MovieChat Forums > Vladimir Putin Discussion > Total victory in a few days

Total victory in a few days

He basically rebooted the Cold War and a Christianized ☦️USSR(NATO too)...Lockheed Martin and Raytheon love him. Buy their stocks. Chinese Puppet Biden pushed Russia to China forever. Now China has 8000 nuclear bombs thanks Sleepy Joe WW3 will be quite a show..☢️💥
Ukraine is finished...Now it's Taiwan's turn to be annexed.


Murderer Liliputins useful idiot speaking...


It's been a week, and Kiev has not fallen.

The Ukrainians might lose, but they are earning the respect of the world.


Exactly: it's been a week. In Iraq it took weeks to take the capital. In Vietnam, taking the country took... oh, well, it never happened.

German Blitzkrieg, the textbook example of a successful quick attack, it took a month to Warsaw to fall.


Even if it does, it will rise again. Ukranians have had a taste of freedom and no longer want the old cold-war Russian control and miserable living it brings.

The Russians will eventually tire of the constant attacks on occupational troops and the puppet regime will eventually fall.


Yup. Ukraine has the benefit of seeing what happened in Afghanistan for decades. Studying how the Taliban operated. It will be an unpleasant period that most likely goes on for years but Russia will be the losers here.

It wouldn't surprise me if there is a forced regime change internally in Russia. War is simply bad for business for most of the residents, be they oligarchs or regular people. How many 20 year old Russian soldiers can Putin send to their deaths and wealthy Russians lose billions before someone intervenes I wonder.


Reports say Pute is psychotic and won't let anyone near him. Still, there's got to be a way.

If there's any good that might come out of this, is that China is watching the world's reaction to what Russia is doing. Taiwan has a fair amount of F-16s, which should be a reasonable match against China's J-20. It would be a big gamble to take if the J-20 gets embarrassed by the F-16.


He's borderline Bond villain at this point. Sitting at the end of all these massive long tables. He looks like a total buffoon. He'll get a lap cat soon, I'm sure.


Ukraine will never be finished because the people of Ukraine will never submit to Russian rule.


I don't think that he is going to win easely on the ground, but he surely is losing the war for people's hearts and worse - the economic war.


There is no winning this war for Putin. Sure, he might take the country eventually. Weeks, months, years? But to think holding the country is a win? Nah. The Ukrainian people don't want his storm troopers there. They will not accept it. Ever.


Ukraine can and will win. The economic situation inside Russia will make this inevitable. However, this is operating on the assumption that the world has weeks, months and years left for this to happen.


You're delusional you are brainwashed by the Dem and Media narrative


lol. Talk about brain washed. You're buying Russian propaganda hook, line and sinker. Ukrainians want nothing to do with Russia. They wouldn't be fighting so hard if they did.

Let me guess. You probably don't even think there is a war going on and it finished after only a couple of days? Unbelievable.




Tucker Carlson has entered the chat.


Feels like a total troll post. Putin’s endgame practically ends with his life. He didn’t plan this well enough…and it hurt him that Trump didn’t win the election.

Even if he takes Ukraine, he’s burned every bridge that he ever had. If the Ukaranian President dies, he instantly becomes public enemy #1.

IMO, his own country is going to eliminate him, because even his own country hates him for what he’s done. His own army doesn’t want to do what he’s ordering to do.


Wow you're a real lobotomised NPC of MSM


Yeah, and I’ll take a wild guess that you’ll blame it on Biden when you’re wrong 🙄. Putin doesn’t have a logical escape from this situation that doesn’t involve either his death or his capture. He’s toast, and you’d be ignorant to not realize it.
