MovieChat Forums > Volodymyr Zelenskyy Discussion > There are two most common types among na...

There are two most common types among nazzi russia apologists and defenders among foreigners

If some pro-russian troll or American conspiracy theorist on this site brings you "experts opinions" and links to their articles and videos then you must know who those people are. In 95% it will be:

1. On direct payrol from russia. Do it for money.

2. Crazy local conspiracy theorists who hate American government no matter who is in charge and always try to prove that USA is doing something baaaadd. That way they always support everyone who USA is against. And are always on the side of Cuba, Venezuela, Taliban, Isis, Bin Laden, North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, Belarus, hitler and other dictatorship and terrorist regimes. And always try to prove they they are the victims.

Many of those "foreign experts" usually are thieves and pedofiles too. Like one was brought up to me in another post. And guy served in prison for unlawful contact with a minor and five other charges. But then goes to conference with another crazy conspiracy theorist to inform everyone that Ukraine is bad and nazi russa is good. LOL.

Yeah and often those people go to russian news channels as "american or european experts" to trash USA and Europe and present "another voice". Like they would go there every week. To say to russian people that Europe and America are falling apart and putin does the right thing.

Like for example this guy. Scott Ritter. Who was brought to me as an "expert" by nazi russia supporter. Check all the boxes. And almost all of those "russia defenders" from USA or Europe are like that. Usually they have long list of criticizing USA for Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, russia. They are basically like Fox Mulder was obsessed to prove that Evil Government hides information about Aliens. But those are sure that Evil American Government are hiding something from American citizens and its their duty To Show The Truth. And by that they take sides with every dictator and war criminal that USA government is against. They dont care about Democrats or republicans. They just are obsessed with their conspiracy theories.

American, former weapons inspector. He later became a critic of the Iraq War and United States foreign policy in the Middle East. He was convicted of sex offenses in 2011. Ritter's book Target Iran: The Truth About the White House's Plans for Regime Change was published in 2006. In February 2005, writing on Al Jazeera's website, Ritter wrote that the "Iraqi resistance" is a "genuine grassroots national liberation movement,". In 2012, Ritter said the U.S. was "bankrupt, morally and fiscally, because of this war.

He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl. Ritter was arrested again in November 2009 over communications with a police decoy he met on an Internet chat site. Police said that he exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl. In October 2011, he received a sentence of 1½ to 5½ years in prison. Paroled in September 2014

Ritter rejects the Western media's coverage of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and has voiced his perspective on multiple podcasts. On April 6, 2022, Ritter was suspended from Twitter for violating its rule on "harassment and abuse" after he posted a tweet falsely claiming that the National Police of Ukraine is responsible for the Bucha massacre and calling U.S. President Joe Biden a "war criminal" for "seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders" to Russia. The following day Newsweek reported his Twitter account had been reinstated. Scott Ritter writes various articles critical of NATO for the Russian channel RT (formerly Russia Today).

In July 2022, Ritter was added to a list of pro-Russia propagandists compiled by the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation.


It’ll interest you to know all of the documented Nazis over there are Ukrainian. As was confirmed countless times by the Democrat party media and communist globalist media.

Just a few examples:

And this…

And this…

Unfortunately facts matter.


Oh dear. Here we go again. Azov is here. Nazi russian supporters have weird obsession with it and bring it all the time.

Dude, stop being nazi and supporting nazi russia.


what makes Russia "nazi" exactly?


They are openly Christian and support traditional family values. That drives people of emori's specific ethnicity crazy.


So, America is nazi, by that logic. Why are you a nazi?


Hol up: Russian Orthodox are Christians while Catholics are NOT?


Just you and your gaslighting, poor Nazi.


Facts do matter. Such as the fact that none of the three links you posted support your claim that "all of the documented Nazis over there are Ukrainian". You really think the people reading your posts are that stupid?


So you can’t read either. No surprise lemming.

RanB the resident Democrat operative.

Have you received instructions for tomorrows anti Republican post get? Better get to work.

At least you’re honest enough to admit you’re siding with Ukrainian Nazis. Bravo


Instead of lashing out, you could post links that actually support your claims. I do not choose sides. Sucks to be you.


