MovieChat Forums > DustyWolf

DustyWolf (84)


CLOSED***BAKER'S DOZEN*** May-September Romances View all posts >


<blockquote>(SPOILER for those who haven't seen all the episodes: Mike Brady is married to their mother, but not their biological parent!!!!)</blockquote> Ugh, why'd you have to spoil this for me?! I haven't gotten to the 3rd verse of the opening theme yet! This is correct. Yes there is a Rifftrax version of this with funny commentary over the film. The film itself seems pretty awful but with the commentary track it's very funny. Lol agreed and I actually enjoyed just turning my brain off for a couple hours and having fun watching this! This comment right here is why this site would benefit from a like button. It made me laugh and I want to acknowledge that I like this post but I have nothing valuable to add to it so a comment is otherwise unnecessary. Brock is one of the few names that AEW could hire that would actually draw in new viewers but I don't see it happening. Even if WWE doesn't use Brock anymore I can see them keeping him under contract and continuing to pay him just to keep him away from the competition. Those lawsuits aren't going to pay themselves... I haven't watched in years but I heard about this. Has Netflix ever live streamed any of their content before? Curious how this will play out since WWE does have a substantial older fan base who may not necessarily have Netflix, but at the same time more and more younger viewers don't have cable. Long term this may be a very good move. Also, don't think Raw was ever on ESPN but they did switch from USA to TNN/Spike TV in the early 2000s before switching back to USA. Leftie here and have to say this sums it up quite nicely. He sure is! I'm in favor of you voting for him! View all replies >