MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > My conversion testimony (as requested)

My conversion testimony (as requested)

I guess you could say that for about 20 years of my life I considered myself someone with Christian beliefs. That is to say, that I believed in the existence of Jesus Christ and that he performed miracles and was God in human form but that was the extent of it. I didn´t go to church. I found church-going Christians to be too preachy and judgmental. I remember being evangelized to as a 17 year old but thought Christians were a bunch of weirdos. (Now I know what people think of me now. lol)

I still wanted to live a worldly life. I was young and wanted to live the life that Christians weren´t supposed to live. None of my close friends were Christians. I considered what Christians considered a sinful life of pre-marital sex, drugs and alcohol, to be a normal part of growing up and being a young adult.

I remember my first supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit was at a church with one of my University friends who was a Christian. She invited me to watch Hotel Rwanda at her church with her. I didn´t have many friends since I had moved away from home, so I went along. At the end of the movie everyone prayed for the genocide victims, as we were praying I remember feeling a "force" in the room, that caused me to get goosebumps and my hairs to stand on end. I remember thinking in that moment that God was real as I already had believed and that what I felt was the Holy Spirit. That wasn´t enough for me to convert though, and I continued to live my worldly life.

Fast forward to 13 years later, I am not sure how it started but I started watching Christians street evangelizing on Youtube. I found the videos addictive and kept watching them. I considered myself a non-practising Christian at this point without realising that I hadn´t truly converted. I was what Christians refer to as "lukewarm". Typically these types of "Christians" believe in Christ as God but they reject his teachings on sin, and have a "live and let live" attitude. They don´t impose/evangelize their Christian beliefs on or to anyone because it doesn´t align with their own moral views or what society considers acceptable.

One day, I watched another Christian Youtube video. The street preacher was evangelizing to someone and said to the guy, that he loved his porn and other sexual sins too much to give it up, and for some reason in that moment, I felt convicted. I had watched porn since my mid teens, and never thought of it as being sinful, even though deep down I knew it was wrong. It was just another thing that you are introduced to when you are young so you feel like its the normal thing to do and that "everyone does it" so it can´t be bad.

I am not sure how much longer after that moment happened but I decided I wanted to quit watching porn. I just cold turkey quit. It was much easier than I thought it would be. After I quit porn, I still couldn´t quit masturbation because the urges were too strong but I was doing it way less and in my mind I thought its pretty much impossible to stop and I thought it couldn´t be a sin because no human can refrain themselves from doing it.

Around this time I began to read and study the Bible. Fast forward a few more months to late February of this year. A huge anxiety came over me, I wondered if I was still being sinful. I knew if I was still sinful that I would be condemned to hell when I died. So for a couple of days, I was consumed by this anxiety. I decided I was going to pray to God. During prayer, I felt tremendous sorrow for my sins. I prayed to Jesus to ask if I was still sinning if he could tell me if I was still sinning or at least guide me into not sinning anymore.

After my prayer I went to sleep. The next day I woke up with tremendous peace inside me, that no drug on Earth is capable of producing. The worry about salvation had completely gone and I realised I had received the Holy Spirit. I realised that I was now a child of God.

There were a bunch of noticeable behavioural changes after I had received the Holy Spirit. The urges to masturbate had completely gone, indeed I have not engaged in the act since I converted over four months ago. I used to swear alot. Swearing was a huge part of my life and I never thought of it as being bad or wrong but after I received the Holy Spirit, I found it unpleasant. I also found blasphemy unpleasant. I never blasphemed much but I notice every time someone say OMG and it hurts to hear it, you just want to tell people to stop but you know you can´t without them thinking you´re crazy.

Before my conversion, I would have been too scared to evangelize to people for fear of being judged even with the anonymity of preaching online. Sharing something like this testimony would have never have happened either. But now I don´t care about myself or what people think of me since I am now a servant of God who wants as many of his lost flock to come to him before they die. It won´t let me post more but feel free to ask further questions.


Sorry, I looked for this yesterday and missed it, let me read it over, thanks for taking the time to share your personal religious experience. It take real strength to talk about something so personal, it makes you vulnerable in a way that so many people are terrified to do, I appreciate you so much for going there.


No problem. My boldness is all because of Christ. If my testimony can help others to get to know the Lord, then that´s all I can hope for.


