MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > If his opponent in 2016 had been male, f...

If his opponent in 2016 had been male, for example Mr. Biden

Would there have been anywhere near the level of animosity toward him?

I got the feeling the anger and unrelenting vitriol was much more about the 'first female president' hopeful losing than about his actual persona or policies.


The Democrats plan was to have 8 Years of Obama, 8 Years of Hillary and 8 Years of Biden and when Trump came along and threw a monkey wrench in on those plans, the Democrats were pissed about it and still are and they used Covid as a means to get him out of Office in 2020, unfortunately for the Democrats, that strategy will not work in 2024 because America is wise to it now


I mean in the general populace tho.

There must have been so many people thinking that a female president would have been some kind of miracle panacea that would change the world and set things to right just 'cause. Not to mention making themselves feel really special because they helped make it happen.

They must have been devastated for that widely predicted result not to materialize. Did that set them to savaging ANY person who they perceived as preventing that happening?


Yeah... Most Americans hate Trump, the MAGA party is about dead, he's facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor and the GOP wants little to do with him. Explain exactly how Trump will be president again?




If Trump had taken the COVID-19 outbreak seriously in early 2020 when it was isolated in the Pacific NW, he could have successfully navigated this crisis without nationwide quarantines. It’s no excuse to say that as a businessman he had no experience with this type of crisis, because the previous administrations left a pandemic playbook to navigate the steps. I once forwarded the link to a pdf of the playbook overview online. The problem was it required him to work closely with establishment bureaucrats, like Fauci, who he regarded as disloyal Deep State folks who were not beholden to him.

He eventually had to anyway when there were millions of cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths. He, and many in his administration even got the virus themselves pre-vaccine after holding maskless fundraisers.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with opposing candidates or parties, such as Democrat, Biden, to make this an issue for his removal in an election year.

The president needs to show initiative in handling unexpected crisis. He is not there to deregulate and cut corporate taxes while playing golf, or he will be voted out! A woman president like Hillary Clinton, especially, would have zeroed in on issues like this with laser focus. A major blunder for Americans to elect Trump.

Also, 8 years or Hillary followed by 8 of Biden? Get real! Next year, we would probably be talking of possible nominee, VP Tim Kaine of Virginia, to take on Ron Desantis or someone from GOP. Biden had retired from public life until called back into action to save the country.


Biden had retired from public life until called back into action to save the country.

How is that working out?


"How is that working out?"

It's working out pretty well, thanks for asking!

With inflation cooling and hiring remaining strong, economists are now venturing that something other than a recession may be around the corner: a so-called soft landing.

That's a quite a turnabout from earlier this year. Economists in February were were predicting that the U.S. was about to tumble into a recession — thanks to the Federal Reserve's 11 interest rate hikes since early 2022 and signs that inflation-weary businesses and consumers might be pulling back from spending.

Yet so far, the economy has continued to plow ahead, and inflation is retreating faster than some economists expected. Some types of products are even seeing deflation, or a decline in prices compared with a year ago. The Federal Reserve sounded cautiously optimistic on Wednesday, with Chair Jerome Powell saying he was "pleased with the progress" in the battle against inflation and the Fed's goal of keeping full employment.

Stock Market News: Dow Heads to 3rd Straight Record High
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite are all on pace to extend their winning streaks to seven weeks.


It's working out pretty well, thanks for asking!

I’m sure it is to those that are living off the government or are filthy rich.

Btw, your propaganda doesn’t change the facts for the past three years of hyper-inflation, double/triple gas prices, and the worst overall economy in decades.


the past three years of hyper-inflation, double/triple gas prices, and the worst overall economy in decades.



Try selling that to millions of hard working Americans.


Wow, four minutes to respond, twenty comments in the last couple hours, an average of fourteen a day in the time you've been here? Methinks you need to step away from the computer and go live your life!


What happened, you couldn't come up with any proper rebuttals so you searched and counted my post history and response time, I'm flattered, lol.


worst overall economy in decades.

Not even close!


Your internet scripture doesn’t refute the facts.




Biden had retired from public life until called back into action to save the country."

I f saving the Country in Biden's eyes means ruining it, then Trump can only go higher in restoring America the way we once knew it before this man stole office in 2020 and used Covid to do so.. If Hillary had won in 2016, you wouldn't have heard 1 word about Covid or any made up Pandemic and it's true


Some posts are so stupid they aren’t even worth the time it takes to respond to.


Hunter Biden's diabolical plan?


Probably it was more that her name was Clinton. People were tired of more of the same old thing. Same reason they voted for Obama over her. One president per family is good enough. People were hoping for real change, not just talk.

So they voted in Obama because he's black. No other president was like that before.

They voted in Trump because he was not a politician or in government service in any way. No other president had been like that before.

These are signs that people are very dissatisfied with the system.


Many would say that without Obama, we wouldn't have Trump


One president per family?

How about the Adamses, the Harrisons, and the Bushes?


Long time ago. Jeb Bush went down in flames. It was double Bush and threatened double Clinton that broke the camel's back.




If his opponent had been male he never would have been president.


People said he didn't have a chance against Hilary too. Is it such a sure thing he wouldn't have won over a male?


[–] TerraFirma69 (1883) 4 days ago
People said he didn't have a chance against Hilary too. Is it such a sure thing he wouldn't have won over a male?
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that the Clintons gave a name to only grew in number when she ran for president. The Benghazi hearings were nothing more than that same group of Right-Wingers desperately trying to delegitimize her and the Obama administration.

HRC would have been an excellent President but the Right Wing and Republicans wanted their pound of flesh from having Nixon impeached. Bill Clinton became that president that the Republicans could skewer and even though his policies were more Centrist the Republicans hated him and his wife.


Nope, it would not have made any difference since their animosity was always there.

Trump caused them to expose that animosity.


No, it's actually about his policies and personality. That's why he lost in a landslide.


He had the best policy and the landslide was rigged.


It doesn’t matter who the opposition is. Nor does it matter who the Democrat rectum decides to run.

The Democrat media/party rectum will instruct their lemmings to reeee Hitler protest meltdown mental illness. This is all they have.

They called Romney, Mccaine, Bush, Dole, Bush, Reagan, Hitler. Blamed them for weather, storms, diseases, and as always, never brought any solutions to the table.

This is what you get from the Democrat party of career politicians. There’s no reason to think they’d bring anything more to the table, they have no valuable experience.

What would you hire Biden or Pelosi or Omar to do? They are utterly worthless.

At least AOC can make drinks.
