MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump....shut your trap!

“I understand you’re probably eager for me to do that,” the judge continued.

“I would love it,” Trump replied, according to several outlets.

“I know you would,” Kaplan said back. “You just can’t control yourself in this circumstance, apparently.”

“You can’t either,” Trump muttered, according to The Associated Press.

you gotta luv The Trump!


Anyone else would be in contempt of court.


TheDemon SAID....."Anyone else would be in contempt of court".
Very true! Trump is such an embarrassment. I don't find his antics anything to be proud of. Trump supporters are probably ecstatic that he is behaving in this manner. I will never understand that.

Let's not forget......Trump has been found GUILTY of sexual assault. This trial is to determine damages Trump must pay.


you luv The Trump! just admit it!


[–] JoWilli (13515) 15 hours ago
you luv The Trump! just admit it!
DJT loves playing "Stupid" games, and loves winning "Stupid" prizes.

DJT is aware that a jury will decide the MAGA, I mean MEGA monetary damages.


JoWilli........Why no comment on the video I posted? You comment as though you didn't watch it. Do you realize how uninformed Trump is? How can you support this man?


None of this will matter when Michelle Obama & her husband push Joe out in August at the Democrat Convention announcing her bid for the White House and YES, Trump will lose.. He will.. The MSM will make absolute certain 100% she wins over Trump and the best part of it is for liberals is you'll finally be rid of Trump, the man who causes you stay awake at night like Michelle Obama terrifying you of what would become of the world under a 2nd Term for Trump??


Michelle Obama is not going to run for president. Stop reading right-wing extremist sites.


You do realize she's receiving alot of donations behind the scenes to do this, right?? How many apologies am I going to get if it turns out I'm right?? Well?? No one who's hardly even seen in the media these days comes forward with some sob sad story about how quote "I lie in bed awake at night terrified of what the World will become under a 2nd Term for Trump" and not have an angle or motive behind this?? The MSM would swing the election in his or her favor with Barack most running things behind the scenes with Soros while his wife would make appearances only when necessary??


Ridiculous. She's said repeatedly she's not interested.


She lied.. What more can I say?? They're testing the grounds for it


How would you know if she lied?

It's well documented that she didn't like being in the White House. She's not going back.


I dont watch fake news. and how can anyone support the other guy? the only person to admit he voted for Joe is roboincel, everyone else has been silent.


not The Trump, he is awesom0


Lmfao!!! Drumdjdjdkakskdjfjfffft


That judge is clearly suffering from TDS.


Just serving the Democrat rectum.


You are too stupid to exist but I get it. Anyone who disagrees with you or dislikes Trump is suffering from TDS. You are a simpleton and an embarrassment to everyone who knows you. 🤣


You're the one too stupid to exist. I'd say more but I can't stoop to your level.


You disagree with me and you don't like me so you obviously are suffering from BDS. Seek help before it gets worse you sad little clown. 🤡🖕🏻


Whatever you say, Clem. The truth is, you're just an unlikable asshole.


The woman got $5 Million dollars for merely waiting, what?? Over 20 Years to finally come forward under the "Oprah O'Biden #MeToo Justice System where you can take as long as you like, come forward decades down the road with some sob sad story about Trump sexually assaulting her and STILL want more $$$$$ as though $5 Million isn't enough and it's a WASH


BKB..........Trump defamed her AGAIN after the first trial which found him liable for sexual abuse and defamation. That is how ignorant a narcissist Trump is. He gets zapped with a hefty fine and he continues to open his trap and gets himself another trial. When is he ever going to learn?


Trump's a despicable pig and so are you for supporting him.


And proud of it and won't lose any sleep over it too.. Now what??


Now the leftist needs to wait until his TV tells him how to respond to that. He wasn't programmed for that yet.


BKB just admitted to being stupid. I'm not sure it requires a response.
