MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > When Trump dies, it will ALL be OVER

When Trump dies, it will ALL be OVER

All of this hullabaloo, all this palaver in the USA over Trump from both sides is only because he's still alive and poses a strong threat to democracy and keeps his evil and stupid MAGA cult alive, but no-one's mentioned the inevitable heart attack or stroke from such a bad diet and poor health and such utter continued stress from his multiple indictments and court cases, that might cripple him, incapacitate him or just flat out kill him.

And when it happens, it will no longer be an issue, as the whole raison d'etre of MAGA will collapse, the GOP will hopefully see sense and go for a more reasonable presidential candidate, the USA will return to a sense of normality and sanity, and maybe, just maybe, there will be a major amendment to the Constitution to vet future presidential candidates to make sure they're mentally stable, not magnets for stupidity and ignorance and certainly not narcissistic.

We'll see.


Nope, his far-right extremist movement, MAGA or Trumpism, will continue because the issues which caused it still exist. And it's not limited to the U.S. since similar far-right extremist movements exist in other countries. There's a significant number who want a White pseudo-Christian Nationalist country ruled by a Fascist minority.

We already have a bigoted Rep. minority grabbing power and brainwashing attempts with voter suppression, book bans, court packing, destroying human rights for women, POC and LGBTQI.

I'll add that a recent study showed Americans have a greater number of right-wing authoritarianism than other countries. They support Trump and any future Trumps as well as their policies.

"1/4 of Americans qualify as highly 'right-wing authoritarian,' new poll finds"


I'm starting to think that is the case. In that case, Trump is just a symptom of a bigger problem and that I should stop worrying about what he will do next, when there may be someone worse, and competent enough to achieve what Trump couldn't, waiting in the wings.


Liberals are a symptom of a bigger problem in TDS and allowing one man in Donald Trump to get under your skin as much as this man does.. It's unbelievable how many people are triggered by this man?? Hell, I won $1500.00 at his Taj Mahal back in the 90's when I was in the Navy.. Great time and I wish I knew what I knew now back then and I would've walked away with all the $$$ I won, but instead, lost $1200.00 of it at Blackjack at his Trump Castle Casino 2 days later.. My connection to "45"..


Average Liberal: "See, that proves Trump is a criminal, he stole your winnings."

Also Average Liberal: "Criminalising theft is terrible."


Cult 46 is way worse.


Content that threatens or advocates for harm on oneself or others, or otherwise violent content


January 6! The Trump Cult Movement is a threat to America.


Pretty much. Dude is old. Can die any second. And all of it will collapse.

As we can see his fans dont follow other republicans who actually fight wokeness. Like DeSantis. So its not like they will find new leader to worship. They will just go to their MySpace blogs to rant. But they are not gonna find themselves new Trump and vote.


I'm thinking if Biden were dead, we wouldn't be seeing a fraction of the mess he's created along with his inept corrupt Administration..


Biden is a placeholder. He’s not making any decisions. He’s pantshitting vegetable. Hence why they’ve been forced to cancel all their debates.


Content that threatens or advocates for harm on oneself or others, or otherwise violent content


Wow, you're a fucking moron, I already debunked your claim.


Actually your debunking got debunked.


I see only one fucking moron in this thread, wishing someone else to die. You are so disgusting, a-hole. The fun is when you die nobody will notice.


Where did I say I wanted someone dead?


I didn't wish you and your entire family dead.




Technically it doesn't break rules, AMJF was very careful and didn't actually wish death on anyone, just like I didn't actually wish AMJF and their entire family dead.


Content that threatens or advocates for harm on oneself or others, or otherwise violent content


It must suck to be you to allow 1 man in Donald Trump to get in your head the way he does to create a dumb thread like this?? Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing among Liberals..


And to not only make the thread but then to pretend and try to gaslight like it's not a completely ghoulish thing to do when people start calling them out on it, so completely and utterly sad and pathetic. Poor little AMJF's mind has been shattered by Donald Trump merely existing lol, so incredibly mentally weak that they have to post thread after thread about him every day. I mean I say sad and pathetic but it doesn't stop me from laughing at the sad wanker.


It’s pretty funny. One can’t help but wonder if the daily AMJF/Haslet new meaningless post of nothing helps with their TDS or if it simply makes it worse.

Their TDS won’t go away though. Hate is the core of being a Democrat lemming. Before Trump it was W. Before W it was Reagan. Before Reagan it was Nixon.

All were called Hitler by the Democrat media/party and thus their braindead lemming followers. They even called Romney and Mccaine Hitler. Schwarzenegger was also called Hitler. He’s ok now because Orangeman Hitler now.

Imagine being sentenced to a life of hate and vitriol. It’s sad. But that’s life without faith. Life without inspiration. That’s the life of a Democrat.


Reagan had respect on both sides though.. While the left may have disagreed with many of his policies, he was respected unlike Trump who the Democrats hate with a passion for a man who used to donate to the Democrat Party back in the day..


Democrats hated Reagan. They said he wanted nuclear war. They blamed him for AIDS. They cut deals behind his back with foreign counties. They still blame him for the homeless problem. Their derangement is never changing.

Reagan, like Trump, was willing to work with anyone who wanted to work with him. They were outsiders of the establishment. They were there to fix problems and get things done, for America first. An attitude you get from populist non career politicians.

The real question is what comes first, the derangement, or being a Democrat.



An example of someone who thinks they're on the moral side everybody, wishing death on an elderly man because the TV said he was bad.


I'm surprised the corrupt FBI/CIA/etc. haven't taken him out yet via heart attack from a burger or choking on a coke, etc. Guess they weren't as corrupt as they labelled them as.


He'll outlive Biden. And you guys also said "we'll leave if Trump becomes president" and other phrases to that effect, and here you still are. So, you'll understand if I don't believe anything else you say.


Trump is young and strong and still plays golf.


If I take up golf, can I be President?


Possibly, or you can have the deep state install you as a puppet president.


That would/does work too.


It would be awesome really. You can just mumble and say stupid stuff and no will question you. You will also get 350 days of vacation per year. Not a bad gig.


"I have no words to describe how that makes me feel. 'It makes me happy'. One word, I have one word to describe how that makes me feel. 'It makes me as happy as when children touch my legs.'" - Joe Biden
