MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The #WalkAway Movement Isn't Run by Russ...

The #WalkAway Movement Isn't Run by Russian Bots. But It Is a Major Threat to the Democratic Party!

All the deranged lefty troll you see on forums (Dog, Keelai, EyeSore, etc) are driving people to the Republican Party. Trump thanks you!

The #WalkAway stories are compelling and often quite moving. People from every imaginable background -- black, white, Hispanic, rich, poor, straight, gay, trans, and even celebrity -- explain why they left the party. Most of these people voted Democrat their whole lives; most have lost friends for supporting President Donald Trump. Most have also found solace in the #WalkAway community.

In story after story, former Democrats -- including a popular, Grammy-nominated musician -- describe how they finally saw through the lies, smears, duplicity, and hypocrisy that infects today's Democratic Party. And how they couldn't help but notice the outrageous double standard in the way liberals and conservatives are treated. For people who remotely pay attention, the corrupt stench of the party is getting harder and harder to ignore.

Christiana S. F. Chamon writes that she comes from "a very leftist Brazilian family" that essentially told her what to think. She says she voted for Obama twice, and really thought "Republicans were evil racists, bigots, and Bible thumpers."

Her eyes started to open near the end of her freshman year in college, when she says she started asking her leftist friends questions. "The more questions I asked, the more insults I was called," Chamon says. "'Racist,' 'sexist,' 'misogynist,' etc. I soon realized that these leftists are the very thing they claim to be against: racist, intolerant, close-minded, etc. Anything that dares be different from their echo chamber, immediately they lash out."

During her journey, Chamon found out that everything she was told about the opposing party was a lie. "[T]hese moderates/Libertarians/Republicans are some of the kindest, most open-minded people I've ever met," she writes. "Through friendly discussions with people on the center/right whom I disagreed with, I learned to look at things objectively and not base my opinions on those of a collective group, whether left or right. I became a free thinker, and I encourage everyone to do the same."


It's being run by Russian bots kid. You've been duped.


A blind man can see its run by Russian bots. What’s wrong with these Rethuglikkkans? How much Kool Aid have they gotten drunk from this week?



I love how their replies keep getting deleted because they know it's being run by Russian bots and can't respond without hurling invective.

I'm glad. 😊

It's good not to be tasked with ever having to read their worthless replies when they know they have no defense.


Agree! lol!



Who cares, it's working.


Yep, the declining-membership Republican Party's ranks are swelling with all these angry Democrats like Christiana S.F. Chamon who are so pissed-off at their friends for being angry about Trump's new world order of hatred and injustice that they decide the real problem is with those who are pissed-off, rather than WHY they are pissed-off. Good for you, Christiana! You made the right choice after all!

PJ Media is an American conservative news, opinion, and commentary collaborative blog that was founded in 2004. Its majority owner is technology entrepreneur, billionaire, and angel investor Aubrey Chernick.

And good ol' Billionaire Aubrey...he's also a major donor to anti-Islamic hate groups, too.



So only members of the republicans voted for Trump :) ?

#WalkAway is about how the democrats lost their mind and didnt give a sh*t anymore about the needs of the people!


It's being run by Russian bots.


This is the lefts problem. They can't understand that me,and millions like me voted Republican for the first time this election. They need to understand,and consider why,or it will keep happening to them


Hence the demokkkrat media/party desperate fight to keep borders as open as possible and no ID voter laws. Gotta refill he coughers of a new enslaved class of voters. As more black people become educated and wake up to the century of enslavement under the demokkkrat party they’ll have to find a new group of ignorant helpless people to exploit. Who better than illegals.

When you have no ideas, no solutions, no ability to debate and persuade, you have to target and exploit the most ignorant in society.


reply and exploit the most ignorant in society.

Well, you're close but not quite hitting the bulls-eye just yet: The most ignorant in American society RIGHT NOW are those who support Donald Trump.


It's only a matter of time before rational Americans recognize the insanity of the Democrat Party. The media can only cover for their bullshit for so long. This is a party that has swung so far to the Left, the Communist Party USA is now saying, "Fuck it, we're not even going to put up a candidate for President. Just vote for the Democrat."

Pretty ironic, considering the standard-bearer for the Democrats for so long - JFK - was killed by a Communist.


Those Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the West behind
And Moscow girls make me sing and shout
That Georgia's always on my-my-my-my-my-my-mind!


Actually it's being magnified by bots, and provably by some linked to Russians.

Not run, magnified.
