MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The Trump destroys Hilldog, brutal. NSF...

The Trump destroys Hilldog, brutal. NSFW

This is why we need President Trump back as the real President.


You mean one term twice impeached disgraced ex-president Trump? There is no way Trump will ever be president again. Americans got burned by Trump and his rhetoric. They won't fall for Trump’s lies anymore.


better to keep falling for Biden's lies, still getting fucked by an old geezer


They are all brainwashed to believe that Biden is the savior of America.


while he's sneaking the devil in the backdoor


Thats why we need Trump back to close the door.


i will vote for this man until the day i die


I second this.


That's correct, because once you're dead, you're gonna vote democrat!


over my dead body


Exactly my point! xD


[–] Bubbathegut (14463) 3 months ago
They are all brainwashed to believe that Biden is the savior of America.
Nope Mr. Thegut, the majority of people NOT voting for a Demagogue Authoritarian Narcissist believes in Democracy as the savior of America. 👍


You mean the 2 failed impeachments? Trump is undefeated, he's the back to back impeachment champion.


[–] Miyagido (1694) 5 minutes ago
You mean the 2 failed impeachments? Trump is undefeated, he's the back to back impeachment champion.
Back-To-Back Impeach-ed Champion, failed One-Term former president, EX-President, and maybe indicted Private Citizen DJT.


He can put that on his tombstone. And hopefully, soon


You can use all the fruity formatting you like kid, it doesn't changed the fact the both impeachments failed. And do tell me how that indictment is going? Is it going to be the beginning of the end? Have they found anything in his tax returns yet? Two more weeks? Are the walls closing in?


“The last questions are much more difficult,” he said. “Like a memory question. It’s, uh, like you’ll go, ‘Person, woman, man, camera, TV.’ So they say, ‘Could you repeat that?’ So I said, ‘Yeah.’ So it’s ‘person, woman, man, camera, TV.’ ‘Okay, that’s very good.’”


Do tell me more! What about bleach has he ever mentioned that?


[–] Miyagido (1707) a day ago
Do tell me more! What about bleach has he ever mentioned that?
That was not one of the questions asked nor was a word he had to remember on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.

But it does seem that you care and are quite curious about products in the disinfectant family:
He added: "I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."

He didn't specify the kind of disinfectant.
There you go: Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV, but no bleach, and yes disinfectant.

Oh, for the record: Bleach IS a disinfectant. 👌😁



Bleach = Disinfectant.


Well done now find me the clip of Trump saying the word bleach.


[–] Miyagido (1714) 2 hours ago
Well done now find me the clip of Trump saying the word bleach.
When did I ever commit to doing your homework assignments for you? I thought you were mature?


Miyagido, you do have this narrative about asking about Bleach.

[–] Miyagido (1757) 2 days ago
Well done now find me the clip of Trump saying the word bleach.
I have no idea why DJT saying or not saying Bleach is your obsession?

I provided for you DJT's direct Disinfectant quotes, in context along with his own attribution of how Disinfectant is effective. You then respond with the following:
[[–] Miyagido (1757) 2 days ago
Alcohol = Disinfectant.

Still waiting for the clip of Trump saying the word bleach, I'm sure it'll arrive any minute now!
Again your obsession with Bleach?? Why would you think that it will arrive any minute? 🤔

Come on Nostradamus, what do you have up your sleeve regarding DJT and Bleach?

You're not suggesting that DJT has a Thing for bleach because he is a Germ-A-Phobe do you? Oh, well. Seeing as DJT has bigger problems I believe that you will change course and TLDR with a MEME.


Alcohol = Disinfectant.

Still waiting for the clip of Trump saying the word bleach, I'm sure it'll arrive any minute now!


[–] Miyagido (1714) 15 minutes ago
Alcohol = Disinfectant.

Still waiting for the clip of Trump saying the word bleach, I'm sure it'll arrive any minute now!
if you are making an argument for being an attorney for DJT you are doing a pretty effective job at being woefully incompetent and willfully unintelligent.

