MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > He's been vaccinated multiple times....

He's been vaccinated multiple times....

...after nearly dying of "the cold."

How can you trust this guy?


no one can trust diaper Joe....he is the enemy...


That was an incredibly unintelligent response.

Someone points out a fact about Trump that you don't like. You can't argue with them. They didn't say anything that wasn't true. So naturally, you call President Biden, what you think, is a funny insult.

I often wonder if you actually know anything about Trump or Biden.


I know that Trump was a legally elected President. and life was much better when Trump was President...

now do one for the other guy....


Don't hold your breath, lol.


I have been holding my breath for 50 years. lol thats how long Joe has been in Politics, yet no one can tell me what he has done for America...


Trump was the legally elected elected President in 2016. If your life was better during his presidency than after, it’s much more likely that the disappointments you are facing are a result of Trumps policies that had yet to affect you while he was still in office.

Either way, this has what to do with Trump’s vaccination status?


lol, I have heard that same ignorant cause-and-effect excuse from others that were just as clueless and in denial as you.


What did I say that is incorrect?


There is NOTHING likely caused by Trump's policies after his presidency. That makes zero sense and there is zero evidence.
1) Biden put a freeze on all Trump policies for 90 days and even stole credit for putting a cap on meds that Trump passed
2) Things were going so well until the democrats along with their handlers from China spread a cough and started screaming bloody murder over it, to shut down the economy and world.
3) Biden is DIRECTLY responsible for inflation with his executive orders on energy, which he made to satisfy Hunter's employers and investors in his money laundering art print scam, which funds just happen to go into a bank account Joe and Hunter share, but lets ignore that like the FARA violations from Hunter.
4) Biden's administration is DIRECTLY responsible for the war in Ukraine and are already flaming the fire in Israel to feed the Military Industrial Complex


Life was much better during the covid pandemic that Trump mismanaged? It was not better for most Americans.


Fauci and Birx were in charge. oh and remember when Trump tried to ban flights from China and nancy said it was racist? dont forget to hug a chinese


So what your saying is that Trump wasn't actually the president? He was the "head pussy in charge" in the oval office instead?

If Trump was not in charge while he was president, then he was unfit to be president. Why are Trump supporters so happy to portray Trump as weak and ineffective?


Trump is your President.


Trump was my president until January 2021. Now he is just a person who happens to have Secret Service protection and routinely violates the law.

Are you backing down from your claim that Trump had no authority as president?


I assume you are from Russia and dont understand how the Govt works in America.


Nope. Natural born American. Telling me I don't know how the government works is very ironic coming from a guy who thinks that he defines what a firearm is, and not the federal government.


Common sense defines a firearm, not the federal government.


Your statement is why you do not understand how the government works.

Would you use that defense if you were accused of violating the National Firearms Act for possessing a contraband DIAS? Do you really think you could impress the judge with your claim that an auto sear is not a gun?

If you said that in court, your lawyer might move for a plea of insanity.


Doesn't matter, a bump stock is not a gun.


Says the person who does not have a clue what the law says so he makes up his own laws. This makes you look very stupid.


A bump stock is not a gun.


Reply with a simple “yes or no” answer and nothing more.

Do you believe that the federal government is incapable of lying and deceiving?

Yes or No?


Yes. Why are you even asking this question? Everyone know the answer is yes.

Are you claiming Trump lied when he said he was going to ban bump stocks by classifying them as contraband machine guns?

Do you think the CFR was not actually amended and that it is a hoax?

Do you think the National Firearms Act of 1934 is a hoax?

Edited to add; I misread the post above. The government is capable of lying to us and they do so at times.


A bump stock cannot fire a projectile. Case closed. The Government lied to you.


The law is the law. It is still the law even if you disagree.

You're an idiot, case closed. :)


I know, I disagree with the law.

Some laws are stupid, like the one that said blacks could be slaves and the law that said women couldn't vote.

Its called common sense.

If 58 people hadn't been murdered with a guy using a bump stock then they would probably still be legal.


So now you're admitting that bump stocks are not legal. Does this mean you accept that Trump had them classified as contraband machine guns (guns) to require their confiscation?

