MovieChat Forums > Rose McGowan Discussion > Why Are We Ignoring That She Took The Mo...

Why Are We Ignoring That She Took The Money

People talk about her as though she's a hero fighting for sexual assault victims and standing up to Weinstein.

But she didnt.

She took the money.

More women were raped because Rose McGowan agreed to keep his secret.


I agree completely. Nazi soldiers who allowed the murders to happen were put on trial, though they themselves never killed anyone. Rose didn't report it and took a bribe to keep shut. In my world, she's culpable as all hell.


I asked this exact same question when the story first broke. I got called a misogynist. Our culture is so incredibly juvenile, vapid, and deficient in any sort of critical thought. She's not a hero. She's a fucking snake just like the rest of Hollywood. A complete cesspit of rapists and pedophiles and hypocrites. Makes me sick to my stomach.


Somewhat true. But there are plenty of good upstanding people in Hollywood. Tom cruise for instance gets a lot of flak for being a scientologist. But there us no evidence of any real bad behavior from the man. Yet he gets a lot of hate thrown at him.

People are illogical indeed.


Thanks for offering balance. To suggest that everyone working in Hollywood is a rapist, pedophile or satan-worshiper is so extreme it's eye-rolling.


She also worked with Victor Salva who is a convicted sex offender. And this was way after he was convicted.


That's true, but sometimes people can actually have a crisis of conscious at some point.


Back when she accepted the settlement she would have been destroyed had she exposed him.

Do you know anything at all about her story other than that she accepted a settlement?

Have you ever been raped? If yes, was the rapist as powerful as Weinstein, who is known to have hired Mossad agents to follow people including her? How did you manage your life after being raped? How did you handle your feelings after being raped?

If you have been raped it sounds like you handled it like a champion and so well that you feel entitled to bash down rape survivors. You should give seminars on how to handle being raped and judging rape victims who don’t measure up on how to handle being raped.


"Have you been raped" is not an argument. It's an attempt at emotional blackmail.

My issue is not how she handled it at the time. My issue is with her attempt to re-write history after the fact whereby she suddenly becomes a hero.


The women who did go to the police. THEY ARE!!


It wasn’t an argument, it was a question.

You. Are. Insensitive.

And. Putting. Periods. After. Every. Word. To. Emphasis. Your. Point. Is. Passé.

I never said I thought she was a hero. I actually don’t care very much for her public persona.

Emotional blackmail? How dramatic.

It was a rhetorical question because clearly you have not been raped or you would understand the number it does in the psyche and your entire life until the end.


It's an attempt at emotional blackmail. It's what women with severe mental health problems do to garner sympathy for their ill thought-out opinions.

There were full stops after every word? Are you sure? Look again. Ask a friend to help.

Being raped doesn't mean 'muh lived experience' has any meaningful insight on her behaviour years later. It's the argument of a cretin.


Ok 8chan. Better get back to those misogynistic computer games that have shaped your entire world view and reduced your intellect into a putrid puddle of mush and given you the only option for defining your opinion to resort to calling an anonymous stranger a cretin.


I didn't call you a cretin. I implied that those who argue the 'lived experience' position are.

Likewise, I will let you get back to those [insert strawman argument here].


“Strawman argument... emotional blackmail..,”

Your banal catch phrases are tiresome. Please try harder.


'Banal catch phrases' is a good catch phrase. As is 'please try harder.'


O zinger is so deep.


Yes, that's a good one too.


Thanks Zinger. That means a lot to me. I respect your opinion very much.


I could sense it.



She's a phony opportunist who like many others, willingly exploited Hollyweird casting couch culture to her advantage. Now a bitter, haggard & washed up "never was", suffering buyer's remorse.


> bitter, haggard & washed up..

Glass houses Threadkiller. Post a pic of yourself so we can compare your looks with hers.


"Post a pic of yourself so we can compare your looks with hers."

Sounds like and idea bout about you get us started first since you seem so enthusiastic about the idea? Otherwise you'll just have to forgive me if you're one of her 500 fans. In any case, I'm not going to tell anyone else who they can like but I simply have no qualms about calling out embittered, over the hill, glorified prostitutes who willingly played the corrupt Hollyweird game for years and lost.


I didn’t call anyone haggard, you did. I don’t judge people (women) by their looks, you do. I can tell you are self conscious about your looks. Well, I have compassion for you and I will give you some advice: bashing down attractive people to compensate for your inferiority complex will never, ever work so do us all a favor and give it a rest.

All I can say to that is: YIKES!
Are you in therapy? Many states nowadays have Medicare which comes with therapy. If you have insurance USE IT!

If you live in a state that doesn’t provide for its citizens, perhaps you should consider moving to one that does.



You openly acknowledge that Rose McGowan will whip your ass down to the ground in a beauty contest!!!

It’s ok. Life goes on killer pal. She’s flying round the world first class, staying in lux suites, eating the BEST food imaginable (I’m sure that last one really got ya.. heh..heh..) and actually doing something with her life by increasing awareness to rape survivors of both genders.

I’m sure all of your days are equally busy and fulfilling.

Enjoy your hobby of bashing down rape survivors.

Hey, I guess you’ve got nothing else, right?


Jeez. You are about the most projecting person ever. I don't know why you're so obsessed with seeing a photo of me. I'm flattered but not interested. If you're under the care of a mental health professional, I don't think they're doing a very good job. You shouldn't ask strangers on the internet to send you pictures of them for you to presumably masturbate to.

An alleged victim who willingly covers for alleged victimizes for years for her own benefit & willingly participates in the seedy, Hollyweird casting couch culture is by definition a prostitute & a terrible, disingenuous human being. McGowan is certainly that.


Nice try. Get schooled sonny boy.


Sonny boy? How do you know I don't identify as a non binary they/them (Or some of the other latest made up nonsense) you presumptuous they/them-phobe!?


Sonny applies to anyone under the sun.

Ok, get schooled sunny gal.


Threadkiller, are you a child?

I hope your parents are looking out for you.

Does MovieChat have a Juvi center we can report our concerns to?


Umm did you just reply to an imaginary response I never gave? I already let you have the last word as the conversation had clearly run its course and yet you felt the need to double respond again four hours later with that? Just so I'd continue to engage with you? You know I was merely being facetious earlier when I suggested that you might be developing an infatuations with me but now i'm starting to worry.


Actually, comparing her to thousands of other sex-kitten actresses in their late 40s, she has made a very wise career move in taking on the 'wild-eyed crusader' role. Beats hawking autographs to middle-aged fanboys at conventions or playing the bit-part cathouse madam in cheap direct-to-video flicks. Plus, she is shaking up all the Hollywood elite, which is great!


Because that’s all any actress her age could do according to the Official INCEL Philosophy.