Most of us are in this category:

3. Americans who are tired of these endless wars which began in Vietnam and have been supported with our tax dollars for over 60 years. And we usually lose them anyway. It's time to stop meddling in other country's affairs.


"Americans who are tired of these endless wars which began in Vietnam"

Sometimes it works out well, sometimes spectacularly well.

Mexican American War
Civil War
Indian Wars
[Whatever we did to get Hawaii]
Spanish American War
World Wars I and II

And we would have gotten away with the War of 1812, too, if it weren't for those meddling Canadians.


I see #2 all the time, people who believe ridiculous stories like "Russians found sex trafficked children and Covid biolabs under Chernobyl". These people are usually Trump mega-supporters who think Trump and Putin are fighting the deep state or some shit. Another group are leftists who think the US is the great satan and responsible for everything wrong in the world. They think Ukraine deserves to be conquered by Russia just because the US backs it. They also think Taiwan deserves to be conquered by China for the same reason.


Uh, no, instead of wasting resources on backing "Little Russia" against Moscow, we should focus money and resources on defending Taiwan from China, our real enemy.


Dude why are you so obsessed with nazi russia and defending it here? You keep and keep writing here in Zelensky thread.

No one is gonna start loving nazi russsia just because you love it. Leave it. Only nazies love it.

China is more of an economic rival of USA. While russia is a real enemy. Always was and always will be. Until the moment it will stop existing. Why are you such traitor to your won country is beyond me.


Hahaha. Ukraine is not my country, dumbass. That's the point. Do you live there? Why are you obsessed with giving my money to that little con artist Zelensky? Move to Kyiv and fight Russia on your dime, not mine.


Dude, you dont have any money. You dont have to say where American money go. Because you are nobody. I explained. Millions of Americans elect government and then that government rules the country how he thinks is right. And your personal wishes doesnt matter. As you are nobody. They are not gonna listen to what you want and do what you wish. When will you understand it?


At this point I can only include you are a Ukrainian bot. Not on my dime, comrade! 🤣


Your nazi russian friends are your comrades. lol.


1. You have to be crazy to assume anyone talking about this war is telling the truth. They're unable to as it would compromise their war efforts, and the bias is overwhelming.
2. Both countries are led by shitbags. One invades the other. The other is trying to pull the rest of the world into this war or to make bank off the taxpayers.
3. News outlets of all ilk are just using this for ratings and their accuracy is about 50/50. He'll, they actually promote us intervention way too much.
4. The US is already overtaxed with its military operations across the world. The main reason for that is because foreign nations refuse to do this work and they love the excess funding they get from the US military budget. Any nato or UN function is 80+% US forces. The equipment, training, and support funds from the US Military budget is why ours is so large compared to other nations.

The US shouldn't be involved. We're taking thos position because we agreed to it after WWII. If it Weren't for China getting Hong Kong back from Great Britain, we could have pulled back and reduced this defense budget.


If the U.S. stopped blowing money on these wars which have nothing to do with our national security, the immense wealth left at home to invest in our own nation would be astounding.


Not disagreeing. Though governments don't like to change budgets or reduce them.


The problem is, it's war after war after war. And the U.S. almost always loses. Yet they keep doing it.

It seems a bit suspicious to me that we're kicked out of Afghanistan and immediately begin funding this war in Ukriane.

The next one will probably be Taiwan, though that's a more legitimate use of American money.


Wow this pro Ukrainian nazi clown is still posting. Lmao!

For those interested in being informed on reality.

The documented Nazis over there are Ukrainian. As was confirmed countless times by the Democrat party media and communist globalist media.

Just a few examples:

And this…

And this…


Oh Mah Gawd. Nazi trumpists are here with Azov again. Seriously why are you so obsessed with them? Is this what pro nazi russia rupublican bloggers are writing about all days long? Its the only thing you can talk about.

Bringing same 2 articles over and over again. As if you think that if you will stick it in people’s faces 1000 times then they will convince anyone that nazi russia "are good guys all along and adolf putin is Mother Theresa" :)


You can keep spouting lies and I’ll keep citing facts from the communist democrat party media who’s pro Ukrainian.