Congress did not pass a law banning bump stocks. The president is not allowed to make laws, but he is allowed to make regulations to enforce the law. Trump amended 27CFR to have his own gun grab.


Bump stocks are not legal and they are not guns.

Again its basic common sense.


The law says bump stocks are guns.

If bump stocks are not guns, then how was Trump able to make them illegal?


Because laws can be amended/changed to fit any criteria. It doesn't matter what the law says, a bump stock is not a gun.


The law says what a gun is, not you.

Are you going to claim that removing the firing pin from a gun means it is no longer a gun as it is disabled?


I say what a gun is, its called common sense.

Its still a gun, a firing pin is needed for a gun to work. Its still a gun with or without a firing pin.


But you have always claimed a device has to be able to fire a bullet to be called a gun.

It is the cornerstone of your whole defense of Trump when you say he is not a gun grabber.


No, I said accessories to a gun are not guns. A firing pin is not an accessory. Any component that is needed to fire a bullet is a gun.

You keep quoting the law and I say the same thing over and over again.

I realize you are just trolling but I don't mind saying the same thing over and over and over again. It makes you look stupid.


Any component that is needed to fire a bullet is a gun.

That is not true. A firing pin, by law, is not a gun. It is merely an accessory. Or can you show me a law that says otherwise?

You keep on coming up with new definitions of what is and what is not a gun. It is impossible to have a rational debate with anyone who does this.

You are the troll who thinks their opinion is more important then the law.


Based on this understanding, the removal of a gun's firing pin is not so significant an alteration as to exclude the gun from the definition of firearm.   See Reed, 114 F.3d at 1056, 1057 (upholding firearms conviction where defense witness testified that gun was workable after fifteen to twenty minutes of manipulation);  cf.  United States v. Drasen, 845 F.2d 731, 736 (7th Cir.1988) (“In adding the ‘readily restored’ clause to [the definition of rifle in 26 U.S.C. § 5845(c) ], Congress specifically intended to overcome United States v. Thompson, 202 F.Supp. 503 (N.D.Cal.1962), holding that a firearm with a missing firing pin was not a firearm under the [National Firearms] Act.”).   Brown suggests that the “readily” in “readily ․ converted” should be read to require that a defendant possess the means to convert the weapon to an operable state in the course of the offense.   Yet the commentary to section 1B1.1 contains no such requirement, and we are not inclined, absent some compelling reason, to read one into its definition.   See Yannott, 42 F.3d at 1007 (“[I]t is irrelevant that defendant may not have known how to alter the weapon to render it operable.”);   see also United States v. Maddix, 96 F.3d 311, 316 (8th Cir.1996) (noting that ATF agent testified revolver was firearm under § 921(a)(3) “whether or not certain tools were required to load it”).   Moreover, we are conscious of the fact that we do not write on a clean slate.   In 1991, the Sentencing Commission amended the definition here under consideration “to track more closely the definition of firearm in 18 U.S.C. § 921.”  U.S.S.G.App. C, amend. 388.   For some time now, section 921(a)(3)'s “readily ․ converted” prong has been subject to a rather expansive judicial construction.   See United States v. 16,179 Molso Italian .22 Caliber Winlee Derringer Convertible Starter Guns,

The law says they are. Once again common sense.


That wall of text you pasted here says a gun without a firing pin is still a gun.

It does not say that a firing pin, as you claimed above, is a gun.


A firing pin is needed for a gun to work. A bump stock is not needed for a gun to work. Therefore a bump stock is not a gun. A bump stock is a accessory. Again its basic common sense.


Not all functioning guns have firing pins, so your claim is wrong.


A bump stock does not have a firing pin so therefore it is not a gun. Again basic common sense.


A musket does not have a firing pin, is it still a gun in your opinion?

A bump stock is a gun because the law says it is. That is how it works in the USA, we are a nation of laws.


A musket is still a gun because the firing pin is a hammer. If you knew anything about guns then you would know this. So you support slavery because the law said so?


Wow, you changing the meaning of words all of the time makes it difficult to keep up.

