MovieChat Forums > Emily Blunt Discussion > Apologizing for remarks made in 2012

apologizing for what? Wanting Americans to be a healthy weight? So now it's more en vogue to promote Americans being subjected to dozens of medications to fight their diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and depression from being land whales that no one wants? Okay. That sounds much better. Corporations can profit from this! Go Big Pharma!


LOL. What they all need to do is just to ignore tantrums on twitter from crazies.


Apologizing for telling the truth, huh?


Derogatory statements like that don't just demean the person they are directed at, but all people of size.



People of size lmao. That's a new one. I have to assume you're trolling otherwise I would wonder how you manage to climb out of your pit every morning and face the scary world.


I hope you're joking.


To be fair, she should have used the socially acceptable term "portly" to describe the obese.

It may have been acceptable, and even seen as humourous, to use phrases like "you fat fuck" back in the day but really, people in the public domain should be more careful in their wording and be aware that at some unspecified time in the future whatever they say could come back to bite them.


"corpulent" or "heavy" seem to work too. I think "big-boned" has been rumbled though.


My relatives used to refer to my fat cousin Mike as "husky". I never hear that one anymore.


The obese woman could very well be dead now anyway

Btw I had to lol at this on The Guardian FB comments about the story

Naughty naughty Emily!, your punishment: a smacking of your bottom! (skirt raised up of course, and wearing stockings & suspenders!). Oof!






If her remarks saved even just one fatso's life by making her or him consider eating less and exercising more, they were worth it.
