MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > I don't understand the Dems pissing and ...

I don't understand the Dems pissing and moaning about "saving democracy."

I don't understand the Dems pissing and moaning about "saving democracy."

They don't believe in religion or freedom of speech. They believe in authoritarianism and socialism. They think sexuality is fluid. They turn their backs on crime and violence -- unless it's in their back yard. They don't believe in protecting the Supreme Court Justices.

And, if you don't believe as they believe, you are an extremist and a terrorist.... You are a lousy piece of shit that doesn't deserve to live.

This is Der Fuhrer Biden's America.

It's disturbing and frightening.


Yep, and at the same, they'll say Republican's are all of those things. And they actually believe it too. It's asinine. They really are trying to destroy America.


Replace the word "democracy" with the word "agenda", and it all makes a lot more sense.

Remember, this is the party that is "redefining" words...


They're saying that because Trump is going around saying he won the 2020 election when he clearly didn't. They're saying it because they tried to overturn the election on Jan. 6th--breaking into the capital, threatening politicians, attacking police officers. Remember that? And they're still trying to do that.

As far as not believing in anything, well, this country was founded on separation of church and state. Therefore, it's right that they shouldn't be looking to the Bible, or any other religious book, when deciding laws. The republicans who do this are wrong.

Republicans also seem to believe in disenfranchising African Americans, college students and others not prone to vote for them.

Trump was the one who had a copy of Hitler's speeches next to his bed, who quoted Mussolini on Twitter, who said he was "in love" with Kim Jung Un, and who took Putin's word over that of our intelligence agencies. So, yeah, you got that one wrong, too.


Provide reliable evidence of all your claims.


Which ones? Almost all have been in the news multiple times.


I said reliable, not the news...


Did you forget all the Dems who claimed that Trump wasn't a legitimate president?

Republicans also seem to believe in disenfranchising African Americans, college students and others not prone to vote for them.

As a BLACK American, I would love to know what those white SOBs are doing to disenfranchise me.


strntz, the Democrats think Republicans asking for voter ID is racist because they say you guys don't have the cash or knowhow to get official ID.


Haven't you paid attention to the news? They make African Americans wait for hours and hours before they can vote. Meanwhile, white people in more affluent districts can breeze right through.

Now, they passed a law that people can't even bring those waiting food or water while they stand in line for hours.

There is also the thing about the IDs, which I don't find that bad. Most people have IDs, and you should have one to vote.

They have also distributed information with incorrect information about voting dates and places to college students.

Then, of course, there's gerrymandering.


Strntz always good with a haymaker. Please let me know when you at last run for office because I’m voting for you


LOL, thanks. I've been asked to run for the council in my town, but frankly I'm quite unqualified. Of course, I could move to AOC's district and be overqualified...


I see that you believe in education and helping the less fortunate, but you are wasting your time with morons like these.


It's very simple. If the Dems set themselves up as "defenders of Democracy" and repeat this constantly in their propaganda news, the many hapless headline-reading-only stooges out there will support them and won't notice until the Dems have destroyed Democracy themselves.


We aren't a democracy, but we have democratic aspects, and of those the left is attempting to corrupt and/or demolish them.

The general views of the left: up is down, left is right, wet is dry and conservatism is radical


the democrats are literally trying to put their only competition in prison. hello 1939 called, they want their (biden) leader back.


Because they're liars. They are lying. A democracy suggests multiple ideas being expressed, something that scares the shit out of the far left disease that has permanently taken over the democratic party.


The Dems accuse everyone else of being "extremists" because they feel threatened. (Gaslighting.) THEY are the EXTREMISTS. Look at their policies and ideas; they are ALL EXTREME. There is nothing about them that is anywhere near the middle. They are crazy people, full of hate.



And their followers are mostly affluent and bored:


What a couple of pieces of shit!




well said. dems are now trying to prevent Trump from being President next year.
