MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What's your opinion of "Make America Gre...

What's your opinion of "Make America Great Again" hats?

They look kinda tacky but for the most part, I don't really care if someone wears one (although I do wonder how other people would react....)


Usually they have no thoughts of their own and just follow a slogan. The republicans who don't wear those hats probably have more original thoughts.


When they say Make America Great Again, I always wonder what point in time they're referring to. When did we last have this greatness they want to restore? Would anyone wearing a MAGA hat be able to give a thoughtful answer? I get the feeling they have a 1950's sitcom world in their heads and are trying to recapture an America that never really existed.


"When they say Make America Great Again, I always wonder what point in time they're referring to. When did we last have this greatness they want to restore? Would anyone wearing a MAGA hat be able to give a thoughtful answer? I get the feeling they have a 1950's sitcom world in their heads and are trying to recapture an America that never really existed."

They want to recapture the Leave it to Beaver era where Trump would be Eddie Haskell.


You make the greatest cookies, Mrs Cleaver !


Mid-late 90s.

Economy was soaring, liberalism was in full swing, people were accepting of others more than any other time in history. People's general outlooks were positive, and eager for the future.

Then Columbine happened(School Shootings). Then Bush II happened(Florida Electoral Scandal). Then 911 happened(War on Terror). Then Iraq War happened(Weapons of Mass Destruction).

Things just haven't been the same since 1999.


Things just haven't been the same since 1999.

"Welcome to the desert of the real." - Morpheus, from The Matrix (1999)

Maybe it's all been a computer generated dream.

For all his faults, Bill Clinton was the single President in my lifetime who actually managed a budget SURPLUS instead of a deficit. And he didn't do it by cutting into social security or food stamps or any other "entitlements" (which Republicans say like it's a swear word). The 90's economic boom was more inclusive too; lots of people were making money and looking at a more secure future for their children, rather than a less secure one. Big corporations and the super rich weren't the only ones doing well.


Yup, I turned 21 in 1999. We all thought the next 20+ years were going to be the best ever in recorded history.

This is the "Great America" I want back...or at very least the shared optimism of the people around you. Strangers of different races coming together, interacting, learning from each other, and it was not forced what so ever. Racism was fucking dying, and we almost killed it....almost. Thanks PC Culture for keeping racism alive and well forever!


Clinton was awesome.....


like prince said 2000.....

guess it was true

I was in high school during the 90's and these were GREAT times. Did not worry about terrorism, did not have terror alerts, did not have to go through billion procedures to get on a plane, did not worry about kids being separated,


Kids being seperated?




Jingoistic slogan for people who couldn't stand having a black, successful President.




We have a winner!


Anyone who wants/owns one needs their fucking head examined, and their voter's I.D. card destroyed.




Lol, its a hat bro. Perhaps you are the one that needs therapy.


I have four.

The classic white on red, red on white, white on black and the elusive white on baby blue option.


Why stop there? Get the one with the swastikas on it and you'll have a complete set.


Thanks to everyone for all the good responses.

I was a child in the sixties
Dreams could be held through TV
With Disney and Cronkite and Martin Luther (King Jr)
Oh, I believed, I believed, I believed
Now, I am a backstreet driver from America
I am not at the wheel of control
I am guilty, I am war I am the root of all evil


Anyone who sports this slogan is a Jerk Off. Capital letters. They should be put behind bars for this.
And not Drinking Bars -- Jail Bars ! Prison Bars !


Throwing people in jail for political beliefs, classic socialist right here.


And what's wrong with this?