Billy, thank you for being a lamb among the wolves in this section of MovieChat. I salute you.

Not for nothing, I recall the parable of an atheist who died and found himself on the road to Heaven. He refused to walk it for 1,000 years. Then, bored to death, he put 1 foot in front of another and walked and walked and walked. After more time than man can ken, he passed through St. Peter’s gates, was thundersteck, and declared, “It would be worth all this time for just ONE SECOND of this bliss. Thank you, Lord, for your Love and Mercy.”

Bless you, Billy. I weep for the trolls who gambol here.


Thank you for sharing your experience. Do you have any favourite hymns or worship songs?


I actually don´t like Christian music. It all sounds very generic and cheesy to me but if you have any recommendations, feel free to share them. Sometimes random hymns from my childhood will pop into my head, this only started happening after I converted, I have no idea what the names of them are though.


If you want some hymns and if you know any religious people with a Methodist Hymnal try the song Lord of the Dance which is page 261 in the Methodist Hymnal. It's about Jesus' life, death, and Resurrection. Also try the hymns Amazing Grace, Great is thy faithfulness, blessed assurance, and how great thou art. Also I am a Christian but I still fall into the temptation of porn and masturbation from time to time. About 2 months ago I was able to go a period of 2 weeks without porn and then got back to it. It's hard to break. I admit something that I think is the only substitute is to fall in love with a woman, marry her, and then have sex with her to make babies.

But there seems to be no woman who wants to get with me. I can't seem to find a Christian woman who isn't just one of those Christians like you said you were who don't read the bible or who only read the Gospels but not the later books after them like the letters of the Apostle Paul. I have met people who call themselves Christians but vehemently insist that you don't have to follow the things Paul writes. They consider him an extremist.


Thanks for the suggestions. 2 Tim 3:16 says all scripture is Godly breathed. So I would not listen to people that oppose Paul´s writings.


That was very interesting. Thanks for posting.


You´re welcome.


There's nothing sinful about watching porn.


Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery with her in your heart.


Yeah, so? Doing that doesn't hurt her does it?

Plenty of Christians force women into marriage either thru direct/forced marriages or coerced social pressure. It's easy to blame Porn for being the Sin while actually degrading a woman's soul for ulterior motives outside of her own desires.


They are both sins. One doesn´t cancel out the other. There are plenty of sins that don´t directly "hurt" people. Sex before marriage, on the surface doesn´t hurt anyone either, its still a sin.


labeling things sins because you're afraid your god is gonna disown you is the very definition of superstition.


I didn´t label them sins, the Bible (God) did. If religion is superstition to you, why bring up whether porn is a sin or not? AFAIK, only the Bible and Judeo/Christian religions use the term "sin".


The bible was written by men so it's a label created by men, and you believe in those labels.


The Bible is written by men, inspired by God through the Holy Spirit. It´s fine, I accept you don´t believe it. Just odd you would get defensive over the "label you supposedly don´t believe in" when it comes to porn.


Because porn is a free enterprise. Calling it a sin actually promotes it and makes it more popular


Porn would be popular regardless of what its called because people love to sin.


What a load of absolute bullshit.


Thanks for reading.


No problem.


Ok, I'll say C-
But you're giving it away with the masturbation shtick


What !? You mean you don't believe a word of it !?


I remember my first supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit was at a church with one of my University friends who was a Christian


3 questions?

1. when you say "I remember my first supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit", did you realize when it happened "It was the Holy Spirit", or do you realize it now thinking back on it?

2. how were you able to detect the Supernatural? what demonstrable tests did you do to that confirmed the Supernatural is even possible, and once you did what no other person in history can/has done in detecting/identifying the Supernatural, How did you then eliminate all other possible supernatural entities and conclude is was in fact the Supernatural Holy Spirit

3. since you stated as a fact you detected the Supernatural and specially identified the Supernatural entity as The Holy Spirit, certainly it cant just be "A feeling" or your Personal Opinion, Please list the Investigative steps and Testing you used to confirm that which until NOW has been Impossible to detect by any one in HISTORY, I would like to try to test,confirm and repeat your results?

as we were praying I remember feeling a "force" in the room, that caused me to get goosebumps and my hairs to stand on end


again How did you determine there was actually "A force",how did you determine it wasnt just a "feeling?", what steps did you take to determine if there actually was "A Force"

Next, Is it possible for a person to get Goosebumps and have their hair stand up, Without the cause being A supernatural force ?

