MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > The woke religion confirm they’re Satani...

The woke religion confirm they’re Satanic when they say that Jesus was an Arab

Because of one reason - the bible deliberately doesn’t care what Jesus looks like.

The bible places an emphasis on not judging people by the color of their skin. So therefore, any religion that does (wokeism) is anti-God, and therefore Satanic.


Most of the woke people have already denied Jesus. They choose to disbelieve and will still use His name for their woke talking points which is blasphemy as well.


Good point. They use Jesus as a hostage for their own depraved agendas. They don’t worship him, Marx is their God.


Stone the blasphemers !


Aye aye! Consider them so stoned.




Might as well not give him an image then since then anyone can draw him to whatever skin tone they feel represents them. Hence why you can't draw the prophet Muhammad I guess.


It’s not that it’s a rule not to describe, it’s just that it’s unimportant.

It’s like arguing about whether Jesus liked eating berries or not.


But did He?


Yes he did. He thought they were berry nice.


I mean, who doesn’t? That’s a 101 test on who’s a demon.




Jesus was a Jew


So what?


Berries are not Kosher.


Jesus was a Hebrew, an Israelite; and God in human form.




Not correct. You're only guessing that Jesus was God in human form.


demonstrate this


I think Jesus was Judean. Was there an Israel at that time? There was Samaria... Also I don't think Jesus would have been referred to as a "Hebrew," probably just a "Jew."


wow this sure is stretching. got any evidence god did those miracles? or god exists?


The fact that you exist makes me wonder if there's a God.


I didnt really you were a religitard too. explains a lot


You said you put me on ignore so I replied with nonsense to you. Expect more of these if you look hard enough. I even started a post about you too.


so does that make you any less of a stupid religitard? I mean I knew you were dumb, this just makes perfect sense why you would be incapable of logical thought.

hey remember getting destroyed on the other thread. you still advent manned up to your nosnense

1. chanting horrible things doesnt make you "just like the anzis"

2. being violent at rallies doesnt make you "just like the nazis"

3. providing me a video of a couple being harassed at dinner isnt "just like the nazis"

4. claiming this BLM lady is antifa (no evidence still provided) and then claiming "well of course everyone must believe like her she's the leader in Toronto!" is utter nonsense
then didnt give me anything. yaa that was fucking embarassing.


so does that make you any less of a stupid religitard?

Yes, because I just said it for kicks. Prove that it makes me a religitard.

A group that harasses people, chants for an entire group to die, and being violent apparently doesn't sound like Nazi behaviour to you. Guaranteed if the KKK did it, you would think it's bad. I mean, of course it's bad when the KKK does it, but it's also bad when Antifa does it.


so you are a retard. got it.

yes and that doesnt make the kkk "just like the nazis". the kkk had a specific history and tactics that they did....they came about first. so unless they share specific traits with them, then they arent. lol you just destroyed your own fucking argument clown. so again. ready to man up finally retardjoe? so again where was the "night of harassing couples in 1938" in Germany? your brain still isnt working clown. you dont seem to understand how categorization works. you are like an idiot claiming a dog is a cat because they both have four legs (were violent t a rally)... well lots of animals have four legs (groups violent at a rally). what SPECIFIC traits make a dog a a cat (make antifa exactly "nazi like")

so read to own up to your nonsense?
1. chanting horrible things doesnt make you "just like the nazis"

2. being violent at rallies doesnt make you "just like the nazis"

3. providing me a video of a couple being harassed at dinner isnt "just like the nazis"

4. claiming this BLM lady is antifa (no evidence still provided) and then claiming "well of course everyone must believe like her she's the leader in Toronto!" is utter nonsense

5. lying about what I said

man up for once retardjoe


I see once again that you refuse to mention negatives of Antifa. You looked at my comparison to Antifa and the KKK and completely skipped over it. You're so predictable.

You also skipped the part where I asked you to prove I'm a "religitard".


no you dont understand retard. its not about me. its about YOU and YOUR burden of proof.

yes I dismissed it because the topic is YOU demonstrating the nazis on the left. and your claim antifa are just like the nazis. so I asked before before SPECIFICALLY which parts of their ideology are nazi like.