If Alcohol = Disinfectant and Bleach = Disinfectant then this is also true:
Disinfectants don't work inside the body
Analysis by Rachel Schraer, BBC health reporter

Using a disinfectant can kill viruses on surfaces. It's a very good idea to keep clean the things you touch, using products with anti-microbial properties - for example, substances with a high alcohol content.

There is also some evidence that, in general, viruses on surfaces die more quickly when directly exposed to sunlight. But we don't know how much or how long they have to be exposed for UV light to have an effect, so you're far safer just washing your hands and surfaces and trying not to touch your face.

Crucially, this is only about infected objects and surfaces - not about what happens once the virus is inside your body.

One of the main ways of catching the virus is by breathing in droplets expelled by an infected person, mainly by sneezing and coughing. The virus very quickly begins to multiply and spread, eventually reaching the lungs.

Not only does consuming or injecting disinfectant risk poisoning and death, it's not even likely to be effective.
Of course for you this is TL;DR.
or is it TL:CR? Too Long:Can't Read?


Lots of words with no clip of Trump saying the word bleach, what a shocker! It's almost as if you're a gaslighting muppet who knows that's not what was said!

Since proving your own claim seems too hard for you I'll give you a pass on that.

Disinfectants don't work inside the body

OK let's start right there and address that - show me a clip of Trump saying disinfectants work inside the body. Let's see if you can support THIS claim with some evidence instead. Then we can move on to the rest of your nonsense irrelevant post.


[–] Miyagido (1715) 6 minutes ago
Lots of words with no clip of Trump saying the word bleach, what a shocker! It's almost as if you're a gaslighting muppet who knows that's not what was said!
1. I need to remind you that I am NOT going to do your research assignments for you.

2. You are stated to be mature and so are just going to have to suck it up. 😎
Since proving your own claim seems too hard for you I'll give you a pass on that.
What claim have I made that I haven't proved? If you believe that I claimed DJT said something about injecting or injesting bleach is relevant to him being an unstable genius, then go ahead. Show your work. Provide a link to my attestation.
OK let's start right there and address that - show me a clip of Trump saying disinfectants work inside the body. Let's see if you can support THIS claim with some evidence instead.
Did I make that claim? But since you asked:

There you go!
Then we can move on to the rest of your nonsense irrelevant post.
Nothing in my post directed towards you and in answer to you and questioning of you is nonsense or not relevant. 😎


Oh so you didn't imply any with your "Bleach = Disinfectant" post? Cool utterly irrelevant then wasn't it. Is that also going to be your answer as to why you posted the BBC health reporter quote when I show you Trump never said disinfectants work inside the body?

There you go!

Nowhere in your linked video does Trump say disinfectants work inside the body!

And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that

Like that is not that. Immediate fail, thanks for playing!


Ohhhhhhh, that was Trump Sarcasm!!


Yes he was an idiot for caving over what he said over pressure from brainwashed faggots like you. There was nothing at all wrong with seeking advice from the appointed experts. You do believe in science don't you ForumFaggot? You're not a conspiracy theorist science denier are you?


[–] Miyagido (2231) 13 minutes ago
Yes he was an idiot for caving over what he said over pressure from brainwashed faggots like you.
No one MADE DJT cave into saying or DOING anything. What DJT's problem was then and now was failing to take ownership of doing the RIGHT thing instead of trying to prove he knew MORE than established scientists. Your words, not mine. "He was an IDIOT." That was the only point.
There was nothing at all wrong with seeking advice from the appointed experts.
No scientist looks forward to wasting time, energy, and political capital DISPROVING established idiocy from DJT. In the cases of Brix, his Surgeon General, and Fauci what will happen is they would become the enemy for going AGAINST DJT.

Which is EXACTLY what happened!!!
You do believe in science don't you ForumFaggot? You're not a conspiracy theorist science denier are you?
Could you be ANY less self-aware? DJT wasted the lives of American citizens and the talents of American experts by DENYING science in his efforts to prove HE was right. You, on the other hand support that malfeasance and his dereliction of duty as the Command-In-Chief of the most powerful country on the planet.


