MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Pansy will never take or give a punch w/...

Pansy will never take or give a punch w/o a gun....

Just another lily white coward without a gun.


Would you mind standing still for a moment while I shatter your skull with my skateboard?

No, you won't? Pussy.


lol, well put.


I wouldn't put myself in such a position in the first place and fuck around in a place I had no business being in the first place.

And where is your DD214? Oh, wait, you are a MAGA Cult member, therefore, too big of a coward to ever stand for your country.


Hate is a cruel mistress, and not healthy as a primary staple in one's emotional being. You aren't hurting anyone but yourself with these outbursts, so why indulge?


I grow weary of these insecure fanboys who have never sacrificed one iota of anything while pretending to be upstanding brave citizens while using firearms as crutches to prop their fragile egos up.

If they were really brave they would look up some military recruiters or join law enforcement (oh, wait, better yet, don't join law enforcement because their tiny male egos won't survive or they will do some sort of stupid shit like shooting anything that moves).


Gotcha, but is it really your opinion that living with all this anger and hatred is good for you, or can make any changes to the world? Most likely your treatment will make them dig in their heels even more. One thing I learned, and it didn't come easy for me, was that I only have power over myself and I can't even influence those that proclaim to love me. All it did for me was drive a wedge between me and whoever I was attempting to change to a form that I would prefer which made my anger/hatred grow exponentially. This is the stuff of the stoics, something you can study if you like, and it is the path to inner peace, or serenity if you prefer. It's referred to as 'acceptance', and goodness does it set one free. You deserve better bud, and that's my own opinion.


Ah, I get your point, but you know, sometimes you just have to pull out the Porta Jonny Hose and jam it right in their mouths because that is all they understand (especially because all these MAGA clowns have been doing for the last five years is gladly gobble down Orange Buffoon create shit).


Your obsessive derangement is showing


He's also afflicted with Rittenhouse Derangement Syndrome.


in a place I had no business being in the first place.

Like the career criminal thugs that burned and looted at several hundred other riots?

BTW, MAGA is for our country. If you're not MAGA, than you stand against our country.


All those riots happened under Trump's presidency and he didn't even lift a finger to help any of the communities effected by those riots.

If you're not MAGA, than you stand against our country.

The MAGA cult is about dead and most Americans hate Trump especially since he's a 34 times convicted felon with 3 more trials coming up. So you claim that most Americans stand against our country just be they won't support a felon. Figure it out, dumbshit. Trump is through and he will never be president again. Sucks to be you! 🖕🏻


Those riots were caused by leftoids like you.

Trump called the NG and the governors of those cities refused it.

Myself and others have mentioned this to you several times and you continue repeating the same nonsense.


Then show us the evidence of your claims. It's a simple request and with you refusing just proves how stupid you are and that you have nothing.

I don't get it. You are not an American citizen so why do you worship Trump?

Trump called the NG and the governors of those cities refused it.

If you are really an American you would know that mayors run cities and governors run states. Just more proof your not an American citizen.


Are you splitting hairs again?

Unlike you, I voted for Trump twice and will be voting a third time in November.

No one here is going to provide an old troll like you with anything. You're a clown with zero credibility.


I busted you again. If you are really an American you would know that mayors run cities and governors run states. Just more proof your not an American citizen.

If you had a single shred of evidence that you claim to have you would have published it by now. Proving that Trump won in 2020 as you claim would be a huge help for Trump and his supporters. Why don't you release your proof?

Goodnight, Goober. Now go fuck yourself.


Mayors or Governors, it's irrelevant, the point is that when Trump called the NG to assist with the riots, they refused it.

And yes, Trump won the 2020 election.


I am sitting here laughing my ass off at your stupidity! Where is your evidence that the 2020 election was rigged? If you had anything you would have posted by now. You are such an idiot even Trump hates you. But you are a foreigner so I see why.


Hey groomer, why do you insist on asking for it? At least try answering honestly for once.


Governors run states and mayors run cities. All US citizens know that and even children know. Tell us... Where are you from?