A hammer is a hammer, not a firing pin. So tell me where the firing pin is on a wheel-lock or match-lock musket then.

I do not support slavery. The law exists even when I oppose slavery. Why is that so hard for you to understand?


Its the same thing, it strikes an object which ignites the gun powder which fires the bullet. A bump stock does not have firing pin. Again common sense.


You're trying to sound stupid I guess. A matchlock mechanism does not strike anything to cause ignition.


The matchlock was the first mechanical firing device. It consisted of an S-shaped arm, called a serpentine, that held a match, and a trigger device that lowered the serpentine so that the lighted match would fire the priming powder in the pan attached to the side of the barrel.

It would light the gun powder and fire a projectile. Dang this is easy.
Pwning you is pretty fun.


What part of the matchlock is the firing pin then? None of it is. You're merely owning yourself.


It consisted of an S-shaped arm, called a serpentine. This is too easy.

This is why Bubba owns you. Your concession is noted.


He literally believes the fed-gov is incapable of lying or deceiving; that should tell you everything.

Liberalism is a state "religion" by which liberals worship the state/government as their God.


He is wish washy and never answers a question directly. Ranb is the person who supported slavery because the law said it was legal. Like you said, Liberalism is a disease.


This is just another one of your lies. I never supported slavery.


So you dont support the law that says slavery could be legal but yet you support the law that says a bump stock is a gun? lol

bro make up your mind! lol


Support is the wrong word. I claimed that laws exist (or did exist) that made slavery legal and classify bump stocks as firearms.

This does not mean I support those laws. I have always opposed trump's anti-gun agenda.


So in this case the law is wrong right? You dont support the law but yet you follow the law. You need to make up your mind.


I opposed the amendment of the CFR and was one of the more than 100,000 Americans who wrote to the ATF to give an opinion.

I am complying with the regulation as I do not own a bump stock. That does not mean I agree that it should have been written that way.

I can still obey laws that I oppose. Some day the regulation might change. Courts are slowly waking to the Trump nonsense in the CFR.


So you are saying a bump stock is not a gun? Whew finally! Glad we got this over with.


Nowhere in my post above did I say that a bump stock is not a gun.

The CFR (and Trump) still say a bump stock is a gun.


How is a bump stock a gun?


Simply because Trump, the CFR and the ATF says it is.

Everyone else understands this, why are you pretending not to?


How is a bump stock a gun though? Where is the firing pin?


No firing pin. A firing pin is not required for it to be a firearm.


How does a bump stock work without a firing pin?

This is why Bubba owns you. Your concession is noted.

How come you cant answer the question? LOL


I never said the feds were incapable of lying. You are also a liar.


[–] tvfan (3604) 3 days ago
Reply with a simple “yes or no” answer and nothing more.

Do you believe that the federal government is incapable of lying and deceiving?

Yes or No?

[–] Ranb (5237) 3 days ago
Yes. Why are you even asking this question? Everyone know the answer is yes.


Sorry, I misread that question. I read it as capable. The government does lie to us.


So they are lying about bump stocks being a gun?


No. The regulation actually states that bump stocks are machine guns.

The term “machine gun” includes a bump-stock-type device

Understand the law now?


No, the law is wrong. A bump stock is NOT a machine gun. So you would support the law that says slavery could be legal?


When you say wrong, do you mean it is unjust or somehow technically wrong?

How do you define the word "support"? Just because a person obeys a law, does not mean they support it.

Surely you understand that it is the government that defines what guns are.

I do not support gun grabs or slavery laws. But I know laws exist that allow them both.

Slavery is still legal in the USA as punishment for a crime, it is one of the exceptions in the Constitution. I am opposed to this and hope it changes someday.


Unjust, wrong, dumb, stupid or any other synonym you want to use.

I am glad we finally agree that a bump stock is not a gun.


I think we agree that you have a reading comprehension problem instead.

What part of the phrase "a bump stock is a machine gun" did you not understand?

If Trump believes that a bump stock is a gun, why can't you?


A bump stock is not a gun. Again its basic common sense.


The law says it is.


The law is wrong. If a law said that blacks could be slaves would you support it?


I would not support any law allowing slavery.