Please confirm how you ruled out every other NATURAL possibility for getting goosebumps and having hair stand up? Please list the steps you took to rule out the MILLIONS Of Natural ways it could occur and confirmed It could ONLY BE by a supernatural force?

how did you rule out, The goosebumps and hair standing wasnt caused by emotions you felt during Hotel Rwanda? maybe A certain scene or sequence in the movie struck emotions in you that you didnt realize at the time? what tests did you do to rule this NATURAL cause out before concluding it was a supernatural force?

how did you rule out That when you prayed, you felt genuine NATURAL emotions, Empathy and sorrow from the victims, That caused you to have these "feeling"?

The street preacher was evangelizing to someone and said to the guy, that he loved his porn and other sexual sins too much to give it up


Honest question here, is it your belief that If you are an atheist or claim you dont believe in god, its because "You Just want to Sin"?

for example Ray Comfort is a famous theist, and He apparently can read peoples minds because he doesnt believe atheists exist

he claims "everyone believes in god, everyone knows theres a god, because god has written it on every ones heart"...therefor, You have to be LYING if you claim you are an atheist, You have to be DENYING GOD because you dont want to give up "Sinning", he claims everyone knows god exists but those who deny him only do it because they love their Porn,sex,drugs and sinning too much ?

do you share these same thoughts?

A huge anxiety came over me, I wondered if I was still being sinful. I knew if I was still sinful that I would be condemned to hell when I died.


I'm truly sorry to hear this, Im not exaggerating when I say I know exactly how you feel...

I have horrific panic attacks all the time when I think about dying and ceasing to exist

Theres no answer for me, I'm happy you found something that relieved/erased your anxiety

but My question is, do you ever wonder./worry about other religious's Hell?

because while if your correct about your current beliefs, then Your saved from THAT particular hell, But what if Islam is true? what If one of the other 30,000 + different religious are true? your not saved from their Hell, In fact, the Odds are horrifically against you, I mean There over a Thousand different denomination of Christianity , all with their own version of hell...what are the changes you got it right and picked the right one?

and lets say you did, lets say somehow, You managed to hit the cosmic lottery and picked the correct version and you are in fact going to heaven....


1. It startled me in the moment. Can´t explain the feeling but like an intuitive feeling that there was a presence in the room, along with the other physical bodily reactions, but this only happened for a few moments during prayer, after prayer ended it left. I did not think about what it was at the time but on reflecting on it when I arrived home my gut told me it was the Holy Spirit.

2 and 3. As above, I am a human, not a scientist. I don´t think anything we have science-wise would be able to detect, the "spiritual realm" anyway. I can´t speak for other spiritual beings, although I believe in angels and demons. God won´t allow himself to be tested, it says so in scripture. If God wants to reveal himself to you or anyone else, I believe only he can do so. I am giving what my opinion is and what my experience was. You can interpret it anyway you want and make up any explanations for it you want.

As for the movie itself, whether the goosebumps was a reaction to the emotion of the movie, I don´t think so. I agree it was a sad movie but I rarely cry in movies, so I wasn´t that "touched" by it. I felt a bit awkward praying, I was barely a Christian at that point, I was not enthusiastic about praying nor did I feel "emotional" about it or the movie. The physical bodily reactions only occurred when the presence was in the room which was maybe less than 20 seconds. When it left, the goosebumps went away.

No, I don´t believe atheists believe in atheism just because they want to sin. Although I do think it makes it easier.
I know who Ray Comfort is. I think he´s a good preacher but not a very good apologist. I believe what he means is God´s law is written on on our hearts because we feel guilt, we have consciences but sin can harden our hearts so that we don´t feel guilt. I don´t completely agree with his argument. I think its a complex issue and I think atheists would have different reasons for being atheists.



The anxiety I had was not panic attacks. It was just a general feeling of anxiety and worry that wouldn´t go away. I had panic attacks when I was younger, when I used to drink alcohol and this was nothing compared to that. When one receives the Holy Spirit, every other religion is confirmed to be false, but I already knew that since my faith would have been false in the first place if I had believed otherwise.

