Thief. Usurper.

Day 2 of the illegitimate Biden regime.


Bullshit. No evidence of fraud. Right wing media backpedaling now that Dominion is suing them for defamation. Grow up.


Haha "grow up"... Never gonna happen, unfortunately.


"NO THERE IS EVIDENCE!!!" *proceeds to not show any evidence*"


You wouldn't know evidence if it hit you in the face with warp factor 9.


Mail in ballots were never verified, they were quickly mixed into the other votes.


Hard to have evidence if they don't bother investigating it, just saying.


Except that they did. And found nothing.


Fundamentally untrue. Lots of testimonies and evidence was disregarded out of hand. Considering the Democrats put Trump through 4 years of nonsense investigations that was paid for by their own party, they seemed very eager to squash any attempt at looking into election fraud. In 2007 Biden himself had such great concerns regarding voting machines and the ability manipulate the vote, that he wanted a federal mandate that would make them illegal in a federal election. Funny how he suddenly decided they were infallible.


Consider it Day 2 of Resistance and then it sounds better :) We'll treat the Sniffer with the same respect his followers did for President Trump for the past 4 years.


And the left learned that from the way the Republicans treated Obama for the 8 years before that.


And we learned that from the way demoncraps treated Reagan.


No way. I remember that era. I voted for Reagan. That just didn't happen. Sure, they rejected Robert Bork for the Supreme Court, but that was because Bork fired the special prosecutor that was about to nail Nixon. The Dems were also very civil with GHWB. No, in the modern era it all started with the Repubs' treatment of the Clintons.


Yup. They impeached Clinton over a BJ, then went after Obama for terrorist fist jabs and tan suits. Now they're rioting at the Capitol. A bunch of lunatics.


LOL, disagreeing with Obama is not the same as wishing death upon him, mocking his family, undermining his efforts to save us from a life threatening virus and inventing conspiracy theories and fake impeachments. The right was mostly civil during the Obama administration but the left constantly played the race card whenever he didn't get exactly what he wanted. But if it makes you feel any better just consider whatever abuse your fragile little mind feels Obama suffered as payback for how President Bush was treated.


Wow, classic projection. What your side does, you accuse the other side of doing.

The right was mostly civil? Sure, apart from Mitch McConnell saying the #1 priority for the Republicans was to make sure Obama was a 1 term president. Sure, apart from hounding Obama for 8 years about his birth certificate.

And "inventing conspiracy theories"? From the party of Pizzagate and the "stolen" election? Yeah, sure.


No actually that’s you, what you all do you accuse the other side of. The left incites riots then they accuse Trump of it, Biden conspires with foreign powers then they accuse trump of it, the left steals elections then they accuse the right of it.

Oh how awful of McConnell for saying that his side was going to win the next election, I’ve never heard of any politician ever doing that, I guess he should have just done the civil thing and wished death upon Obama. Seriously kid if you are going to be that thin skinned quit dishing it out because it exposes your double standards and hypocrisy. There’s actual evidence of voter fraud recently, that is far more than the left can say for their little Russia conspiracy that they didn’t shut up about for four years. Get over yourself and if Congress has any integrity they will immediately start impeachment proceedings for Biden, Pelosi and Harris and then look into prosecution. All 3 of them belong in jail.


Those are some amazing rose-colored glasses you have on there. Let's take them off, shall we?

Whitewater for FOUR years.
Impeachment over a blowjob.
Birtherism (Hillary accepted Obama's COLB).
Fast And Furious (started under Bush).
FEMA Camps.
Benghazi for SIX years.
Hillary's emails.
Hunter laptop.
Kraken (Powell running scared now lolol).
Attempting a coup.

Is it surprising four of those happened in Trump's last year of office? Heh, not really.

Russia investigation for three years (two if Comey remained) (no attempt to impeach) (Russia did hack the DNC).
The Zelensky phone call (whistleblower caught him red-handed).

The dems finally grew a pair and fought back, and it caused you rejects to attempt a coup.

Good luck with your Patriot Party. Lol.


Lol I lost I when you said Russia did hack the DNC, there was never one ounce of evidence for that and it was clearly a lie thought up by the DemoKKKrats. And they didn’t impeach him over that because they knew they would look stupid for it because they didn’t even have anything they could even spin as evidence. Even most of the libtards have stopped arguing this because it’s so stupid and obviously a lie, you clearly didn’t get the memo. Also Clinton was impeached for perjury not a blowjob. Solyndra was a screw up on Obama’s part. Hillary Clinton left 4 people to die in Benghazi so Obama could get re-elected , that’s a huge deal, she literally played politics with people’s lives and I am so made at the Republicans for not throwing her in jail . Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. You need to break away from your cult , you’ve clearly been brainwashed into submission and it’s scary. Your like those worshippers in temple of doom who were force fed the blood of Kali , it’s quite scary


Guccifer 2.0 was caught twice. The first time, they were caught using a Russian-to-Romanian translator. The second time, they logged into DC Leaks but forgot to turn on their VPN and pinged a location at GRU headquarters in Moscow. Whoopsie.