And yet:

"Democratic Governors Reject Trump’s Call to Send in Military"

"Several Democratic governors on Monday pushed back against President Donald Trump’s threat to deploy the U.S. military unless they dispatch National Guard units to “dominate the streets” in reaction to the violence that has erupted across the country."

Cities are within a state, so I was correct to begin with.


Cities are within a state, so I was correct to begin with.

Nice try, moron. I busted you again that you are stupid and not an American citizen. You should be embarrassed of yourself.


Are cities within a state? Yes or No?


Gee... I just don't know. Are cities run by governors or mayors?


You didn't answer the question.


Are cities within a state? Yes or No?

Of course cities are within a state. What is your point, dipshit? You believe that cities are run by governors not mayors. This proves you are not an American citizen and that you are very stupid.


Did you read my quotes? Of course you didn't.

Governors govern the state; and the cities "within those states" refused the NG/military assistance. Mentioning "the mayors" is irrelevant.

Read my quotes again and find the articles for it.

Once again, sophistry is all you have.


You showed your stupidity and gullibility by telling me that governors run cities. Now you are back peddling but everyone knows that you are not an American citizen. You are pathetic.


Are you saying that cities are not within a state?

Are you saying that mayors supersede governors?

Are you saying that the article I quoted is wrong?

Once again, your sophistry is rejected.


Are you saying that cities are not within a state?

Of course cities are within a state. Duh... If you were an American you would know this.
Are you saying that mayors supersede governors?

In many cases, yes.

Are you saying that the article I quoted is wrong?

What article? Provide a link please.
Once again, your sophistry is rejected.

Sophistry? Thanks to you I learned a new word today. I guess you're useful for something.


I will rephrase the "supersede" question since you're playing dumb as usual.

Who has more power and responsibility? The governor or the mayor?

You can use my quotes to find the article. It's already self-explanatory.

Sophistry = An imbecile using irrelevant arguments and fallacies since they are too 'simple minded' for actual rebuttals.


Pansy will never take or give a punch w/o a gun....

In a way, you just made a pretty good connection between the protections of the 2nd Amendment specifically and the Constitution as a whole.

The Constitution protects the rights of everyone, including those who don't have the number of votes to fend off the whims of the masses - and a gun protects the rights of everyone, including those who don't have the strength to physically fight off the masses.

Pansies may be pansies but even pansies have the right to protect themselves. We don't base right and wrong on might.

Well done.




See, only pansies and those insecure go places they have no business while armed and most likely because they have some sort of wet dream hopes of tugging on their surrogate micropenis (for your edification, that is a reference to a firearm trigger). You know, just like yourself.....


You are correct - guns allow even tiny penised pansies like myself have the means to defend ourselves against big burly he-men like you. Might does not make right.

Again, well done.


So you want to be able to control where people go now? And you think we're the fascists???


And why is everything about dicks with you people? Are you really that insecure???


Ah, another micropenis dude....


You obsessed with my dick now?

Why does the idea of an American citizen defending himself trigger your insecurity to such a lofty degree?


He is a great American.


Let's see... Rittenhouse murdered two people, dropped out of high school, failed in an attempt to join the Army and he's fat and stupid with no future. Yeah, he's a great American! 🤣


That's called projection. You were kicked out of the military, you're fat, lazy and leeching from the establishment.

Too bad that you're triggered because Kyle ended one of your groomer buddies.


I have a DD-214 and a Veterans Health Information Card (VHIC) to prove you wrong. If I was kicked out of the Army then why do I receive all the benefits that I deserve? I just don't give a shit about if you believe me or not. You are an insignificant piece of trash on a public message board who is alone and stupid.

The two people who were shot by Rittenhouse were pieces shit who aren't my buddies but it wasn't up to Rittenhouse to murder them. You worship Rittenhouse so send him some of your money. He's falling apart and needs your help. Maybe you can step up and help Rittenhouse’s family who's about to be evicted from their home because he has turned his back on his family. What a hero.