It is what it is comrade.
это то что есть товарищ


Funny thing is that disgusting fascists like you take care that the dollar is in freefall dive. Well done, moron...


You don't think Nazi Russia are the good guys, and Putin is Mother Theresa?
Great joke. You think you can take a joking attitude and brush off a decade
or American intelligence and state dept. meddling in the government of Ukraine?


You don't know what you are talking about, but you just want to mindlessly support America, because what ... the American people are the good guys, and the American President, whoever they are, is Mother Theresa?


Yeah, for expressing his opinions and reporting on the stories you mention Ritter got put on Ukraine's murder list.

Also, the arrangement Ritter says he has with RT is that he writes and they either publish it or not. RT don't tell him what to say. The American military has that arrangement with most of American media - they give them word for word stories to write.

Also, is it even legal or possible for RT to pay people in the West. I think they've been blocked from financial networks.


In terms of his criminal pasts, he was never in contact with any underage girls. How is it someone gets arrested for sex with underage women when they never had any contact with an underage woman? I don't know the particulars of his case, but it does not mean he doesn't know what he is talking about around Ukraine and the US Defense Dept. or what is going on in Ukraine. He's paid his debt to society and he has every right to express himself, take interviews, write articles and books. It is not a good argument against him to bring up his past politically motivated criminal cases.

On Bucha, Ritter had a legitimate point of view. He had the facts, the timeline and the media reports to at least show that Bucha was not as simple as reported in the West. One of the facts is that the people who were murdered in Bucha had Russian armbands on them, and were likely seen as collaborators and killed by Ukrainian forces.

The investigations here are all shrouded in secrecy, like the NordStream pipeline investigation - and point back to Ukraine or US State and Military involvement.


Darling, I hate to say it to you but you were brainwashed by nazi russian propaganda. Literally.

Do you even hear yourself? I know in your little republican-russian echo chamber it makes sense. But in real world you sound like a loonie.

Just understand one thing - russians lie. Always. About everything. Thats how their propaganda works. And their goal is to fool stupid people who cant think for themselves and make conclusions. So they just mindlessly eat what they are fed with.

To end this conversation I will say one thing to you. 3 days before the invasion russian media, officials, putins spokesperson, american republicans - said that there will be no invasion and that it isrubbish and they will never invade anyone and American intelligent is lying and spread misinformation about russia because they hate her.... Then days later invasion began. Try to understand it and make conclusions.


> Darling, I hate to say it to you but you were brainwashed by nazi russian propaganda. Literally.

Darling huh? Darling, you do realize that merely claiming that is total BS. Nothing you said is relevant either.


Do you even see what you are writing? You sound like someone who in year 1943 would try to convince someone that hitler is good and its everyone around him who are nazies and started killing themselves to set him up and nothing is at it seems....

I cant believe any sane person could write that nonsense about Bucha. Like what is wrong with you? Did russian propaganda eat your brains completely?

Get help. Conspiracy theorists are really delusional loonies. You live in your conspiracy theorists echo chamber where other loonies write how aliens took over the world and cockroaches are ruling the mind of Beyonce and you feel like everything makes sense since all other people around you write about it. And you cant understand how crazy you sound for other, sane people.


The fallacy of your thinking is that you both start looking at this situation from the Russian Special Military Operation and not back before 2014 when the US was plotting the coup in Ukraine - AND, you are falsely analogizing this to WWII and Putin to Hitler. That is airheaded US propaganda, and even the average American is starting to get a whiff of how much BS that is.

As I said, you keep saying the same thing and you refuse to acknowledge facts that in the public record going back years to a decade or more.

All you do is to attack how you think I sound, repeating the same reading on the situation, that is not a debate, that continued repetition of a straw man admominem.


Oh Mah Gawd, "US was plotting the coup in Ukraine" is here again. :)

Darling, you cant see this because you are not that bright. But you have been very professionally brainwashed by nazi russian propaganda. Who I assume you read on english speaking boards like that pedo Ritter and some other pro-russian republican sites. Who themselves read russian media and then translate it in English for fools like you. Because you say exactly what russian media is saying. Word for word.