You refuse to believe it was Russia when all the evidence points there, but you'll believe Trump and his minions who say it was China with zero evidence. Because you've been radicalized.

"Also Clinton was impeached for perjury not a blowjob."

Even worse, they found the blue dress with a semen stain on it and thought "hey, we could get him to lie about this under oath and impeach him for it." The GOP played dirty and here you are making excuses for them. Lol.

You can make all the excuses for this that you want:

Whitewater for FOUR years.
Impeachment over a blowjob.
Birtherism (Hillary accepted Obama's COLB).
Fast And Furious (started under Bush).
FEMA Camps.
Benghazi for SIX years.
Hillary's emails.
Hunter laptop.
Kraken (Powell running scared now lolol).
Attempting a coup.

Russia investigation for three years (two if Comey remained) (no attempt to impeach) (Russia did hack the DNC).
The Zelensky phone call (whistleblower caught him red-handed).


It’s been well establish that the Russian issue was a lie by the demokkkrats they were out to get Trump from the beginning and they abused the justice system to get back at him which is treasonous. There was never any legitimate proof to back it up, it was clearly fabricated by Hillary Clinton and apparently your cult forgot to give you the memo. Lay off the fake news, kid: It was an excuse she made for losing the election. This is like an objective fact by now even lefties don’t even argue it even more. The “evidence” was fabricated by leftists. ( The fact that a Russian hacker exists doesn’t prove anything you idiot. Clinton was impeached for perjury, not a blowing you dishonest libtard. As for the birther issue I had to produce a birth certificate to run summer track clearly asking for one to be President isn’t out of line. Also Hillary left four Americans to die including an ambassador she should have been prosecuted . Fast and furious was screwed up under Obama and they ended up losing a ton of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, whoopsie.


It's been well-established Russia hacked the DNC, which coincidentally happened around the time Trump said Russia would be rewarded for finding emails.

It's been well-established Trump's campaign adviser Roger Stone was caught sending emails to people claiming he knew what Guccifer 2.0 gave to Wikileaks.

It's been well-established that the FBI had every reason to investigate the issue.

It's been well-established that it's time to get over it.


No that was all debunked, stop peddling Q tier conspiracy theories


More conspiracy theories that your cult came up with and Roger Stone has been exonerated and that ambush that CNN recorded was just disgraceful.

We should get over 4 Americans being left to die? What is wrong with you? Contrary to what Hillary Clinton thinks it makes a huge difference.


Roger Stone has not been exonerated.


It's amazing the lies they come up with to avoid cognitive dissonance.


Day 3 of the illegitimate Biden regime.

The lies mount:

Promised $2,000 stimulus checks reduced to $1,400. Claims he meant $1,400 all along.
100 million vaccinations in 100 days! (President Trump already set this in motion. 1.3 million vaccinations on 1/11 alone.)
Federal mask mandate! (Entire Biden family ignores mandate.)

No press conference yet. Still hiding and desperately trying to conceal dementia symptoms.


also, fence and razor wire are still up around the white house and capitol, what is crazy joe afraid of?


It's to make sure he doesn't wander off.


haha sounds about right.


Not to mention that his first act was to get us back into that scam Climate Agreement and shut down the Keystone Pipeline, both of which will hurt the US Economy while we are in the middle of a pandemic.


An endless amount of days forthcoming from butt hurt Q geeks stuck in the basement of their moms.


Only 4 years to go until we've caught up to you liberal pussies


Oh, the whining! It's beneath pathetic that dumbass Trump worshippers like you can't process the fact that you're not a majority in this country. That's why you lost. It was a fair and totally secure election and you lost. Deal with it. More importantly ... get used to it! 🤣

It was fun watching half of Trump's stupid policies get wiped away in a matter of minutes. And all his loyalists being purged from the government agencies they were sent to sabotage. Hey, I'm enjoying it so far!


More importantly ... get used to it! 🤣

Why would they wanna get used to the horrors that the "Democrats" want to impose on the USA, you unimaginable little freak? Why would anyone wanna "get used to" that just cause some pathetic jackass on the internet told them to?

