MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > Brainwashing the whole world????

Brainwashing the whole world????

We are literally taking everything this man says to heart and hanging on his every word; that kind of power is scary!!! People refused to think for themselves. The whole world is wearing masks because he says so. I think this whole mask wearing bit has gone way out of control. I'm healthy as a horse and I don't believe I will get COVID with or without the mask. People are gotten to the point that they are completely obsessed with the mask; I only wear it so I don't get shamed or lured or taunted by people. In some counties if you are not wearing a mask, you will get a minimum of a $100 fine!!! Fauci has to stop scaring people and let people make decisions for themselves....


Ha ha! The QAnon crowd got kicked off of Parler and ended up here! :-)


Is there an ELI5 on this Qanon BS? I've seen it around the net, but I have no desire to do the digging.


What is an ELI5 ?


Explain Like I'm 5


You mentioned it ... what is it?

Oh .... never mind, I get it.


This Pandemic isnt going to last forever read some news articles he wants it to end as well


Fauci actually said the masks don't work.

Here's the interview -


"The masks are important for someone who is infected to prevent them from infecting someone else."

A direct quote from seven seconds into your video link.
MovieChat will probably not do anything since it is not Twitter or Facebook,
but my idea of a responsible website would terminate your account and delete all your comments.


So you only watched the first 13 seconds then?

How about you quote everything else that he said after that because that would be the responsible thing to do?

I'll add the highlights of what else he said so you don't have to.

0:20 - "Right now in the US people SHOULD NOT BE WALKING AROUND WITH MASKS."
0:29 - "Right now people should not be wa... There is NO REASON TO BE WALKING AROUND WITH THE MASK."
0:34 - "When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people "feel" a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet but it's NOT PROVIDING THE PERFECT PROTECTION THAT PEOPLE THINK THAT IT IS. And often there are unintended consequences (because) people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face."
1:00 - "But when you think masks you should think of healthcare providers needing them and people who are ill."

(Good luck having me removed from here btw, lol).


Did you not catch the fact that in order to have a functioning medical system we have to priorities PPE for health care workers?

Did you not understand the context at the time he said that,
- they did not yet understand that Covid-19 was transmissible before symptoms started to show, and
- that the sources of infection were small and isolated to specific areas where quarantine protocols and masks, etc, made sense.

It takes some brains and intelligence to correctly parse Fauci's comments.

I merely said someone who works against the free market place of ideas such as you is a drag against the country and the social network, and that most responsible websites would cancel your account.


You do realize that that video was from March. Science changes. Brontosaurus used to be a dinosaur. Science changes. It isn't called the novel corona virus because it's old and we know all things about it. Novel = New. As doctors and scientists learned more about the virus they changed their opinions. Same Dr. Fauci, 5 months later, saying a national mask mandate may be needed.


They dont understadn that they are enslaved and everyone else is. They are actually fine with it, most people will
go along with the tyranny, thats the kind of immoraity that is going on in teh world.




Cheap masks do NOTHING. NOTHING.

No amount of screeching or calling me names will change it.


I agree with you. My friend religiously wore his mask all the time and he was preachy about it too and guess what? He got coronavirus! Proof it doesn’t work!!


So your “science” is that one case proves that masks don’t work? Do you understand that there will always be outliers and that no one has said masks are 100% perfect. However, statistically, masks are proven to help prevent the transfer of the virus (and other things). Why do you think surgeons and surgery teams wear them? I guess I will take Dr. Fauci’s thoughts on this over least until you post your medical credentials. I’m anxiously waiting.....


I am not a doctor or anything but explain to me how a piece of clothing is going to protect you from a deadly virus. How can you account for the millions of people who got sick and died from corona? Mask wearing is enforced everywhere; we all wear them but people are still getting sick. I completely understand that doctors and nurses need to wear them when working with patients but how can you account for the general public getting sick even though we are wearing these dumb masks on our face? I think this a ploy to control and scare people. People are so paranoid right now (hence the brainwashing) that they forgot how to think for themselves...


Wearing the mask could be the difference between getting a mild viral does and only getting mildly sick OR getting a massive viral does and getting VERY sick. The virus multiplies exponential, and the faster it does that the harder it is for your immune system to catch up and fight back. Conversely, the less of the virus you have the slow it multiplies which gives your immune system the time to catch up.


In addition to @christomacin’s comments, do you have any ability to predict what the infection and fatality numbers would have been without mask wearing, social distancing, and restrictions on businesses? I’m guessing you don’t. Second question, are you going against trump’s hand-picked Surgeon General and his recommendations? Maybe you need to brush up on them. Or is he part of the anti-trump deep state too?


I wear the mask; I do and I don’t like it. I have a hard time breathing in it and it’s not healthy for you either because you are breathing in your own carbon dioxide. I social distance as well too. I was just inquiring that I don’t understand how a piece of clothing on our face can protect us from a deadly virus. Maybe there are things I don’t know or understand. I am honestly extremely frustrated with this whole thing. I just wish it was over. Sorry if I offended anyone; that was never my intentions.


Virus particles don't float free in air. They're suspended in tiny droplets. It's not that hard to understand how moisture you exhale is trapped by a cloth mask while air molecules go through it. Almost all of the virus is stopped but you can still breathe.

We can actually hazard a pretty good guess what would happen with no masks and no social distancing. Thanks to cell phones and tracking software we actually have an enormous amount of data about the mingling and traveling of people in our society. When you know how contagious a virus is, what the maximum range is that one person is likely to infect another, etc., you can model an epidemic spread quite accurately.

It's been done. Estimates vary somewhat but at least 2-2.5 million people in the United States would die if covid-19 was allowed to spread completely unmitigated and the pandemic burned itself out. That figure is probably much too low though. When the health care system is overwhelmed and patients are stacked up in hallways or parking lots because there isn't enough capacity, fatality rates skyrocket. Anyone who needs a ventilator is dead. Most people who just need a supplemental oxygen mask die too. Up to 15% of those infected would become casualties under those circumstances, as opposed to around 1% (or less) when your health care system is functioning normally and they can care for everyone who shows up.

We have highly effective and safe vaccines on the way over the next few months. All we have to do is not be colossally stupid for a little while longer and we're home free. Back during World War II Americans were willing to make sacrifices to support the war effort, everyone was pulling together - what the hell has happened to us? Too many people are unwilling to shoulder the slightest inconvenience. A lot of them are surprisingly candid that they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, and any requirement that they modify their behavior for the good of society is tyranny! Selfish children.


I'll say it. Fuck Fauci and Fuck the masks...99% survival rate and if you're healthy it's just like getting the common flu. I had it, didn't do shit to me other than take me down for a month LIKE THE NORMAL FLU WOULD.

So Fauci can shove his mask up his shriveled CDC asshole and go hang himself with it.


I’m glad it didn’t hit you too hard. I know a few people who got it and they said it was like a very mild cold and they were fine about five days later. I think if you are healthy, it’s like a mild cold; if you are unhealthy, it hits you hard.


I hate to say it, you're not supposed to say things like this, but it's too bad he didn't get sicker. Older and less healthy people are more likely to get in trouble but it can happen to anyone. There's a certain element of Russian roulette at play.

These ignorant anti-science numbnuts need to be scared straight and when they happen to experience mild cases it only reinforces their stupidity. It's a little counterintuitive but I think we might've had fewer deaths if the infection had a higher mortality rate - because people would be following health guidance religiously. We wouldn't have so many denialists with their heads up their asses. CaptainObvious probably thinks climate change is a big hoax too. Where do these people come from and how can we send them back?