I don´t believe someone´s place of birth automatically dooms someone into being condemned. As conversions to Christianity happen from all different religions. RE: picking the right denomination. I believe its possible for true born again individuals to exist in a range of different Christian denominations. Some denominations don´t have the correct theology but I don´t think that means that an individual cannot have a relationship with Christ put their faith in him and be saved. The real danger is to new believers who are not hearing the right gospel and so don´t know how to be saved.

For instance, many "Christians" believe you need to check boxes off a list to be saved, like getting baptised but the Bible says, salvation is through grace alone, through faith alone, through Christ alone. Any works you do are completely irrelevant and that what distinguishes true Christianity from all the other religions which are works-based faiths, including some false Christian faiths that believe "being a good person, doing good deeds will get you to heaven".
Many people, think, well if there is a God, he will judge me on being a good person. The problem is that we have all sinned in the eyes of God and none of us are worthy.



Thats means every single person in every single of the 30,000 + different religious's that lead Great Lives, honestly and genuinely dedicated their entire lives to doing good and worshiping the God/religious that they thought was right, Is and Will burn in Hell for eternity

lol somehow God created a systems that results in MORE good people going to hell than Heaven....

I mean again lets assume you picked the right one....Lets assume evangelism is true and what gets you to heaven...

I just looked this up, in 2010, it says there was about 224 Million Christians in the United States

and about 2 Million are Evangelical Christians ...

So, according to that, The all knowing creator of the universe, created a system where he did such a horrifically awful job relaying a Message, It caused BILLIONS of people to come up with 30,000 different ways to interpret that message.....and Will ultimate Lead to Nearly 99% of all people that lived great Lives, That dedicated their life to god, That did great deeds and genuinely thought they were doing good and worshiping the right GOD, Literally 99% of all these Great people will burn in Hell for it....

God Created a system where, You have to a 1 and 30,000 shot in the dark and you have to make that decision with NO Demonstrable data, and No evidence that can demonstrate its truth, and This systems Will lead to 99% of every human thats ever believes in a religion and worships god BURNING IN HELL

and since around 75%+ of the world's population is religious, that Means in the next 50 to 100 years....

around 25% of the population is destined to HELL for not believe in a god.

and about 74% of the 75% of the population who believes is destined for hell because They Lead great lives, did Great deeds, but unfortunately Picked the version

again I'm glad you are convinced you picked the right version, and you are now safe from hell, But I must say, The Odds are against you...

I think your anxiety should still be there but 29,999 X fold!

After my prayer I went to sleep. The next day I woke up with tremendous peace inside me, that no drug on Earth is capable of producing. I realised I had received the Holy Spirit


could you please point me to the drug trials you did that resulted in you ruling out every drug on earth?

How did you get prescriptions to every single drug on earth, which you could then investigate and confirm that no drug on earth could be responsible for this "sense of peace" you felt?

Is it possible for a Human to feel a "sense of peace" from purely nature means?

It is possible for a Human to honestly feel guilty about Masturbating and doing drugs and simply stop cold turkey purely on will and WANT?

how did you rule out YOU...... and genuine your WANT to change, and instead confirmed an invisible,undetectable, Supernatural force did it for you while you were sleeping....

lol your basically claiming A ghost broke into your house, put a 1 million dollars in your closest and then removed it before you woke up?

how do you know in fact know the ghost was ever really there?

how do you know The Holy Spirit entered you while you were sleeping, what proof do you have? how did you determine this is even a possibilities let alone, are claiming it actually happened?


You have asked me a lot so I am trying to get through this all.
"I mean again lets assume you picked the right one....Lets assume evangelism is true and what gets you to heaven..."

Just want to clarify here. Only thing that gets you to heaven is true faith in Christ. Nothing else matters. Not evangelising, nothing. My salvation, doesn´t rely on how much I evangelise now. I am already saved. Romans 8:9. I only spread the gospel, because i know what is truth, I am concerned for everyone that hasn´t been saved. People will take that as condescension but I mean it with the utmost sincerity.

So, according to that, The all knowing creator of the universe, created a system where he did such a horrifically awful job relaying a Message, It caused BILLIONS of people to come up with 30,000 different ways to interpret that message.....and Will ultimate Lead to Nearly 99% of all people that lived great Lives, That dedicated their life to god, That did great deeds and genuinely thought they were doing good and worshiping the right GOD, Literally 99% of all these Great people will burn in Hell for it....

