist to be your spokesperson is mind boggling.


Yes, wanting all people to be treated equally and with respect sure is anti-American behavior.


Bend the knee.


But that's not what they want. They want *special* equality. They want things handed to them. They demand things that they didn't earn. They want the right to be combative to authority without repercussion. *That* is anti-American behavior.

She supports the Marxist BLM movement, but as a black American, I know there is no law that has prevented me from being wildly successful in my life and career by any standard. I am patriotic, I don't break laws, I raised two sons with my wife, I live in an upscale suburb in my own home. You know what else? When pulled over by the cops (at least 15 times in my 63 years), I comply to their requests. I have never had a problem, even in this 98% white town I have lived in since 1993.

I am a concealed carry permit holder, and when pulled over (bit of a heavy foot), I tell the officer I am a licensed carrier and am armed. If they ask to see it, I comply - slowly and exactly as directed. Usually they say keep my weapon where it is.

There is no other place on Earth I would rather live. My only regret about living in America is that my ancestors had to suffer under the sin of slavery for me, my wife, and my kids to live here and prosper. Sometimes that's difficult to reconcile.

It's white liberals like Rapinoe that defend and excuse bad behavior, as if we are incapable of behaving in a civilized manor and respect authority. That is the worst kind of racism: the racism of low expectation.

And *that* is anti-American.


Your experience doesn't sound the same as many that she are fighting for, which includes not only Blacks, but any minority as well as the LGBT community who have been systemically mistreated for centuries. To act like there are not unwritten rules and practices in place in this country, especially in the South which still had segregated facilities not much more than 50 years ago seems incredibly naive. The line "Liberty and justice for all" is one of the rallying cries this country was founded upon, and when one side doesn't get full access to that, it's easy for them to resort to desperate measures. The sooner we understand and fix those inherent issues, the better we can be as a nation. Just ignoring it and acting like it doesn't exist just furthers the divide.


50 years is a long time ago, but I was not immune to racism. For instance, I had trouble getting an apartment in white neighborhoods as recently as the 1980s, sure.

Systemic mistreatment? No. That's a lie. There are individual people who are racist absolutely, but there are no laws that allow racism to exist beyond what people feel inside themselves. That's what "systemic" means. There is literally nothing you can do to me that won't be redressed by existing laws, the same as any white person has access to.

As for the individual racists of any color, they will die out eventually and no law will hasten their demise, but if you are suggesting laws that go beyond actual mistreatment and hunt down racists in their own homes for no other reason because they have an ignorant opinion, you are getting into areas no free country wants.

Rapinoe is not supporting blacks, she's supporting bad black behavior, which is insulting to me and millions of other law abiding black Americans.

The sooner we understand and fix those inherent issues, the better we can be as a nation.

Which issues specifically?


50 years is hardly a long time, especially when plenty of lawmakers in charge were alive during that period. There are plenty of laws and policies which target the poor and low income people unporportionally whose main purpose is to keep them poor and dependant on welfare and create an unending cycle which is near impossible for many to get out of. Look at the high rates of welfare and state dependence in places like Alabama just to see how policies indirectly enacted to keep people down without explicitly doing so.


What good would it do to go back to the past and address those laws which were changed by civil rights legislation half a century ago? To what end?

There are plenty of laws and policies which target the poor and low income people unporportionally whose main purpose is to keep them poor and dependant on welfare and create an unending cycle which is near impossible for many to get out of.

Well, list them and let's talk about them. I agree that generous welfare policies make it easier to accept gov housing, food stamps, energy, etc. instead of working 60 hours per week and ultimately help keep people in poverty, but at the end of the day it's still a choice to accept handouts to get by or to better themselves.


And you voted Biden who helped impose some of those harsh laws against blacks so STFU


This is exactly the kind of thing the Left will attack. You, my friend, are what is right with America. Smile at yourself in the mirror for me.


so what klan chapter are you in? im in burlington


On point.


So you still ate there after they ignored the signs of hiring a pedophile?


Lol, you think they secretly KNEW he was a pedo?


LOL you think Rapinoe is really lesbian? She's probably another Anne Heche.


I don't care if she is lesbian. I do care that she is a whiny brat.


Yeah, how did "lesbian" even enter the conversation?


Agreed. Anything connected with Rapinoe is to be avoided.


yea i dont get it all these woke commercials are just advertising for the competitors. i used to be a huge fan of vista print the business card printing site then i see an ad for them on facebook featuring and interracial couple (ofcourse white girl black dude). never buying business cards again from them after seeing this propaganda laced ad, i dont care if the competitors business cards are twice the price i would rather give them my money than a company that is working against my own race with these interracial propaganda. nobody wants to see this liberal shit, expecially people who invest in fucking business cards lol


WTF do you care about interracial couples? Really, who cares?


why is the white women who have to be the ones in interracial commercials all the time?!? dont you think there is agenda going on??






I can say I wasn't eating at that expensive place long before they was dumb enough to hire her.


Did the big bad lesbian woman hurt your fweeling? 😂


Did you burn a flag when you got your stimulus check? Also: Is she a lesbian? Honestly don't know.

And btw, I think you meant "feewings" not "fweelings."


A simple yes would've sufficed.😆


I read that Subway owners are pressuring corporate to drop her nasty Anti-American ass. We'll see..


Yep! I'll never eat Subway again thanks to that pink haired SJW.

The Subway commercial she's in is so obnoxious. Can you imagine just chillin in the park trying to enjoy a meal and all of a sudden this pink haired bitch kicks a soccer ball in your face, ruins your lunch, and starts screaming about eating Subway instead? I'm against violence towards women but in this case an exception is warranted.
