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Hillary Clinton faces outrage over ‘grotesque’ D-Day remarks

Trump should really put her in jail for destroying govt documents

Hillary, we have not forgotten Benghazi or that Russian Trade


Fuck her!


But she was the primary financial contributor to the Iman Zaib Muhabi Mosque in Kingman, Arizona, that has to count for something right?!?

See here for details.


I assume you mean that only figuratively.


Trump proudly promised to do so while running for office, but backed down like a little bitch as soon as he was elected.

Now he claims he never said so.

Yes, he just knows his cult member are idiots.


He didn't promise such thing, the crowds chanted and he echoed them.


This is an obvious lie. He has said numerous times that he would lock her up. You're just blinding repeating your cult leader again.


Technically, he made no promises or official plans in any way to lock her, if it was part of his “actual” plans from the beginning, she would have at least been indicted.

Also, the word “would” is open to an imagined event or situation.

He has used that word several other times in the past where he didn’t proceed with whatever his statement was.
After eight years, you should be familiar enough by now about him using the word “would.”


I offer you three links that show Trump saying he will lockup Hillary and "would" is never mentioned.

From the last link there is this where Trump said...

So, crooked Hillary, wait, crooked -- you should lock her up, I'll tell you. Crooked Hillary spent three or four times more. So, I want to be a little bit. You know, I have to say that was a great campaign and I don't want to change it. I don't want to have this incredible 2016, then go with something, and if something ever happened, oh, this country will go to hell.

When will you stop making excuses for Trump?


Haa, he said "should" which is even more open than "would."
Thanks for making my point, more solid. I rest my case.


So you're saying he knowingly plays word games to fool his followers. They'd be behind him chanting, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" during the campaign. He wouldn't correct them. When he got elected, he said it was just something that "sounded good on the campaign trail."

They still say "Lock her up!" but he's started calling her "Beautiful Hillary," and is using the "Crooked" nickname for Biden.

But I will agree with you, as bad as Trump is, he's better than Crooked Joe.


There's really nothing to correct since she actually belongs in jail.
As a matter of fact, she deserves worse considering what she has done besides treason/soft-coup.


I know you're really upset about Trump being a 34 times convicted felon so I guess it makes you feel better to deflect to Hillary who was never locked up. Explain exactly what crimes that Hillary is guilty of? Provide links to back up your claims.


I agree that's where she belongs. The question is did he really mean he intended to lock her up.


The truther community says that she has already been dealt with; however, since I cannot confirm or deny it, than it leaves things open that she is better protected by the Deep State than Trump was originally aware of.

She never received any indictments and as he said on the video clips, he felt that “it would have been a terrible thing”, especially for optics. Look at how much his polls have increased since his first indictment.


So now you believe in polls? You're a retard. Anyway, right now ex-president Trump is leading by just 1.1 points over Biden. Just more Trump winning, right?


It depends upon the poll. But you're right -- it's really too close to call at this point.

Which says a lot about the nonsense people are swallowing. "He's going to be a dictator!!!1!" Was he a dictator the last time? And if you say yes, it proves you don't know what Obama or Biden did on their first days -- non-stop EOs, which is sheer dictatorship. The presidency was not meant to work that way. Checks and balances and all that. But it's different when Obama or Biden do it.

Now AOC is saying Trump's going to lock her up when he gets in there. Did he lock her up the last time? No. Hillary? No. The Dems have their base scared to death. So Trump's running neck and neck with a cabbage. Sadly, Trump's more about personalities than issues, too. And boasting. How do we know there wouldn't have been a war in Gaza if Trump were in? Or Russia invading Ukraine? Trump's all about no new wars. I'd feel pretty confident I could start a war and he wouldn't get involved, but maybe that's just me.

Of course, he did stop ISIS in its tracks, but we don't have that kind of a situation, now.


So what? First you claimed that Trump never said "lock her up!" Then you claimed that Trump said it but he used "would." Now you claim that Trump said" should."

Make up your mind, Cletus. When will you stop making excuses for Trump?


After everything that unhinged bigot has said over the years, you wanna complain about what someone else is saying?


Yes we can throw Biden and Clinton in the can.


Explain what charges that Biden and Hillary are guilty of. Be specific.


Not sure why you're asking me.


Burn her!


The way trump fan club is shitting all over political section with imbecile posts and kisses ass of their idol non stop like they are BTS or Taylor fans and they think their "teen idol" needs their support.

Only Trump is not teen idol but ugly old fart. It's hilarious and sad at the same time.

Even more hilarious is that "trump fan boys" can't see how ridiculous and stupid they look.

Admins really should put Trump, Biden, Hillary and other politician pages in Political section so they would not trend on front page and trump fanatics could sit in their own psychward unbothered and write all day those "I Heart Donald" posts.


He should lock her up because he promised he would. But then he said it was just something that sounded good on the campaign trail.

Now, I hope his idiotic notion of pumping more billions into Ukraine as "loans" is just something that sounded good on the campaign trail. But since it's a horrible, stupid, inflationary idea, I'm sure he meant it.




lokc her up!


Trump's biggest accomplishment may have been blocking this woman from becoming president.
