MovieChat Forums > Osama bin Laden Discussion > Why is Gen Z idolizing this guy ? Will t...

Why is Gen Z idolizing this guy ? Will they start hanging posters of him on their walls now?

They are fawning over this crazy guy


people do it with hitler and mao, so i am not surprised.


He stood against everything the Left (supposedly) believes in. He was racist, sexist, and homophobic. He was an all-around bigot.

Either they’re that stupid, or they’re finally admitting what kind of people they really are.


correction: ,,,they’re finally SHOWING what kind of people they really are.

They're too blinded with prejudice to understand what kind of people they are.


What ethnicity are those Gen Zs?


mostly white, upper middle class


Are there more white, upper middle class than non-white Gen Zs?


I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. The handwriting was on the wall long ago. Right after 9/11 "Ethnic Studius" Prof. Ward Churchill, teaching at the University of Colorado Boulder, called the workers who lost their lives in the twin towers "little Eichmanns," and asserted that their holding down their jobs in private-sector businesses in those buildings was "ongoing genocidal American imperialism."

At the time, once over our initial outrage, we dismissed him as a stupid crackpot, which of course he was. But he was still a teacher influencing impressionable students at a mainstream American university, and while his views are at an extreme, there are lots of other professors who share his ideological bent, even if they have not ridden the crazy train quite as far down the tracks as he had. That teachers as morally inverted as he is have been allowed to keep their jobs at taxpayer-funded institutions like that is a disgrace, and because we have tolerated such radicals in our universities, we have reaped a bumper crop of students who have been indoctrinated to despise their country and hate their own civilization. Is it any wonder that they are finding themselves largely in agreement with a terrorist scumbag who hated the United States with murderous fury?

This should really serve as a stark warning of the vital necessity of tearing down academia as it now exists, and remaking into something that will not act as a fifth column in our society.


To your point Adam Kinzinger explains why extremism must be stopped at the beginning. His reasoning starts at 4.05


I don't think too many people disagree with that sentiment. The disagreement comes when you try to define extremism. One man's extremist is another man's moderate.


Ignorance and a desire to be “different” and “edgy” reinforced by the communist Democrat party education abortion.


You could start of by telling us why you idolize bin Laden so much. That might give us a clue why your generation (Gen Z?) does so.


So some tiktokers say that they agree with parts of his letter, and now that means they idolize him?

This is just another effect of media manipulation. I mean the media brings attention to something that wasn't really all that popular and then it goes from 1 million views to 13 million.

Did you consider the parts of the letter that they may be agreeing with? Isn't the letter filled with antisemitism? I mean right now with the Gaza situation aren't anti Israel sentiments pretty high?

I think before anyone jumps to generational assumptions, maybe look into it a little more? Or post clips of these people who are "idolizing" him.

Edit to also add

How is this any different?

[–] Galilguy (2134) 17 hours ago
There’s no fixing these indoctrinated Leftist sociopath eunuchs, there’s only avoiding them.

[–] Daft_Munks (2497) 17 hours ago
What about shooting them?

Sure these posters are just talking about it, and not actually doing it (I hope) but most terror groups, and then attacks start with people who talk like this.



I'm sorry, I don't understand how it's a horrible take.

I'm talking about how this wasn't really a big thing until the media brought it to the public's attention. If you took that I am agreeing with anyone idolizing Bin Laden, then I did not express myself well enough.

I have no interest in seeking out these videos. I was asking what makes the OP say that these kids are idolizing him. In their videos what were they saying they agree with? Was the the anti semitic parts? Was it kill all Americans? I don't know.

My issue is the generalization of an entire generation based on a few people's tiktoks. That's how groups make it about "us vs them" I posted the comments from other users as an example of "us vs them" which also includes sentiments of violence. How is that different from terror groups?

I look at these things in a way not to agree or disagree with someone, but more to understand why someone would agree with a murderous terror group. I mean you brought up

at least the Nazi’s made the trains run on time
...that's not what I'm talking about. I want to know how Hitler's followers could actually agree with him. What is making these kids agree with Bin Laden?

Again, how many are there? Even if there were 100s of them, that's not an entire generation. This is my issue with this.


I understand now and deleted my post. I knew I had to be reading you wrong.


I'm glad. I really don't want to seem that I'm agreeing with anyone defending or agreeing with Bin Laden.


He was a good guy set up by Israel!
