MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > When Trump dies, it will ALL be OVER

When Trump dies, it will ALL be OVER

All of this hullabaloo, all this palaver in the USA over Trump from both sides is only because he's still alive and poses a strong threat to democracy and keeps his evil and stupid MAGA cult alive, but no-one's mentioned the inevitable heart attack or stroke from such a bad diet and poor health and such utter continued stress from his multiple indictments and court cases, that might cripple him, incapacitate him or just flat out kill him.

And when it happens, it will no longer be an issue, as the whole raison d'etre of MAGA will collapse, the GOP will hopefully see sense and go for a more reasonable presidential candidate, the USA will return to a sense of normality and sanity, and maybe, just maybe, there will be a major amendment to the Constitution to vet future presidential candidates to make sure they're mentally stable, not magnets for stupidity and ignorance and certainly not narcissistic.

We'll see.


why is this distastefully titled thread persisting?


Quite possible.


I think his bad diet and poor health habits are BS so he can appeal to those stupid Republicans who think it is cool.
He is so rich he can afford the finest organic, pure, healthy foods, and a no stress life that he can play and have fun
with ... fun for him to torture America into the ground.
I can't stand him, but he has a tough constitution. He will probably be alive for a very long time.


Fortunately he looks very unhealthy


Corbell and veezer up in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

Geez guys, get a room!


Jesus Christ, 491 Replies and all over 1 Man in Donald J. Trump that the Left & Liberals simply can't handle him and it's because of this, that this is simply awesome to watch and even moreso when Trump wins in 2024.. The only way Trump doesn't win in 2024 is if somehow, someway Barack Obama is able to talk his husband Michael, er I mean Michelle in running in place of Biden.. If that happens, Trump won't win


Thanks MC.


They're going to execute him?!
posted 16 hours ago by javie (2091)
3 replies | jump to latest
That's what I heard.

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[–] andreaahr (2318) 16 hours ago
I really hope that is not true.

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[–] TimeTunnel (1501) 16 hours ago
I really hope you don't believe that troll. ☻

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[–] Information-Police (3071) 16 hours ago
For starters