I demonstrated how groups left and right, from libertarians to pro abortion right activists have been violent at protests. this doesnt make them "JUST LIKE THE NAZIS"

I gave you a dumbed down explanation of categorization. using a child level analogy of a dog and a cat. at the mental level suitable for your pathetic and weak intellect. and how having a similar thing in common, doesnt make it the same.

you STILL didnt get it. although im not suprised!so again! here is your chance retardjoe! you can finally save what scraps of dignity you have left, and man up!

admit you
1. lied about the blm lady
2. lied about me saying theres bunch of nazis on here.

and finalyl demonstrate the multiple unique nazi characteristics that make a nazi a nazi, and how antifa has those.

now I shouldn't have to tell a grown man this. but try not to lie :) like you did with that BLM lady clown.

come on. even a pathetic beta loser like you can do that!


The last conversation we had, you told me to stop talking about the conversation we had before that one because you said I was defecting. So now I'm saying you are deflecting for talking about our conversation before this one.


umm pardon? ya I called you out on your nonsense. you have been talking about that. you are getting utterly destroyed so now you want to say "dont talk about that!!!"

HAHAHAHAH you are being utterly rekt retardjoe. guess you cant man up and admit you lied multiple times


you are getting utterly destroyed so now you want to say "dont talk about that!!!"

But you literally did the exact same thing in our last conversation. I asked you to prove how I was a conservative and you accused me of deflecting because it was a previous conversation we had.


this conversation has been about your claims about antifa and nazis as well. you out of the blue decided you now want to change the subject.

so again. can you man up for once on this site retardjoe?

you are being utterly destroyed and embarassed. why did you lie?

1. lied about the blm lady
2. lied about me saying theres bunch of nazis on here.

this has never been resolved by you because you ran like a rat


Um... no. This conversation is about you claiming I'm a "religitard". You brought up that other stuff to deflect.

reply heres you. in BOTH our conversation threads running away. you never manned up to your lies. care to finally do that and we can move on to my evidence of you being a conservativE? here ill type it out for you

"I lied about that blm lady being antifa because I was trying to score cheap points and didnt have sufficient evidence"

and secondly

"I lied about you saying there was multiple nazis. you clearly demonstrated you only ever said there was one nazis. I made it up"

so ahead little bitch finally admit you lied


I manned up when I accused you of having two accounts when I was proven wrong. Name me one thing you manned up to. I'll wait.


ohhhhhhhhhh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I called you out. showed why it was utter nonsense. you still wouldn't admit it. showing you dont care about evidence in the slightest. and a mod came out of nowhere without even being asked to embarrass you and destroy you for everyone to see. when do they do that? never. they must have felt you were being so incredibly stupid.

what do I have to apologize on? and am wrong about? I come with receipts. I do my homework and provide citations.

on "evidence antifa is like nazis. out of 5 citations. 2 were of BLM LOLLLLL. and 1 you gave me a fucking video of some people out to dinner getting verbally harangued. yep, just like "nazi germany". then you whined that im "focusing too much on that source". LOLL you provided it clown.

I literally gave you a template example of a group who is nazi like. I compared very specific ideological beliefs and actions that directly not only mirrored the nazi, but were exclusive to nazis, and done to emulate nazis ""IE marching at night in uniform, with torches, shouting about the jews will not replace us"". SPECIFIC examples that point to specific actions and beliefs held nazi, that combined with the 4 other maples I gave of this group, are unique to "naziism". vs you who said "they did da violence at da rally so they are da nazis cause da nazis did da violence"

if you cant see the difference. honestly im not being mean. this isnt rude. I have to question if you are legit mentally retarded

we arent on the same level in terms of argumentation. im up here. you are

-> down here


once you finally man up ill being my multiple post/comment combing of your comments to show my evidence you lean conservative. its pretty easy. ive seen multiple positions you've taken that are on the right and none I can think of on the left.

but unlike you I dont just assert things. and I dont fabricate evidence :) it'll be fully sourced with citations to each comment on various conservative positions.

I do my homework. I bring receipts. you give fuck all and the most flimsy nonsense on here. fabricating a quote I never said.


The first interaction we had, you called me conservative. You have to prove it first. Why should I have to answer for myself (which I already did) when you haven't answered for your first claim?


Any confusion on the topic is silly...Everyone knows that Jesus was a White American!
