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Pee Tape Update from Mueller Report. (Must Read!)

This is *the* top story in America, indeed the *most significant story* in U.S. political history: a President of the United States with a historically pro-Russia foreign policy was being actively and knowingly blackmailed by Russia in the lead-up to his election—and *still*.

Mueller's *biggest* revelation is the confirmation that in the weeks before the 2016 election, Trump believed Kremlin agents held videos of him from a 2013 Moscow trip that could end his candidacy.

Here's what Mueller found:

1) The videos reported by BBC and confirmed by CIA *did exist*.
2) Trump *knew* they existed.
3) Trump's "blackmail fixer"—Cohen—negotiated with a Kremlin agent their suppression in October 2016, when they could have ended Trump's candidacy.

Mueller *only* put "high confidence" intel in his Report—so we know US law enforcement holds that Rtskhiladze was *telling the truth* about the videos.

What it means:

That Trump and Cohen discussed these tapes suggests *they believed*—as did the Kremlin agent they were dealing with—that they existed, and that the Kremlin was (through an intermediary) reassuring Trump that the Agalarov-held (Kremlin agent-held) tapes would be suppressed.

So Trump was being blackmailed; he *knew* he was being accurately blackmailed; knew that blackmail could at that moment *end his candidacy* and hid that blackmail from the country while he was secretly advancing a plan to benefit the Kremlin to the tune of trillions at that moment.

All of this *confirms* that Trump *believed the tapes to be damaging enough that he needed to keep them suppressed*. This means he is *being blackmailed right now by the Kremlin*, as all Rtskhiladze did was stop the *flow* of those videos. They *still exist fully intact*.

And no US president can stay in power—avoid impeachment—if they are compromised.

So impeachment is mandated here!


In January 2017, a major BBC investigative report confirmed the following: the CIA believes Trump to be compromised by the Kremlin due to the Kremlin's possession of "multiple" tapes, from "multiple" locations/dates, involving Trump and sexual conduct.

British outlets found ten witnesses (inclusive of—but not limited to—dossier witnesses) who could confirm the brief section of Steele's dossier that indicated the Kremlin was holding video blackmail material ("kompromat") over Trump's head. Most Americans never saw the evidence.

The evidence included:

1. BBC-confirmed witnesses from the Ritz Moscow who saw a "row" in the lobby of the Ritz on the night in question—as a group of women argued with the hotel staff about whether they would need to sign in or give their names in order to go up to Trump's room.

2. A whistleblower from within Trump Org who confirmed the events, as well as multiple Ritz staff members besides the American staying at the Ritz who saw the row. The evidence included contradictory stories given by Trump and his bodyguard, Keith Schiller.

3. The fact that the best friend of a key member of Trump's Moscow entourage runs Moscow's largest brothel; the evidence included actual dollar-amounted payoffs to Trump's bodyguard Schiller and much more—including spycraft evidence—of the event.

The presumption of *all* these stories was the blackmail had been coordinated by Trump's Kremlin-connected Moscow business partner, Aras Agalarov, the man who runs the "Crocus Group" (a Russian business entity) and is known for being Putin's favorite real estate builder.
Vladimir Putin had *personally* given Agalarov Russia's highest civilian honor just 10 days before Trump arrived in Moscow to be surreptitiously taped by Agalarov. One of the witnesses who spoke to British media said it was Agalarov's son who arranged for the women to go to Trump's room—a Ritz Moscow room often used for surveillance of foreigners that Trump himself (quite oddly, very *publicly*) *admitted* was wired for sound and audio.


Pee tape?


The tapes purportedly depict Trump either peeing on two Russian prostitutes, or being peed on by two Russian prostitutes, I've never actually figured out which...


The other story is the SCAM MAN who ran the FAKE UNIVERSTIY wanted the HOOKERS to PEE on the MATTRESS where OBAMA had been SLEEPING.

Which also MAKES SENSE because ever since he's been in OFFICE he's been OBSESSED with UNDOING the AFFORDABLE HEALTH ACT or anything else that OBAMA did while he was in office.

And he also had NAFTA renamed as a way to try to steal and take credit away from what CLINTON had done while he was in office.