All you have is the military version of welfare that you didn't earn after four years of doing the same thing as a trained monkey.


I know you hate the US military just as Trump does. You comments here prove that. Since you are a foreign citizen that makes sense.

At least you learned something tonight. Governers run states not cities, dumbass.


The military hated you, that's why they were glad to get rid of you.
They are better off without you. Groomers don't belong in the military.


Murdered? You know he was tried and found not guilty, right? He never should've been charged in the first place. The fact that you're an Army vet who would say something so unbelievably stupid is shameful.


It's the libbie way - take any incident and use the biggest and best word to describe it to maximize something..

*Self defense is "murder"
*Israel fighting a war against it's attackers is "genocide".
*Capital riot by knuckleheads is an "insurrection".

And, use the opposite to minimize something..

*Illegal aliens are "undocumented"
*Abortion is "choice" or "reproductive rights"

When describing something accurately disproves your point, change the language.


LOTS of retards in the military, make no mistake.


Nothing makes racist bullies angrier than when their victims stop being victims.

Very telling you identify with the bullies trying to murder a child, and you consider the skin color of the child important.


What are you talking about?


Are you often confused by how forums work?


Ah, an obvious MAGA Cult member that is unable to answer a simple question. Now fuck off because since you like to hurl insults as an opening, you are clearly one MAGA ass I have no interest in replying to.


See your whole problem is in your screen name "Trumoviefan" you see everything out of the lens of the script they provide you instead of looking at the reality of the situation and it's so incredibly sad.


His meaning was clear. You identified with the attacking mob, not the would be victim.

Now, you have your answer. Now what?


For one thing, he is not a child. For the next, he had no business being there and I bet the sick duck was hoping he would get a chance to pop off a few rounds. Real men do things like joining the military or public safety.....oh, wait, most like you fanboys, he lacks the skills to do so.


You keep saying he had no business being there. Explain.


>For one thing, he is not a child.

He was a child when a child rapist tried to kill him, and then an illegal gun owning felon chased him down, and a communist man swung a skateboard at his head as he was on the ground, and another man tried to dropkick him in the face.

A child is a person who is under 18.

>I bet the sick duck

Who gave you a phone?

>Real men do things like joining the military or public safety.

Children aren't allowed to join the military or "join public safety," but he did improve public safety

>most like you fanboys, he lacks the skills to do so.

Most "fanboys" lack the skills to join the military or public safety? What?

Do you know what thread you're posting on? Do you know who Kyle Rittenhouse is?


A violent mob was burning down his community. Thus he had every right to be there to try to protect it.

That you think otherwise is nothing but a manifestation of our cultural decline.

The way he defended himself, when ATTACKED BY THE MOB, shows that he is a real man.

And the point is, you are siding and identifying with the murderous madman and his pack of barely human animals, instead of the YOUNG MAN who was protecting his community.

Have you ever heard of the Mouse Utopia Experiment?


You sound like the prosecutors in his trial who tried to say he had no right to defend himself. WRONG.


When you realize they're so bloodthirsty that they want to kill children, their actions make a lot more sense.

Rittenhouse's actions are not from a person who wanted to kill anyone. He fled for his life, twice. They chased him down and attacked him, four times. Once when the convicted child rapist charged him, once when dropkick man tried to kick him in the head as he was on the ground, once when skateboard communist swung a skateboard at his head, and another when the one-armed medic drew and pointed his illegally owned firearm at the child and had his bicep blown off in response. The child even lowered his firearm when the fake medic pretended to surrender (perfidy) and then raised it when the fake medic pointed his illegally owned firearm again. Only then did he fire to stop the threat. He was in the process of fleeing to the line of police. They wanted him dead. Bicep-medic even admitted in the hospital he regretted not murdering Rittenhouse when he had the chance.

The actions of his attackers are those of people who want to kill someone. The words of people like the OP are those from someone who want a child dead for the crime of standing up to their ideological cult of death and bloody hatred.


Oh no, what happened to the OP? Moment of silence for yet another dead troll.

Not really.