Why did you allow yourself to be brainwashed like that is beyond me. russia hates USA. 10 times more then it hates Ukraine. If they could - they would destroy USA in a blink of an eye. They would bomb you, rape your wife or daughter, bomb your house and put you and in torture chambers. Yet here you are - rooting for them and defend them. Its mesmerizing to see. Its like seeing american communist in the 50-th.

You hated democrats so much that you started kissing boot of american enemy. Not to mention worshiping some pedo ritter. You are a traitor.


The fact that subsequent Ukrainian governments never investigated and found the snipers responsible for the 2014 Maidan killings says enough. No need for any russian,us, papua new guinea or any type of propaganda to draw conclusions. And you can simply prove me wrong right now :
Name 1 sniper from Euromaidan that was convicted following an investigation. Because I am curious to see why he was killing people and at whose orders.

The facts : Yanukovich was pro-russian, and largely blamed by western media and also subsequent ukrainian governments for the killings. Which is true for some of the killings, government controlled police were responsible for some of those.
That being said:
The snipers are a different story. Sniper killings started when euromaidan protests were breaking down and bored people were going home. One would be led to believe snipers were controlled,armed and instructed by groups which wanted Yanukovich government brought down. There was no reason for Yanukovich to send snipers. Groups composed of people who have economic interests in Ukraine. I don't believe these people are of one nationality only.

Also, saying that US government controlled those snipers is a very simple and inaccurate statement.
US government is not some boogieman, it's just a government, mainly composed of office workers who mainly deal with taxes and civil planning etc. It's just stupid to say that. 99,9% of people working for US government know, plan and control about as much as any other ordinary person concerning the Ukraine situation.

And please, just stop with this retarded bullshit about USA vs Russia. That's only relevant in video games and movies.


Oh... Mah... Gawd. Maidan and snipers are here now :)

I cant. I actually burst into laughing while reading. STOP.... READING.... RUSSIAN.... PROPAGANDA.... They are eating your brains. russians lie. Always. About everything.

They will tell you hitler never existed and WW2 was all a hoax and everyone are on it and Its Evil American Government who created this hoax and will present you their "proofs" and in one week you will actually believe it and will go around forums trying to convince people hitler is a hoax :)

Their propaganda usually works on stupid people who cant think for themselves and make conclusions and need someone to explain it to them.


"Their propaganda usually works on stupid people who cant think for themselves and make conclusions and need someone to explain it to them. "

Since you seem think for yourself, explain to everyone what actually happened in 2014 in Ukraine.
Also explain the reason for the Russia-Ukraine war.


It will take a long time :) Its hard. There are many nuances. But I’ll try.

In short - Yanukovich was a corrupt idiot. Ukrainians always wanted to go to Europe. There was "association with the EU" that had to be sighed and bring Ukraine and EU closer. russia didnt want Ukraine to go anywhere since those nazies always thought that Ukraine belongs to them. russia ordered Yanukovich not to sign anything. Which he did.

People got offended and furious by that non sighing as at meant Ukraine will lose chances to join EU. Thats why Maidan-2 started. People went to protest and demand sighing. Which prompted Yanukovich and his gang to vote for laws that infringe on people's freedoms. And turn Ukraine into dictatorship country like russia and belarus.

That was the last straw and now people demanded Yanukovich to go. No one wanted to live in prison like russians do. By that time even people who voted for Yanukovich - hated him. Because he was corrupt and idiot. That why no one stood up for him. He had to either resign or disperse the rally. He chose to disperse and use force. Which ended up in blood and people would either kill him now or he had to run. No one supported him, not army, nor even own fellow politicians from his party.


I can say that all points seem valid. First paragraph is true and very important, Ukrainians always wanted to be free to travel, and Russia basically wanted the to only visit Russia and Belarus. Source : I am very close to an ukrainian who shares all your points of view.
Your arguments do not exclude or explain outside involvement in the Maidan protests.
You don't explain who helped Yanukovich run. Thats a 100 point question. And it's easy to answer.

