MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > Why no posts about Allah? Everyone alway...

Why no posts about Allah? Everyone always Dunkin on Jesus but too afraid to do the same with Allah



I'd dunk on Allah but didn't know he played basketball.


because 95% of people here are form western nations. our experience is largely with christianity. its why we focus on Christianity. that was hard to figure out!


Most atheists are cowards. They're more than happy to dump on Christians in the western world because they know we won't attack them other than with words. It's a typical bully mentality. They also resent how much power Christianity has had over American culture for the past 300 years, and aren't afraid to show it; whereas they willfully go deaf and suddenly have amnesia if you point out what atheists in power (such as Communist Russia/China) were/are like, which was/is monumentally worse. Atheism has killed more people than any organized religion ever did, and I can back up that claim with historical data if anyone wants to contest that.

However, atheists are terrified of either getting stabbed, their heads sliced off, or getting cancelled online if they DARE speak out against Muslims.


No lie detected


True atheists speak or think about religion the same as a 16 year old girl thinks or speaks about the photoelectric effect. They just don't care.
"I can back up that claim with historical data if anyone wants to contest that" - I kinda doubt that.


Is that a challenge? Because before I bring out my data, I challenge you to show data to the contrary first. Good luck, you'll need it.




I had a feeling you would say that. Too much of a coward to back up your doubts?




Good, it appears you have been reduced to a single word (with the same number of digits as your IQ) and have nothing more intellectual to say on the matter, and congratulations, you just proved my point that atheists are cowards. Good day, sunshine.


are you on your period?


if you can you will overnight become the most famous bible scholar in the world and done what no other archeologist or historian has ever done in history. may I see your data?


This is what is known as a "straw man argument". Which is constructing a false position ( a straw man ) that you ascribe to your opponent for the sole purpose of being able to easily tear it ( him ) down.

Are people who criticise Christianity also obliged to criticise Islam ? If I speak against the Republicans am I also obliged to speak against the Democrats ? It is nonsense.


No one claimed that those who criticise Christianity should also criticise Islam. That in itself is a straw man. The argument was that Christianity is a softer target, amongst other reasons which is why there is a complete double standard when
it comes to calling out religion especially in the media.


No one claimed that those who criticise Christianity should also criticise Islam.

You are a master at twisting things aren't you. No that is not what the OP literally said but it is clearly what he meant by direct implication.


Allah is not Jesus.

Allah is God/Yahweh.

Mohammed is Allah's prophet (his last prophet)

Jesus is also Allah's prophet (but not named Jesus)

To Christians, God is three: God the Father (Yahweh), God the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.

Yeah you can make a 1,000 posts that that is incorrect, and you'd be right.

I would argue that Christianity is the least crazy of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, and Islam is the craziest. I'd prefer none of them ever existed. Give me Bacchus and Diana.


God doesn't have their own Discussion topic. Neither does Allah.

It's lonely at the top!


"And God said, Let there be a forum, and there was a forum. And God saw that the forum was good."


That has to be the most pleasant Discussion on MC. Just jokes and light banter.


It's heaven. 😇


Here you go !

Tom Holland historian and author made a documentary called 'Islam the Untold Story' which aired in 2012.

The documentary looks at the historicity of Muhammad and surprise surprise Holland finds there is nothing in the historical record that goes back to Muhammad's actual life. Everything that is known about him was written well after his death the same as for Jesus. The upshot of the documentary is that Islam is a manufactured religion just like Christianity before Islam and Judaism before Christianity. Fakes and frauds. Not that religions don't have their benefits as well as their downsides of course.


Wow I am surprised that is up on YouTube. I remember it got many complaints by British Muslims and was never aired again by Channel 4 in the UK.


Tom Holland is a very brave man. It's a wonder he didn't get a Fatwa slapped onto him. Personally I had never heard of the guy ( let alone anything he had done ) up until a week ago when I stumbled onto an interview with him on Youtube. The guy is a bit of a genius in my opinion. His insights into ancient Rome, Christianity and even the Nazis among other things are compelling and fascinating.


Yeah, I noticed the post you made in General about him, I was not aware he made Islam: The Untold Story, I saw it when it was first shown but it was never broadcast again. Thanks for the link, I’ll watch it today.




just watched a great debate with apostate prophet vs a crazy muslim

this is the second debate ive seen the AP and hes great


Re-watched it again, I’m surprised that Tom Holland did not mention that the early Muslims most likely prayed towards the beauty and splendour of Petra, well away from Mecca.

Not surprising for nomadic tribes to be captivated by the wonders built there.

There was also no mention of Allah in Pre-Islamic History, but he was focused on historic Muhammad in this documentary so I can understand why.


Personally if it were up to me, this board would be for Christians only and anyone who hated on Christians on here would have their accounts deleted. That's how it'd be if I had it my way. You can't stand Christians? Post it somewhere else!


Surely there are plenty of places online for Christians to get together and talk to each other. And then there are Church services. This is an open Message Board and anyone can comment here. If you don't like free speech you could always move to China or Afghanistan.


I'm not against free speech. I am just tired of getting criticized for my faith on here. It would be nice to express my faith in Jesus without someone criticizing me for it.


Or in other words you're against free speech. Accepting free speech means that sometimes people will say things that offend you. You can't have free speech that isn't allowed to criticize your faith. That's trying to have it both ways.


Fine. I maybe went too far there. I'll just not be forceful again.


Look I sympathize but maybe you shouldn't come to this board at all if it upsets you.