And he also put a SIGN on the FENSE at the BORDER of MEXICO and tried to take credit for building it when he had not.

Which also means he's like a TOM CAT that goes around PISSING on EVERYTHING as a way to MARK and put HIS SENT on it (like he also keeps BRANDING BUILDINGS by putting his NAME Buildings that others have BUILT).

So watching the RUSSIAN HOOKERS PEE on a MATTRESS where OBAMA had slept was still another way to try to try and DISHONOR him.


I hope no one is going to SLUT SHAME these HOOKERS for PEEing on a bed in RUSSIA.


Hey, a job’s a job..



I couldn't agree more. I can't fault those women for doing their jobs.


It's funny right? Until I remember we're talking about the president of the United States and how low he's driven us down in the eyes of the rest of the world. It's worse than down the toilet. These people don't even use toilets per his sicko desires. They piss in beds like sickly animals to get that foul motherfukcer off.


Yes. It was the most salacious item in the infamous Steele Dossier on Trump, which is why the American MSM has been too terrified to flesh out the story.

The international press less so. In fact the British press beginning with Paul Wood @ BBC has led the most extensive public investigative reporting on the Steele Dossier beginning in early 2017, I provided a link to his report in the OP.

Paul Wood has a strong rep in the UK for his MI6 contacts. He's led scoops on the Steele dossier author Christopher Steele in past reports.


Orange man yellow :D


What I find hilarious and damning at the same time is the euphemism used by the Russian agent and blackmailer Giorgi Rtskhiladze saying he "stopped the flow of tapes from Russia" in his text message to Michael Cohen in October 2016 revealed in the Mueller Report.

The turn of phrase was such an explicit reference to the pee tape. Anyone refusing to see the obvious of what was implied by the heavy and ominous insinuation of stopping the "flow of tapes" is just dense.

But yeah, about the only thing that could have made it more obvious is if he had made reference to the color yellow. :)


I think everyone secretly hopes this tape is real and wants to watch it.


It's gotta be real. Or why would this Russian agent use such a curious phrase about "stopping the flow of tapes" in a text message to Trump's fixer Michael Cohen the month before the election? Its purpose appeared to be to make him aware Russia had his balls in a vise grip by giving an underhanded description of what kind of kompromat they had on him. The clear implication being that if he didn't do what they wanted they would start to squeeze.

The real question is whether it'd ever be leaked, since they can't use it as leverage anymore as soon as it's public.

Unless of course it's only ONE piece of leverage they've got and they leak it to remind him who his maker is and that there's plenty more where that came from.


Okay so, are squeeze and leaked and leak also pee tape references or is it just difficult to avoid these kinds of puns?



lol. I thought it was really difficult to avoid using those puns so I just let it all flow naturally.


I wonder if the tape shows Trump's tiny weenie which is why he really doesn't want anyone seeing the tape.


I think it could only throttle his popularity among his base. His fans would love that.

He needs to take the piss and ask Russia if they're listening to release the flow of tapes.





no collusion


no exoneration



can't be exonerated for a non-existant crime. innocent until proven guilty



Attempted obstruction is a crime, so no exoneration for him.



Keep reaching *yawn*


Bill Clinton commits no obstruction during their investigation of his involvement in Whitewater.
They get to the point where the only thing left is to ask him for his testimony. He even agrees to that too.
They get nothing damning about Whitewater so they switch over to Monica.
Bill Clinton says he did not have sexual relations with her.
Republicans: "Obstruction of justice! Impeach!"
The rest of the world: "Wait... what?"

Trump refuses to disclose communications with Russians regarding their 2016 meeting in Trump tower.
Trump fires FBI Director Comey who was leading the investigation.
Trump finds out Sessions has recused himself but Trump fails to make him resign.
Trump tries to get Rosenstein to fire Mueller but Rosenstein refuses.
Trump fails to get Rosenstein to resign as well.
Jeff Sessions finally resigns as the report nears and as Kavanaugh is appointed to SCOTUS.
Trump appoints a new Attorney General to do a hack job on the report.
Republicans: "Move along. Nothing to see here."
The rest of the world: "Wait... what?"