Do you know what "Europe" is like after having mass Muslim immigration? It is absolutely miserable to live in, I know from first hand experience. Biden wants to resume Obama's suicidal policy of bringing in "refugees" (who just want to p1ss on your country).

I'm guessing you are just some dumbass college-age kid (or someone who is mentally still stuck in high school). The only thing you know or understand is videogames, and when you're done jacking off to those you go on the internet and like to say "DEAL WITH IT" to make your pathetic virgin self feel big. Idiots like you are a dime a dozen.

Listen little kid. You actually believe (or you pretend to believe) that 80 million people would actually be excited to vote for that senile, worthless mummy of a human being. So in light of that, ridicule from you is utterly meaningless isn't it?

If you had the slightest idea about *anything* in this world you wouldn't be saying the stupid crap you do.


Wow, someone has anger management issues. 🤪

I simply stated the truth. There are more people in the country who lean left than right, by population. Without the Electoral College, gerrymandering, voter suppression (which was short circuited this time around by the pandemic), and a Senate that gives twice as much representation to the sparsely populated Dakotas as it does to the mega population center of California, Republicans would never have majority control. A fact they've openly acknowledged. The GOP regularly exercises more power than they'd be entitled to in a fair system.

Every four years a new group of 14-18 year olds becomes eligible to vote and more of the angry old white base moves off the other edge of the conveyor belt, so to speak. We're approaching the point where even the inherent unfair elements of the system and all the dirty tricks they can muster won't keep Republicans in power.

I don't think they'll go extinct. We don't want one party rule. That never ends well! But the current extremist, radicalized GOP needs to change. When they're faced with a future of endless election losses and political irrelevance, they will have no choice but to move away from the far right and jettison some of their less popular positions. This is how democracy is supposed to work. You cater to your electorate - rather than gaming the system so you won't be voted out.


He's got less faculties than a watermelon and his son is a crackhead.

In saner times for America, someone with his problems wouldn't have even made it to the election day without being replaced by his party.

Unfortunately, America is now completely controlled by the insane and suicidal "liberal" establishment who want to trash the country just for the hell of it, so they never covered any of his obvious scandals/shortcomings.

It's almost as if they foisted the most pathetic Dem candidate they could, just to insult our intelligence...

And yes of course it was a f ***ing fraud on Nov. 3, a gigantic one.


The pandemic was a perfect cover for him. It allowed him to avoid the scrutiny that would have otherwise exposed his condition.


The pandemic was a cover for a lot of things.

Back at the beginning of the year nobody would have expected Trump to be (legitimately) defeated. .. Only in this kind of Twilight Zone reality could someone pull this off.


Day 4 of the illegitimate Biden regime.

Almost broke his other foot yesterday running out of the room before the media could ask him any questions.


You are one of the dumbest people I've met in a while. And one of the most brainwashed, like that guy who threatened to shoot his own kids if they ratted him out. Get down on your knees and pray, supplicant!

Lord God Trump, I am nothing without you. You are my purpose. My only light. Shower your Divine approval upon me, Almighty Trump. Tell me what to think - for I am too stupid to tell myself. Command me, for I have no direction without your guidance. Until we sit at your right hand in heaven. Forever and ever. Amen.

You are every bit that pathetic, don't even pretend otherwise.

Baaaaa! 🐑


Total lack of civility noted. Nothing even marginally worthwhile in your responses.

Four years on this site and you're the first to go on my "ignore list".


Aw, I think I'm going to cry. Pleeeeease don't ignore me! I'll be good, I promise! 🤣

Vaya con dios, pendejo.


He can't read your post you retard. Do you understand words? Did Chang not program the correct verbiage for you, you poorly coded piece of Chicom spyware?


Doesn't mean I can't say goodbye, shitbag.


Doesn't mean you can't shout into an empty cupboard like a retard either Chang, but it would be just as pointless.


Almost as pointless as talking to a waste of space like yourself. Bye bye now! 🤪


You keep replying to me though don't you! Get back to your soymilk kid.


Trolls always gotta have the last word. Why is that? What mental disease requires them to never allow anyone else to have the final comment?


LMFAO says the guy who literally replied to someone who blocked him just to try and get the last word kek. China aint sending their best


Sure thing Ivan. Say hi to the boss man for us. I'll bet he's in a foul mood, now that his bitch is out of the White House.


When you try to have the last word after posting that trolls always gotta have the last word, is that you tacitly admitting you're nothing but a troll? Because it sure seems like that.


Gotta have the last word!!!!!


LMAO are you that dense? Or is it ironic?


Gotta have the last word!!!


Day 5 of the illegitimate Biden regime.

“I don’t know what I’m signing.”
