MovieChat Forums > John Travolta Discussion > Why does this dude still make movies?

Why does this dude still make movies?

He hasnt done anything good in about 10 years and yet here he is. Better question - WHY does hollywood cast him? He is not a bankable name in the year of our lord 2021.


because he wants to.


Could ask the same of Bruce Willis, Al Pacino, Nic Cage, Liam Neeson, and Julia Roberts. Travolta does seem to be at the top of that list, but the list seems to be getting bigger all the time.


Nic Cage definitely has a cult following even if he is not still an A-lister. Pacino will always be a legend. Neeson still makes movies that are fun to watch.


Well Hollywood hasn’t made a good movie in 25 years


I think Hollywood needs to be under new management.


STFU...he does it for a paycheck...he has the right to work just like you fat boy...



Thread title is hilarious.

Johnny T is definitely having a rough go of it. It's true that this is not a great time in his career and it hasn't been a good time in a very long time.

But I can testify that he has made at least ONE good movie in the last 10 years. In a Valley of Violence with Ethan Hawke was genuinely good and should be seen by more people.


He's got an airport at his house.
ANNNDDD a Boeing 707.



cause he is awesome and likes money?


Real talk!
Travolta is pretty cool...I like that he's not wearing those silly hair pieces any longer

You gotta respect a dude that just says 'fuck it, I'm a balding movie star, deal with it'


To make you get your panties in a wad.
