MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > The pedophile in chief undresses a littl...

The pedophile in chief undresses a little girl with his imagination to a live audience

Quote: "I love those barrettes in your hair. Man I’ll tell you what, look at her she looks like she's 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed."

TF is wrong with this pedophile?



The dude is so pumped full of drugs he thinks that he’s still at a Pelosi Pedo Party.


I was going to make a joke but it wouldn’t be as funny or sad as the reality.


me too, I just feel bad for the old guy, he needs to retire and go hang out with Obama on Marthas Vineyard.


This disgusting degenerate pedophile makes a pass at a 5 year old girl. And the media encourages him.


The media are in on it. 90% are owned by the CIA, and the CIA are owned by the mafia. They're deliberately encouraging pedos.


And don't forget the mafia are owned by the Lizard people and the Lizard people are owned by the Greys.


Nice obfuscation tactic. Talk about Lizard people and Aliens to imply that the very idea of CIA/Media collusion is ridiculous.

Other countries manipulate their populace through government/media cooperation, so why is it so far-fetched that the USA would do likewise?


lol. I'm joking. I'm balls deep in conspiracy theories.


In 2021, Lizard people isn't even wild anymore lol.


You guys come up with all these codenames because you're afraid to name the [redacted by Moshe Shekelbergstein]


Now, I believe there's a lot of nasty stuff going on behind the scenes, but how exactly does the mafia control the cia? (The mafia, I'm pretty sure, would kill anyone they suspected of being a pedophile)


If you have 3.5 hours to spare tonight, watch this documentary:

At worst you'll be entertained, and at best you'll be awakened.

It focuses mostly on the JFK assassination, but in a way that formed the nucleus between WWII and 911. The level of detail it goes into is mind boggling.


I believe I am awake (vs woke), but I will take a look when I get a chance.


"(The mafia, I'm pretty sure, would kill anyone they suspected of being a pedophile)"

That's a nice little 1995 you're living in there. Looks real COMFY!


I see. You don't have anything of value to say, so you throw out a snarky comment that doesn't actually mean anything and hope nobody notices you have no relevant thoughts in your head.

Carry on.


"No relevant thoughts"

Pointing out how naive and dated your mentality is is "not important" or whatever

You would say that wouldn't ya? Duh...

If its really that irrelevant report me for being off topic! (which it's not)



I really don't think Joe is a "pedo." However, he seems to lack a "filter," maybe due to cognitive decline.

I mean, in this day and age, any man, regardless of age, who approaches a child in a park or on the street has his motives suspect, even if his motives are pure and sincere. You just don't do it.

Joe has to realize that he is a public person and that his every word in analyzed and measured.

Joe (lack of filter) wants to come across as friendly, folksy, and grandfatherly; but he comes across as just creepy. It's a little sad.
