MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > The White Nationalist we didn’t deserve

The White Nationalist we didn’t deserve

He’s doing the noble, but thankless job of raising awareness for White self-determination. Thanks’re ahead of your time.

White ethno-state, that’ll be the last taboo phrase that will make it into the mainstream...once it does...that’s how we’ll know we’re finally free. Or very well on the way to being so.


Yeah . . . . . we white people are so downtrodden in this country.

So thankful to have a wealthy white guy stand up and speak out.

Especially one so dishonest most of the time.


You can stay in the Diversity States of America, it’s not mandatory to live in a future white ethno state. Just know that you must accept your decision, there’s no do overs.

When your side of the country gets on the high road towards South Africa, Zimbabwe and can’t bang on our door pleading to be let in. You’ll have made your bed...and you’ll have to accept your fate. When the machetes get sharpened for your’ll remember these haughty words you just spoke.


LMAO that last sentence. You're a weird little guy


Enjoy your Favela



Enjoy your smugness for now...that smirk will turn into a grimace


Enjoy your Favela


I’ll be in a functioning country. So you’ll get to enjoy all the “diversity” you can handle.


White people are the only group in America who have legitimate grievances. Others shouldn't complain and be luck to live with White people.


He speaks the truth and directly all the time. It's no surprise you goobers hate him..


Please show me what he said that indicates he’s a “white nationalist”. If you can’t then you should apologize and he should Sue you for slander


Someone needs to start standing up for us because liberals have made it clear they want to wipe us off the map.


whos is "us" ? white people?
Arnt most liberals white?


White liberals don’t speak for us and they never will.


I hardly watch American TV and rare occur I saw his channel he came across a well informed and made some interesting points.
Where can I find the footage of him being a white nationalist? That would be very disappointing to see him spreading such views.


As usual this forum,








He has never said anything to indicate he is a "white nationalist". He speaks the truth (not "his" truth or any of that kind of woke nonsense, but the actual truth, based on data and rational observation). The left, especially the lunatic woke division, hates it whenever any rational person speaks publicly.


You’re implying I’m a leftist lol.

I love Tucker, especially for his budding White Nationalism. Just a week ago he dared talk about “The Great Replacement.” Nobody wise as high up as he is dares to touch that subject.

But he did. Kudos to him.


Just reports facts and informs people. If you disagree you’re a dumbass lemming. Skin color is irrelevant.


Non whites don’t see it as irrelevant. Only dumb, naive white People who are almost always; liberals, libertarians or boomers still cling on to that “colorblind society” Schtick.


Plenty of non whites see it as irrelevant. The ones who are educated on modern politics and reality and realize they are in charge of their own success.

The ones whining are the ones that continuously vote for their Democrat slave masters and have been kept in their inner city plantations for the century. Just see south central, Chicago, Baltimore, Philly, etc….name any Democrat run big city. All shitholes. All making empty promises to people they claim to represent.

Your bigotry doesn’t help anyone.