But such laws do exist in the USA and slavery is permitted as a form of punishment in the USA.


Why do you support a bump stock ban?

This is why Bubba owns you. Your concession is noted.


A bump stock cannot fire a projectile. Case closed. The Government lied to you.

I just read one line of this sub-thread randomly while scrolling past it .
That was it ^

Seems a particularly dumb thing to say , one can only presume it is some kind of excuse to let Trump off the hook for his gun law reform.

You'd be fine if he took your large capacity magazines too right ?
after all , a large capacity magazine cant fire a projectile.


So you are saying a bump stock is a gun? If it is, then show me a video of a bump stock firing a bullet.

We don't need large capacity magazines either , there is no point to them. Banning bump stocks and large capacity magazines doesn't infringe on your 2nd Amendment rights.

Yup, a large capacity magazine is not a gun.


No I am not saying that , as I quite clearly said in my comment.

I was referring to how you saying "bump stock not a gun" is not some kind of proof that Trump hasnt reduced your access to firepower.

Which is presumably your point , but like I said I hadnt followed the conversation leading up to that

You may be correct that "doesn't infringe on your 2nd Amendment rights."
but you know you could say the same of banning all weapons invented after that Amendment was written and going back to muskets.


You said my comment was dumb.

"Seems a particularly dumb thing to say , one can only presume it is some kind of excuse to let Trump off the hook for his gun law reform."

Anyways, a bump stock will never be a gun.

If all weapons were banned except muskets then that still wouldn't infringe on my 2nd amendment rights as a musket is still a gun. Gun violence would be almost nil as it takes 5 minutes to load a musket.

Ranb thinks a bump stock is a gun because the law tells him so.


Asking leftists with TDS to use common sense is apparently too much to ask.


I know, ranb has a bad case of TDS.


RFK, Jr. is the REAL anti-vax candidate.


He sure is! I'm in favor of you voting for him!


Not only has he been vaccinated multiple times, he's the guy who brought you Operation Warp Speed!!


How do you know that they injected him with the real vax instead of something else?


He gets daily amphetamine injections just like Hitler!


People are saying that if you get too close to Donnie and he breathes on you, it's the same as getting the actual vaccine.


Orangutans are an endangered species. Vaccinations are required to preserve him


Orangutans are an endangered species and a fine, gentle and intelligent animal.
So STOP INSULTING ORANGUTANS by comparing them with this piece of shit sub human.


You libs are the most contrarian and contradicting people on the planet.

Since you libs are pro-vax and Trump has been vaccinated, you should be praising him instead of criticizing him.

You damn the man if he is anti-vax and you damn him when he vaccinates.


That's nice... Why don't you support Biden who is continuing building the wall on the Southern Border. That's what you want, right? Hypocrite.


He’s doing it because it would be illegal not to do it. The congress decided, afaik,to do it.

"Money was appropriated for the border wall," Biden told reporters, referring to congressional action during the Trump administration. "I tried to get them to reappropriate -- to redirect the money. They didn't, they wouldn't. And in the meantime, there's nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what is appropriated. I can't stop that."


They have no credibility, honor, or shame. It's why the rest of us should be pushing for the total destruction of the left. They have nothing to offer the world or this country. Deported, Arrested, Executed, whatever it takes. They have so much to answer and pay for.


What would you expect? Trump is a severe germophobe.

He requires all of his employees to be vaccinated. He also has a doctor on staff who's only job is to make sure that anyone who wants to get near him has been vaccinated and/or they have negative covid test.


"He requires all of his employees to be vaccinated."

woah , wait a sec ,
"forced vaccination"
Isnt that a capital sin the the Republican book ?


He got it once. It terrified him. He’s determined never to get it again.


So he has resorted to science , doctors (on staff) and vaccines not only for him but everyone around him.
Sensible really.

But how does that sit with the fanbase who are antivax cavemen who believe covid is a hoax made up to take their freedumb and like to use horse medicine instead .

He must have to really maintain the "social distancing" at the little love ins he has where he gets on stage and talks about how he's the greatest at everything and the FBI / CIA / Illuminati are persecuting him
