MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > American citizens voted for Trump

American citizens voted for Trump

Get over it.


What does "Get over it" mean? I accept he was elected. That doesn't mean I have to be silent as he makes a mockery of our country. Besides, Trump spent years bitching and moaning when Obama was President, so sorry if I don't consider Trump worthy of any Presidential slack when it comes to his misdeeds.


Why do Americans pretend they aren't already the laughing stock of the world even without Trump? You might be interested to know that non-Americans aren't at all surprised by Trump being elected


You might be interested to know that I know many non-Americans and they were plenty surprised (both living in and out of the states). So while I don't doubt that many non-Americans may have seen this coming there were just as many that were also taken aback by it.
As for being a laughing stock, there are elements of just about every country that are open to mocking and that's always been true of the U.S. But what we're experiencing with Trump is something different. I'm not going to bother elaborating because if you don't think that's the case I don't think there's anything I could say to convince you.


Funny how many millions of people will practically kill themselves to gain access to this laughing stock. As usual, people want to hate what they are jealous of. I realize we are the greatest nation in the world and that makes you bitter that you aren't an American,but even a sad envious person like you can't deny how appealing we are to immigrants. So much so, we need to build a damn wall to keep them out. Obviously,that isn't a problem in whatever country you're from.


By what measure is USA the greatest country on Earth?


Like I said, millions of people doing anything they can to get into our country says a lot.


Yeah, it says you’re fucking up where they live and they think you should be putting them up since you droned their homes and schools.

A country that has made 8 fast and furious movies says all you need to know about Americans. The only reason you all think you are the greatest is because you have been indoctrinated into thinking it. Constant bombardment of propaganda by your media who are in the pockets of your 1%. Imagine getting angry because someone offered you free healthcare? Imagine being angry because someone offered you free education? Now imagine NOT getting angry at have men and women who served the country with honour being left to rot on the streets because they can’t get access to the benefits they earned fighting in dusty countries for the aforementioned 1%?

Greatest country in the world? Pfft, don’t make me laugh.


He got fewer votes than the loser, though.


This is such a teenage thing to say.



That's some nice cherry-picking


And if field goals were worth 40 points, a different team would have been in the Superbowl. Unfortunately for the bitter left,the game was played with the rules in place, and no amount of "but,but,but....she targeted densely populated areas and got more votes than him..." will change that. I guess it's her dumb ass fault for not reading the rule book first.


The point is not that she was dumb fuck, which she is. The point is that the voting system should be changed. Or at least that’s what they said back then, not they don’t care again. It’s only a problem at the time, god forbid they push their leaders to talk about it now.


Trumps a temperamental man child and most Americans will never accept him as their leader.Get over it.


Well about half voted for him, and i guarantee a significant proportion of the people that didn't have at least accepted him. So you're actually wrong on a technical level.


No,no,no. You'll only confuse the butthurt left with your "facts" and "logic".


Half of Americans voted for him? No.

63 million did, which is 2.8 million fewer than voted for Clinton, and 19.5% of the US population.


Lol, you better hold on tight buckaroo, because he's a two termer. And before you laugh it off, remember how sure the Dems we're he wouldn't get a first term. Get used to having hurt feelings for another 7 years.


Trump is the greatest. And nobody has mass loved a president since WWII.


And your electoral college voted him in.


The rest of the world thanks you. You have proven that we shouldn't consider the US as the end word any more.

You think North Korea is talking to the South because Trump and his 'my button is bigger than yours' tweet. No China told them too and South Korea knows it so causing South Korea an in turn Japan to become closer to China and pay lip service to the US.

Europe, the EU has issues but those complaining about the EU are seeing the mess the UK is in and the fact we are going to hit over the head over US trade demands that they will reorganise themselves into something else because if they don't there is no way that the US will have its back with regard to Russia and the middle east.

China and India are the ones that are moving into resource rich Africa and Mexico, wouldn't surprise me if they don't simply legalise all drugs to cut the legs out from under the cartels there and then hand wave them north.

Like it or not thanks to Trump - Obama held things together, let the squabbles happen but we knew what was what at the end of the day. But with Trump, well the US is on its way out baby and you only have yourselves to blame.


Lol, China is so fucked once the tariffs are in place. They are trying to bully us into letting them cheat the market,but that's because they know they are screwed once we stop buying their shit.


You do know that both Bush and Obama did the same thing and it did nothing to China's steel industry apart from cost US jobs.

The EU imposed tariffs of around 75% on Chinese steel, it is still churning the stuff out and hasn't opened its market to outside steel. So won't encourage the likes of Europe or China to use US steel either. The EU still uses a lot of Chinese steel in a lot of forms and restructured its steel industry.

All these tariffs won't hit China it will hit trade between the EU and the US and cost jobs of blue collar workers as US steel doesn't seem to be restructuring in response, which I'm guessing is not what you want. The EU hit jeans, burbon and Harley's as a kind of right this is stupid so we will show you in kind of a mickey sort of way. THe idea was to get the US to pull back before the real games begin and they will.

And that is the last thing the US will want as you yourself aren't buying US steel because in some ways it isn't good enough.


More American citizens voted for Hillary.


2.8 million more


And? If American citizens voted to blow up a country just for the hell of it, would that be a defence?


American citizens also voted for Deez Nuts and Harambe.

Trump was elected by the electoral college.