It´s not about receiving the message. Many will hear the message and freely reject it. That´s what free will is for. And its much worse than you said. 220M Christians in the USA, I really doubt that amount that are truly saved. I would say probably 99 out of 100 Catholics are not saved. Many church-going Christians, who are preached a false gospel are not saved either. Matt 7:22-23 “On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ 23 But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’

Re: Peace feeling. I have taken many drugs in my lifetime as a sinner, that´s all I can say. In any case, I didn´t take any drugs, so what produced the feeling I felt was completely supernatural.


"Only thing that gets you to heaven is true faith in Christ."
So, a boy born today to Jewish parents will be brainwashed by his parents, from the moment he can comprehend, to follow the wrong religion. The only way he can get to heaven is to somehow figure that out and convert to Christianity. But in doing so, he has to break one of the ten commandments: "Honor thy father and thy mother"
Sounds like a twisted mind game to me.


Honoring your mother and father is not the same as believing what they believe. Moreover, many Jews are not even practising. They are Jews in name only or by ethnicity. I have a few Jewish friends, one is atheist, the other agnostic and both had very strict upbringings. One honors his parents by respecting Jewish traditions like religious festivals and eating certain foods even though he believes none of it. So, I think the idea that you believe what you are born into is kinda nonsensical to be honest. Likewise, I know Catholics who have new age beliefs, like belief in reincarnation. You can´t really call either Jew or Catholic even though they might identify as such on a census.


did you have a camera pointing at your bed when you were sleeping? did you capture footage of THS sneaking into your room and body? and did this footage capture him leaving your body(lol how does that work?) I mean THS cant stay in your body right? he's got BILLIONS on other people to visit right?

did THS leave a note under your pillow confirming he was in fact there?

did you do any investigating at all to try and confirm/prove A Supernatural entity entered your body while you were sleeping?

or is it honestly just......I woke up, I feel Peace, I dont think I'm going to masturbate anymore, I have concrete data now, YUP THE HOLY SPIRIT entered me....

also , did you give any thought to, Maybe the reason you dont have a desire to masturbate and swear , Is ......You were in a time in your life when you were deeply already afraid and having panic attack of going to hell, You see masturbation and swearing as Sins, which would only deeply your fear of hell and make you think you more worthy of hell, Could it be possible that your desires to no longer swear and masturbation are NOT coming from the Holy Spirit, instead a result of your deep fear of hell and you simply dont want to do them anymore because you consider them sins...that would further bring you closer to hell

whats more likely?, A fear of hell that caused you to change your behavior....

Or the Supernatural Invisible,undetectable force secretly entered your body while you were sleeping?

But now I don´t care about myself or what people think of me since I am now a servant of God who wants as many of his lost flock to come to him before they die.


Boy wouldnt be nice if the actually god shared your thoughts....

Instead he created a system where 99% of the population is going to burn in hell , 74% will burn in hell for being good people and picky the wrong version....25% will burn in hell for using Logic and be honest, and not believing something for which there is no evidence...

LUCKILY for everyone else though....IMO this isnt true....

no one is going to burn in hell.....

Unfortunately for me though, I'd prefer this evil and awful System to be true, well, I'd first hope that theres just a god that exists and none of the horrific stories in any bible or holy book is true...I hope theres just a god and if your a good person theres something beyond death....

But I would gladly take the EVIL God of the bible and his awful system that results in 99% of the population going to hell rather than The Eternal NOTHINGNESS that I'm convinced awaits us all

I would gladly take An eternity in Hell where I exist, think and have experiences, Over eternal nothingness....


God can manifest himself into 10 trillion beings if he wants to. Why does him being in me exclude him from being in someone else?
Re: Swearing, Masturbation. I liked both activities, I didn´t even know they were both sinful before receiving the Holy Spirit so saying that I quit for a fear of hell doesn´t make any sense. I simply asked to be guided into not sinning, I absolutely had no idea that swearing and masturbation were sins. I don´t think its humanly possible to not masturbate either, so if that´s not a confirmation of the supernatural i don´t know what is. Not sure how it is for women but definitely not for men.
