MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > Wow, who did this guy p* off?

Wow, who did this guy p* off?

The way the media is playing up the nothing burger of his comment about whites fighting (I thought Kevin Hart said white people don't fight at all?), it's clear he's angered somebody very, VERY powerful.


Joe Biden?


Why does anyone care what the government controlled “news” at ABCNNBCBS say? They lied about Russia collusion for 7 years. They lied about the so-called “vaccine” being safe and effective. They lied about WMDs. All they do is lie. The Demokkkrat lemmings can always be counted on to fall for it.


True. But when they focus on someone like this, it means they REALLY want that person gone. And that means that person said something REALLY dangerous to the establishment.


keep wasting your life praising jebus


You clones are so tired. March off a cliff already.


keep wasting your money praising climate scientists.


Lying is the topic of the day


He nailed it.

Lying is fine in the name of ourdemocracy™️


Oh, please. The government does not run the news networks. The FBI did a year-long investigation that proved there was Russian interference in the 2016 election. Look up the Mueller Report. The Vaccine was safe for most people---it was a hell of a lot better than dying from Covid. Only dumbass paranoid Qnon conspiracy nutcases like you believe the stupid bull*** you're spewing.

carlson got kicked to the curb by fox because he'd already pissed off some of his bosses there, was being sued for sexual harrasment by a former assistant, and was arrogant enough to think he was bigger than fox. The fact that his messages revealing that he couldn't stand trump were all over the news during fox's defamation trial didn't help him either. The fact is, fox made him, and so they could break him. The fact that he got shoved out of there so quick obviously means that he'd pissed off too many people there. Of course, since he was pushed out of fox, he hasn't had anywhere the same viewership numbers. But then, he's not a real journalist---just a racist clown who admitted to making up stories half the time, when he couldn't be bothered to actually look up any facts on anything. His little show on X really isn't a big deal, and the fact that he interviewed some ex-con with some ridiculous bull**** story of claiming to have slept with Obama just showed how damn desperate he was to make any headlines---what a big fat fckg joke. Nobody gives a damn about carlson with his tired-ass fake laugh anymore.


Lol! Keep watching John Oliver, lemming. Let us know when you finish grade school.

Keep your eye on the Democrats around here, you know how they love little boys.


An articulate accurate rebuttal of pretty much everything these clowns bang on about here , well done!
You wont get through to them though , they are beyond saving .

I would have bet the reponse would have contained "Sheeple" , but GD150 has gone with "Lemming" , the other go-to term they use when responding to a reality check post.


This is all about his opposition to the 100 billion dollar boondoggle in Ukraine. The arms industry is making too much money to allow this guy a pulpit on Fox.


Blackrock. They own a big hunk of Fox. Depending on your sources they also a big hunk of Dominion voting systems and were ticked off that Tucker questioned the results of the last election. Anyway, Blackrock sued Fox and made taking Tucker off the air part of the settlement.

Tucker is not fired. In fact, Fox is suing him for breach of contract for sharing his opinions on Twitter. I think that's a suit Tucker can win.


Actually, someone mistakenly started the rumor on twitter that BR owns “Dominion Voting” shares, which is incorrect.

They own shares in Dominion Energy Inc. which has nothing to do with Dominion voting.

The posts misrepresent BlackRock’s ownership of 59 million shares in Dominion Energy Inc., a Virginia-based power and energy company that is unrelated to the voting technology firm.

BlackRock owns 15.1% of Fox Corp.’s Class A shares, which are the mass media company’s non-voting shares.

BlackRock Inc. ownership in D / Dominion Energy Inc


So Blackrock is just one of our corporate overlords who think they can tell us who we can listen to or not.

I loved that Tucker -- with properly brushed hair this time -- dropped another segment. A little flakey this time -- "It became clear that President Obama had a deeply weird personal life" (Tuck must love lawsuits) -- but he's making it clear that our corporate overlords can't sideline him until 2025 like they wanted to.

I'd like to hear his take on recent events.


Heard today BlackRock has 11 trillion dollars under management.

Can’t tell you how many times I heard the Democrat media screaming when companies like Enron failed and how come we let them get so big. Blackrock is the biggest money manager in history. Not a peep from the Democrat media. Why? Because they’re using their power the blackmail corporations into pushing the pedo agenda and Democrats love pedos.

BlackRock executives are on video bragging about how they force the biggest corporations in the world to comply. Small companies like GE, and ATT, and Disney, who just happen to own ABCNNBBCBS and their news bureaus.

Someday soon BlackRock will fail, and Democrats will all claim they knew it was going to happen and they tried to warn people.


Exactly, BR is at the very top pushing all that trans/pedo agenda.


It's X now, so any contract with Twitter restrictions can get fucked. LOL


His overlords, the Murdoch’s


The Murdoch's what? Oh, you must have meant the Murdochs.
