MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > More money to Ukraine May 21th 2023

More money to Ukraine May 21th 2023

President Joe Biden is set to announce a new $375 million military aid package for Ukraine after meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart at the G7 summit in Japan


That's nothing. Looks like they found another 3 billion to give to Ukraine due to 'an accounting error' lol


Jesus Christ


wish I could accidentally find 3 billion in my checking account.


OH please, just replace the phrase "military aid package for the Ukraine" to "money laundering package to be sent back to our pockets in the US" and then you've got it right. Most Ukranians won't even SEE that money, let alone get to use it.


I hope some day they will be held accountable in this transfer of wealth!


Yeah, but probably decades from now when nothing can be done about it and anyone who would want justice is dead.


When you die is when the REAL judgment begins.


Yeah right. Like pushing the Trump/Russia collusion lie for 6 years?

Until the enemy of the American people, Democrat party and their media, are eradicated, nothing will change.


Some of you people are so short sighted or political yapping dogs.

Long term world stability is in the interests of everyone, including my children and grandchildren. Stomping out Putin and his Nazis and exterminating their infestation can only do the world good and set an example for every bully who wants to throw his weight around.

This is the only thing Diaper Joe is doing right. If Orange Cheeto was president and doing the same, I'm sure the other side of the coin would turn up.


We have been trying to stomp out Russia (USSR) since 1946. Haven't succeeded yet. Instead of war maybe we should find common ground and have peace.


It's not about "stomping out" Russia. Never has been.

Russia had it's chance at peace and totally fucked themselves (well, Putin did). All the glasnost work that Gorby did is gone, perhaps forever. Putin reset Russia back to 1946 all by himself. There was no logical reason for the land grab and the world knows this. Who would ever trust Russia again?

All Putin did was to convince the non NATO members that Russia can't be trusted and a NATO membership is the best way to protect themselves.


The land grab is stupid and makes no sense. But the World allowed Russia to take Crimea without a fight. Supposedly, the eastern cities of Ukraine are loyal to Russia. So Putin thinks he can forcibly take them back. It would have been easier to have an negotiation or vote to see if those people wanted to leave Ukraine.

This whole issue with Ukraine could have been solved if they were just let into NATO. Whats the root cause as to why they are constantly denied membership?

Finland shares a border with Russia and they were added to NATO.

Now we, the US, are stuck in another unwinnable war and everyone seems content. The military industrial complex rolls on and billions are flowing to a corrupt Country.


Now we, the US, are stuck in another unwinnable war..

I disagree. I don't see the U.S. in a war at all - there are exactly zero GIs fighting in Ukraine. The U.S. has provided a lot of high dollar equipment certainly, but there are over 30 nations also sending supplies and weapons to Ukraine.

If you want to look for a silver lining, the U.S. is moving out older weapons and replacing them with brand new materiel.

As far as Russia, they can't win this war now, but neither can they just go home (which would end this today). They are too deeply invested and Putin has porked Russia royally. The endgame as I see it is that Putin will suddenly have a medical episode or he'll fall down a flight of stairs - several times if need be - and be replaced by a leader who will leave.


If its not a war then why is it called a war?


It doesn't matter if we have soldiers fighting or not. Currently we have American soldiers training Ukrainian soldiers to fight in the war.

Thats not a silver lining, the military industrial complex rolls on and makes money. War is good for business, everyone knows this.

Its called a stalemate. No one wins. But the US loses because we will be responsible for rebuilding Ukraine when the war is over.

This whole issue with Ukraine could have been solved if they were just let into NATO. Whats the root cause as to why they are constantly denied membership?


You're moving the goalposts. I didn't say there was no war in Ukraine, what I was addressing was your comment that the U.S. was stuck in a war in Ukraine.

I guess you have your own definition of what constitutes a war, but I don't know anyone else who equates military aid with actually being in a war. Since 30 other nations are also aiding Ukraine, is this not the third world war the biggest of the three?

There is precedence. The U.S. was sending a staggering amount of war materiel to the allies in 1939, 1940, and 1941 to support their war with Germany, but the U.S. was not at war with Germany, Italy, or Japan until Dec 8th, 1941.


No, this is what I said.

"are stuck in another unwinnable war"

Go back and read what I wrote again.

When you arm another Country to help their fight with another Country, its called a proxy war.

You are arguing semantics of the word "war". However you slice it, the US is stuck in a proxy war with Russia. Win, lose or draw, the US is now responsible for security, safety and prosperity of Ukraine. We tried this once in Afghanistan. It didn't work.


Okay, now it's a proxy war (it still isn't a proxy war either, but anyway).

In what possible way is the U.S. "stuck"?

All it takes is a phone call the U.S. is "unstuck" as there are no logistics to deal with. The U.S. isn't any more responsible for the security, safety, or prosperity of Ukraine than it was for the security, safety, or prosperity of England or France in WWII when the U.S. was offering the same type of support in weapons, machinery, fuel, food, etc.


Another unnecessary 20 year war like what happened in Afghanistan.


Its ok, Joe approves of minor incursions.


Another unnecessary 20 year war like what happened in Afghanistan.

Exactly, not only did Russia not learn their lesson, but Russia is actually worse off than they were in Afghanistan. They have lost more men and materiel in 7 month than they did in Afghanistan in 10 years.


LOL yeah right!


USA doubles the time there and left leaving the country worst Thant it was


It was a waste of time and money certainly, but Afghanistan is hardly worse off than before. The West overestimated the Afghans and thought they had that internal fire of freedom and self determination. Turns out the Afghans don't mind being ruled and abused, or at least they weren't willing to fight for something better, so they're back being the same third world totalitarian shithole they were before.

Hopefully the West realizes that they are a lost cause and doesn't waste another penny there.


Good job putting the date in the title so we can keep track of endless money laundering scams. May have to add a time to it as well.


If we had seen the timeline it’s would blow my toupee back 😢


This is so naïve. It surprises me that people think Republicans won't do the same. Sure, they will be mostly shush on the issue until the elections, but after... It is a matter of national interest. Not a matter of Joe's dislike for Putin or his love for the Ukrainians.


You are probably correct, but hopefully in a smaller scale. The weapons complex owns people on both sides of the isle!


My comment aged mightily fine. Of course, precious time was lost and now Russia is on the offensive, while support from China and other US geopolitical enemies is strengthening. Showing softness to your enemies does this.

USA succumbing to idiocracy was predicted almost 20 years ago by Mike Judge. Watching the contest for whose crazy old fart would be the better president is particularly amusing. Reminds me of the last decades of the Western Roman Empire, where internal strife and idiocy opened the gates for the barbarians.

Duh, I better start learning Chinese.
