MovieChat Forums > Jussie Smollett Discussion > Will there be riots if he gets off?

Will there be riots if he gets off?

I wonder if there will be rioting if he gets off?

I guess everyone is obsessed with Kyle Rittenhouse and Alec Baldwin that this will likely be ignored.


Maybe. A lot of liberals are low on supplies and Target has restocked.


Maybe both sides.

I don't think many blacks had sympathy for him. He'll likely get found guilty and have to pay a fine. News of it will be buried on page 40 of newspapers.


Yeah, Gotta get those big screen TVs for Christmas. 😏


No, but I can’t say why… but you know.


No. Conservatives are generally decent people and don't riot and loot every time they don't get their way. That's definitely a liberal phenomenon.


I've seen both sides get carried away.


When was the last conservative lead riot that engulfed entire cities, or several blocks and had people looting? Even January 6th was relatively small, with very little damage and injuries.


What about Jan 6th at the Capitol?
The KKK killing non-whites in the south many years ago?
How about the guy who drove into that protest and killed someone a few years ago?
Or that guy who shot up the church attended by blacks?


A: I addressed the January 6th incident already. I pointed out is was relatively small, with very little damage or injuries. I'd also add that it was extremely brief, just a matter of hours in fact.
B: The KKK is a hate group. Nobody intelligent considers them to represent conservatives
C: The other 2 incidents are individuals. There are literally countless examples of individuals on both sides of the political spectrum being horrible people. That's not the discussion, hence me specifically referencing large scale riots.

The fact is, you can't reference anything that remotely parallels the constant rioting, looting, violence and destruction perpetrated by the indignant left, because it doesn't exist.


Go stick your head back in the sand.


Lol, that's how you spot a liberal. No reasonable counter to facts, so you resort to being rude.


One could easily say the same about conservatives.

Just check the comment below.


Except he gave a reasonable argument and you folded.


Those four things are all JackBrock can come up with, and none of them are comparable to the BLM/Antifa rioting, vandalism, arson, looting, and assault that took place in cities all across the US for months and months.


Just the one example you came up with?


Think about any court verdict they didn't agree with going back to the Rodney King verdict. This has been going on for decades really.


You mean like how Trump supporters reacted to Trump's 2020 loss?

Just to educate you, that was a bunch of black hooligans doing that stuff. Sensible blacks hate those people because they give blacks a bad name.

Also, just so we are clear, I didn't feel too sorry for Rodney...the boy had it coming.


Jan. 6th!


Fair enough, but that riot was by a few hundred knuckeheads, knuckleheads who might have just gone home if the idiot Capital police didn't invite most of them in.

And for full disclosure, I have no problem with those rioters being charged and sentenced for what they did. No one of any political bent should break into a government building to "protest" for any reason. I also have no sympathy for Ashley Babbit.


Doesn't REMOTELY compare to all the BLM and antifa arson, looting, rape, murder, BILLIONS of dollars in property damage, innocent peoples businesses and livelihoods destroyed, etc., but you are MC's liar in chief and no one believes a thing you say.

P.S. I condemn the capitol indecent while you support all the BLM/antifa anarchy and crime.


The Left will riot either way. Though thankfully as more people step up to defend themselves, the Left will scale back on its destruction.


You sure are dumb


The only "getting off" he's going to be exposed to is sucking off dudes in jail. He's gay, so it will be like sex tourism to him.


I’m gonna head over to the projects and loot Dollar General. I needs me some paper clips!