I will share my opinion.
1. People controlling Russia (not only Putin) NEVER had ukrainian people's best interests in mind. Only their interests. Also these people got involved in Maidan protests. And are responsible for many dead there.
2. People controlling EU /US/Nato whatever (basically the other side in this war) NEVER had ukrainian people's best interests in mind. Only their interests. Also these other people got involved in Maidan protests. And are responsible for many dead there.
3. There is no chance that ukrainian people win this war, regardless of who officially wins. They will be either slaves to eastern oligarchs or slaves to western oligarchs.
4. Pure and simple truth : this is not a NATO - Russia war. It's the groups mentioned at points 1 and 2 using ukrainian people as cannon fodder and you and me as idiots supplying money for keeping this war going in order for one of them to profit.
Calling only Putin evil is inaccurate and simply retarded. All of them are.
I argue that Zelensky is much more evil than Putin, at least Putin doesn't plan to sell everything after killing his citizens.


Oh dear. So you actually understand what happened and why. With your "I can say that all points seem valid". But russian propaganda let such deep roots inside your brain that you still repeat what you have been told on russian/republican blogs.

Thats how it works. They always take facts. Then twist them and add their own lies onto it. Or just made up lies. Dont mention other important facts. Then keep and keep repeating it until person starts believing it.

Facts are - Ukrainians wanted better life and they see it with having close ties to Europe Union. Being with russia was going nowhere. Its going to prison where russians live now. Yanukovich actually was going to sign agreement but russia ordered him not to. And he followed their order thus not being an independent president anymore. Everyone despised him, even his own voters. So Ukranians started revolution and kicked him out. Thatc the facts.

Then russian propaganda starts lying that it was nato, marsians, crocodiles involved too. Then repeats it and repeats until not that bright people start believing it. russians always lie, just remember that and dont listen to anything they say. Remember that days before invasion they were telling everyone that they will not invade and Americans are making it up. Then invaded.

And I cant believe that you wrote with serious face about "Zelensky is much more evil than Putin" :) Like how? LOL. Zelensky is a person who accidentally became president. He was just a comic actor. Then decided to go to election and people voted for him out of fun. Because russian propaganda kept demonizing previous president Poroshenko inside the country. Because they hated him. They rooted for Zelensky to win because that much they hated Poroshenko. Now they hate Zelensky even more. And they will hate next Ukrainian president too.


The reason for the Russia-Ukraine war is short - putin is crazy.

putin was always obsessed with USSR collapsing and russians are chauvinists and imperialists. Always were. So for them it was a huge tragedy when USSR collapsed and those countries were free. Since it was russia and moscow who ruled everyone. But they had to eat it up. But they always treated like Latvia, Estonia, belarus, Ukraine, Armenia and others were some "rogue stupid small brothers" who stopped listening to their "older command brother". Not understanding that USSR was occupant and those countries are independent. But they are imperialists and nazies, they dont care. And it drove putins nuts. They wanted USSR to be restored and return the way it was. Since things in russia were not good and it was a sh*thole poor country despite having millions from oil and gas. But all money went to putins oligarchs and few big sties. Majority of russia is extremely poor.

The more EU direction Ukraine was going - the more nuts it drove putin. As it meant Ukraine was slipping and going its way. And "new USSR" was not possible without Ukraine as it was its second biggest and important country. He easily swapped belarus. Armenia was in their pocket. Latvia, Estonia and Lithania slipped long time ago and joined NATO. And the more EU direction Ukraine was going the more nuts putin became of it. Eventually he went to the point of no return and decided to just occupy Ukraine by force and make her russia. Since nothing else was working.

That about it. He is completely crazy as he thought he could pull this off. And now war has come to russia like a boomerang.


I am pretty sure that all you said is valid, but they are not reasons for a bloody war. They are reasons for pissing off Putin.
I believe war starts when diplomacy fails. So ... who failed at diplomacy ? When and how ?
Hundreds of thousands are dying, millions are displaced. Why ?


Because putin is crazy fascist that why. Who wanted more land and thought he/russia owns Ukraine like its his property.