Yawn didn't read your drivel, take your bleachy lies elswhere shill.


[–] Miyagido (2235) 3 minutes ago
Yawn didn't read your drivel, take your bleachy lies elsewhere shill.
But everyone else CAN. See how ineffectual and irrelevant YOU are?

DJT requires an effective off-shore "Army of 1". You're NOT that "1". 😂


Here is Trump asking if disinfectants can be used inside the body for a cleaning. He the biggest dumb ass of the first degree with this one.........


Yes he asked the experts who were advising him whether there was a way to get the virus killing properties of the disinfectant inside the body somehow as they had seen how effective it was at killing the virus on surfaces outside the body, and he thought the world was in a dangerous pandemic. Is that somehow supposed to be a bad thing? It's not a bad thing fyi, it's just that your brain was programmed to think it was by countless MSM spots talking about bleach. You can give no logical explanation as to why what Trump said was bad, your hate is clouding your judgement.

And before you try and say he was somehow implying to ingest bleach, he never said that word a single time.

BTW did you know alcohol is a disinfectant? I hope you don't enjoy a tipple or I'll laugh at you for putting a disinfectant inside your body like a dumbass of the first degree.


The impeachments were successful, in that they actually happened. The Senate failed to convict.


Hey how's that indictment coming along?

"Oh we had a previously scheduled hiatus, we just like, totally forgot about it"


I missed an update.

Now Indicted Private Citizen, DJ Trump.

Will he be thrice Indicted and exceed his record number of Impeachments??!!


technically he wasnt impeached.


[–] JoWilli (9620) 4 hours ago
technically he wasn't impeached.
No, technically he was actually impeached.
A process that is used to charge, try, and remove public officials for misconduct while in office.

Impeachment is a fundamental constitutional power belonging to Congress. This safeguard against corruption can be initiated against federal officeholders from the lowest cabinet member, all the way up to the president and the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Besides providing the authority for impeachment, the U.S. Constitution details the methods to be used. The two-stage process begins in the House of Representatives with a public inquiry into allegations. It culminates, if necessary, with a trial in the Senate. State constitutions model impeachment processes for state officials on this approach. At both the federal and state levels, impeachment is rare: From the passage of the Constitution to the mid-1990s, only 50 impeachment proceedings were initiated, and only a third of these went as far as a trial in the Senate. The reluctance of lawmakers to use this power is a measure of its gravity; it is generally only invoked by evidence of criminality or substantial abuse of power.
DJT when president abused his power.


Don't bother, I've wasted dozens of posts on the subject with both this guy and Mr. "thegut," they just can't comprehend the reality of the impeachment situation...


They comprehend quite well. They are delusional in thinking that they are "owning the Liberals" and "Trolling", but aren't quite sharp enough to know that this whole charade of theirs doesn't end well for them.

Mr. TheGut and his other aliases are too shy to respond any longer.


Comprehend that both impeachments failed so do try to stop your bottom lip from wobbling about it.


We should only be so lucky to have President Trump back as the Real President.


Dear Mr. TheGut, it appears that defeating HRC was the greatest accomplishment of DJT's failed political career and one term presidency.


Seems as if you've got a case of HDS...A somewhat rare affliction these days! In my opinion that was the one good thing Trump did: Prevent that witch from becoming POTUS!


HDS? Is this the written version of that ridiculous thing you guys do where you take a successful right wing meme then put a metaphorical MAGA hat on it and call it yours? Cringe.


It started with ODS by you folkx


Sounds like black fragility to me.


This is probably my 3rd post about Shillary in 7 years. I wouldn't call that HDS. All I know is that things were great when Trump was President and no new wars were started.


no such thing as hds. TDS is real and is incurable.


youtube banned the video. so much for free speech.


Can't be worse than how she treats her bodyguards. Her favorite morning greeting to them (if she acknowledges them at all) is "F off!" What a lovely lady, right?


It was just a video of Hilary falling on her face and shitting herself as she became incontinent from drinking too much.

Shame you’ll never see it thanks to YouTube censorship. Oh well.
