Darn. I was looking forward to learning more about black history from Tyson.


He’ll live so no worries.


Wonder if it could be a false positive.

But regarding the person who wrote "he'll live so it doesn't matter", guess what: there are a ton of long-term consequences from having this virus:

-shortness of breath
-“brain fog”
-sleep disorders
-gastrointestinal symptoms


This was always the scariest part to me, they called some people the ‘long haulers’ who seemed to just never be the same again months and months after they got it.

It made sense to me that your body is forever damaged by this because I know that if you get pneumonia it can scar your lungs and they are maimed for life. That is why I still take as many precautions as I can and why I don’t understand people who don’t!



It seems 5800 vaccinated people have contracted the virus.
Some became seriously ill and 74 people died, the CDC said. It said 396 -- 7% -- of those who got infected after they were vaccinated required hospitalization.


Pretty damn remarkable that it didn't work for only about 6k out of 77 million vaccinated people, we got lucky that there aren't many more with how fast they rushed the vaccine I think.


>> It seems 5800 vaccinated people have contracted the virus.
>> Some became seriously ill and 74 people died, the CDC said.
>> It said 396 -- 7% -- of those who got infected after they were vaccinated required hospitalization.

That is pure BS. The CDC never said anything remotely like this.

No one has died from this vaccine!!

This is Trumpian thinking and fear-mongering ... like if someone got the vaccine jab, walked out the door and got hit by a bus, you'd call it a vaccine fatality. Correlation does not mean causation.

400 million people have gotten these vaccines around the world and if there was a problem with the vaccines we would see it and know about. Instead of what we see are people dying or getting sick of diseases at the normal rate of those diseases ... meaning they are not dying from the vaccine at all.

These scare tactics are the Republicans way to make people not think about how efficient and great universal health care for be for this country - and how much money it would actually save when have the next pandemic.


pretty dangerous misinformation here. I personally know two people who have died from it.


No you do not know anyone who died from C-19 vaccine.


You typed "No one has died from this virus!!" when I'm sure you meant vaccine, just thought you might want to change it since a couple of people misunderstood ya.


Yes, oh thanks, changed.


You're babbling about something you know nothing about other than what you've heard or read, from media outlets you've handpicked because they agree with you. You, like the rest of us, have no idea what's really going on, and your insistence that everything is the way your chosen political party claims it to be, is foolish.

We do know for certain that no one who is hit by a car is going to be declared a vaccine fatality. That's made-up nonsense on your part.


No one has died from the Covid-19 vaccine.
I know this because of the facts I babbled over your head.
Over 1.4 billion shots have been delivered, and there are no outstanding statistics that make any cause of death any greater than the background cases that would normally be expected.
And, by the way, citing facts is not babbling. You right wing dips seem to think all you need to do is accuse someone of babbling to make a point.
I admit, it is funny to come and check out the latest nonsense comment from your guys ... and in your case you just happened to drop in in the middle of a thread to which you were not engaged. Interesting huh.

The hit by the car comment was a joke to make a point ( lost on you ) that correlation does not equal causation ( you will probably have to look up those long words in the dictionary and have your mommy explain them to you ) ... which I should have labelled for you because I know you right-wing dweebs lack not only intelligence and logic, but a sense of humor as well.


No one here stated that people died from the vaccine. Read much?


It's called "long Covid", but it is unlikely for someone who has been vaccinated, which weirdly Bill Maher has been vaccinated. He will have very light symptoms and probably not suffer.


Rest and get well Bill, we need you healthy!


Billy Joel knows what's up.

Only The Good Die Young



MAGA..thank you warp speed


not anymore.