I explained it to you. Now go and ask me why hitler started WW2 and tell me he did it because "diplomacy fails" :)

Again - stop reading russian propaganda on republican sites. Its is eating your brains. If russia will declare tomorrow that Earth is flat and will give you "proofs" by making stuff up and then your republicans bloggers will translate it to you - you will believe and and will demand people to prove to you that she is round. :)


Yanukovych was not really pro-Russian, or if he was he was smart enough to see the that throwing in totally with the West was going to make a very bad deal in the future. His goal was the have Ukraine set between Russia and the EU/US. There were a lot of details about this.

The US is at war with Russia and China. The US does not want free trade or peace, it wants it all. That is the motivator of this war, and most of whatever else happens on this planet in terms of war.

You can agree with it - and there are reasons to support the US in this quest just like there were reasons to support the Roman Empire in its time, or you can go the other way - both have arguments.

What you hear when you listen to the so-called Pro-Ukraine groups - and I say so-called because they don't give a rat's ass about Ukraine - they have gotten it destroyed so that rich Western Oligarchs can come in and buy it all up --- is not arguments or logic in favor of supporting the war, it is rah-rah, for the US Empire.

I don't believe that the world can afford the US Empire, or any more war. Not to mention in order to bring this about we have seen the media turned into complete crap - both in our political discourse, and in global reporting.


LOL. "Conspiracy theorist" is a mental decease.


Sorry, I don't read moron.


Go find new conspiracy theory. What is the "conspiracy theory" of the day on your boards?


Mah Gawd ... what kind of crap is this you spew in almost every comment? You don't know what you are talking about and know no facts, and have no logic so you fill you vapid posts with this kind of garbage.


"That is airheaded US propaganda, and even the average American is starting to get a whiff of how much BS that is."
Naming MSM propaganda as US propaganda is inaccurate. MSM is not controlled by US government, if that was tha case they would have kissed Trump's ass every day while he was president. Maybe people owning MSM want to influence US government decisions ?


The biggest and most powerful media owners are Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk. Both seem to be good buddies, don't like democracy and free speech to much and they probably simp for Putin.


"The biggest and most powerful media owners are Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk."
That's a very simplified answer.
Rupert Murdoch owns now a relatively small percentage of News Corp.
Elon Musk ... he's like the Joey Zasa from G3. Just not worth talking about.
Maybe there are more ?


What? Who has more influence then? Twitter discourse is shaping discourse on traditional media (most Journalists are on twitter) and in the anglo saxon sphere murdochs outlets absolutely dominate the discourse. Complete coincidence that they seem to cozy up to each other:

Also: Its an open secret that murdoch doesn't consider Trump as winning elections anymore and openly favours DeSantis.


I’m anti war but pro Russia. Never been paid a dime. Never advocate my opinion. This entire war is a proxy banking, energy and weapons complex hostile act in order to create debt and suffering cuz it’s good for business🤬 Vlad Zel are paid billions 💰


It's funny to read this pathetic name-calling BS now that ... sadly over a year later after hundreds of thousands dead and Ukraine totally in ruins, the truth of what all the Russian puppets or America haters said is pretty much understood and common knowledge.

The documentation is still out there, from the very beginning about the Rand Corporate Think Tanks white papers over a decade ago talking about the key to destroying Russia is splitting off Ukraine, to Bush in 2008 promising that Ukraine and Georgia would be NATO members.

First Americans tried to pull what they have done in Ukraine in Georgia, and Russia had to defend their ethnic Russians being attacked in Ossetia.

Then the Russians saw the same thing going on in Ukraine, so they took back Crimea - which had been Russian since the 1600's - because it is a strategic interest of theirs and a huge investment. They also do not want US warships in the Black see and the Sea of Azov.

All of this is there, all of this is explained by the most brilliant well respected historians, international relations, military experts who lay it all out.

And sadly Americans are so gullible even after this has been done time and time again ... Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, South and Central America they still buy this silliness about how people who hate American for no reason oppose this war, or people are getting paid to tell the truth about this war.


Being delusional conspiracy theorist is a mental decease. Stop embarrassing yourself with that conspiracy nonsense and stop reading Tacker Carlson and other idiots. They are lying to you and make fool of you.

You have been very carefully brainwahsed by russian propaganda that you heard on trumpists sites o from conspiracy theorists-lunatics.
