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Quentin Tarantino Says Roman Polanski’s 13-Year-Old Rape Victim ‘Wanted to Have It’

Article includes Samantha Geimer's grand jury testimony.

During a 2003 interview with Howard Stern, not long after Hollywood awarded Polanski a Best Director Oscar and standing ovation for The Pianist, the shock jock asked Tarantino how Hollywood can embrace “this madman, this director who raped a 13-year-old.”

Tarantino: He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape…he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around. It doesn’t apply to everything people use it for. He was guilty of having sex with a minor.

Robin Quivers: That she didn’t want to have.

Tarantino: No, that was not the case AT ALL. She wanted to have it and dated the guy and—

Quivers: She was 13!

Tarantino: And by the way, we’re talking about America’s morals, not talking about the morals in Europe and everything.

Stern: Wait a minute. If you have sex with a 13-year-old girl and you’re a grown man, you know that that’s wrong.

Quivers: …giving her booze and pills…

Tarantino: Look, she was down with this.

At this point, things got impossibly worse…

Tarantino: She [the victim] has talked about it, ‘He didn’t really do anything to me. It was technicality about me being 13.’ … You’re killing him with the pills and booze thing.

Stern: But it’s true.

Tarantino: No more than if she was 18 or 19 or 20.

To begin with, what Tarantino is saying about the victim, Samantha Geimer, recanting as an adult is simply not true.


Quentin is dead wrong for sure!


You guys obviously don't like hearing the truth lol.
I do not condone what Polaski did but there is a HUGE difference between statutory rape and ACTUAL rape...In fact, I don't think the former should even be called "rape"
What he did was wrong....But if the girl was willing then he is not a rapist, even if she was underage.
He is still a perv, of course.....But unless he actually forced himself upon her, he's not a rapist and I don't care about technicalities.


She wasn't willing; it was ACTUAL rape, not just statutory rape (although it was that too).

Tarantino has now publicly apologised to Polanski's victim, said he was completely wrong and inaccurate, and yes, Polanski raped her.

Sounds like it's you who don't like hearing the truth ;)


No, love lol I don't even know the truth.
You seemed to of missed my point.
I don't know if she was willing and neither do you. You can only form opinions based on what you have read or heard.
But it's not the point. HYPOTHETICALLY if she was willing then it would be unfair to put him in the same category of actual rapists who force themselves on people.
Tarantino seems to speak as if he believes she was willing....And if that is the case then what he said was pretty much true.
If it isn't the case then Polaski is obviously a rapist.
It's just my perspective, I am not stating any "truth" here lol.


"To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world."

Good god, and he said this in 2003, not 1903?

"No, that was not the case AT ALL. She wanted to have it and dated the guy and—"

Well he's full of shite. She said no MANY times, so quite obviously she did NOT "want to have it." They never dated. She went with him for two days on photo shoots, which he'd asked her mother permission to do, saying it was for a French Vogue piece he was doing.

You're completely right. She never recanted, AND Polanski himself has admitted what he did was wrong.


Yeah. It wasn't a date. You don't date a 13 year old. he was a famous director and told her family it was a photo shoot.


"To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world."

WTF is wrong with that? lol Don't be so closed minded, it's a fair comment.


Modern American morals are a silly and very short lived thing, the watered down leftovers of puritan settlers. Even now we're abolishing the concept of gender. Imagine how much stranger the world will be 50 years from now. Will there be any concept of rape and human rights at all?


The age of consent was 10-12 until the 20th Century. Who knows what it will be in the future.

That stated, our norms and laws must be followed. Polanski was wrong, so is Tarantino.


Oh yes. I 'm a huge fan of society and laws, regardless of my personal beliefs on any matter. That's why rich people own islands in international waters. So they can hunt people and keep child slaves to their heart's content.


I don't know if you're trolling or just retarded


The plane! The plane!


I don’t really know much about the encounter between Polanski and the girl.

But a 13 year old girl is in no position to make that kind of decision, whether she “wanted it” or not. That’s the reason these laws are in place, to protect young people.

Polanski, as an adult, should know that it’s wrong.


I agree, but the 13-year-old in question repeatedly told him no, and that she wanted to go home. He refused to stop and refused to take her home.



I'm not even a fan of Tarantino (although I like some of his movies), but he has a right to his opinion on this case and, in his view, she was down for it. That's all he was saying. He's not a "monster" for this opinion.

There were literally a million cases in the USA during the wild 70s where 13 year-olds partied it up with older men and they ended up having sexual relations. I'm not saying that what the adults did on these occasions was right -- obviously it wasn't -- but in the bulk of these scenarios the 13 year-olds basically knew what was going on and wanted the sexual experience. That's what Tarantino was saying.

This particular case happened over four freakin' decades ago. The girl -- Samantha -- forgave Roman and desperately wanted it let go; Polanski has humbly apologized. He spent 42 days in prison in 1977 and has been exiled from the USA ever since. For over four decades he's been publicly lambasted as a sexual molester of teen girls. I'm just saying that he's paid the price for his transgression and everyone needs to let it go.

Tarantino says Samantha knew what was happening and wanted it, which isn't out of the realm of plausibility since she was doing private photo shoots with Polanski where the pics were decidedly erotic in nature (not hardcore porn, but erotic and some pics top nude). Tarantino's not a "monster" for believing this; he's just living in the real world.

To balance this out: If it were my 13 year-old daughter I'd want to shoot the man on the spot, but then I would've never allowed her to do an erotic photo shoot alone with a man in his 40s in the first place, like Samantha's mother did.

But this hypothetical daughter might go behind my back and do it anyway. In that case -- daughter or not -- I'm honest enough to admit that she kinda sorta "wanted it," 13 years-old or not, which -- by the way -- was a consenting age for hundreds and thousands of years of human history up until a hundred years ago or so.


He may have a right to his opinion, but he doesn't have a right to make things up, nor to say that rape is only rape when it's violent, despite the victim repeatedly and consistently saying NO, and repeatedly telling Polanski she wanted to be taken home.

Clearly Samantha Greimer got in over her head, and once she realised it, it was too late; he wasn't going to stop no matter what she said, or take her home, until after he'd performed oral sex on her, and vaginally and anally raped her. She most certainly did *not* want it, was *not* "down with it," and had no relationship with Polanski, as Tarantino claimed as an excuse. There is no excuse for him speaking this way, defending Polanski, and very clearly having no idea what the facts were, and are.

"There were literally a million cases in the USA during the wild 70s where 13 year-olds partied it up with older men and they ended up having sexual relations."

What's your source for that?

It doesn't matter that this happened four decades ago. Samantha Geimer does not deserve to be victimised, by Tarantino or anyone else, yet again, the same way she was for years in the press and, as a result, public opinion. Are you interested in what she has to say about this? Probably not, but this is what she has to say:

She has forgiven Polanski and just wants this to be over with. HE apologised to her and admitted he was wrong, that what happened was of no fault of hers, or her mother.

She did NOT do the photo shoot on the premise that it was erotic, and Samantha hid from her mother the fact that he'd asked her to take off her top that first day. He presented what he was going to do, to both Samantha and her mother, as a spread for French Vogue he was working on.



I don’t think he’s been “exiled” from the US.

He fled to a country that won’t extradite him to the US for him to serve his time.

So I would t count that at part of his punishment in they way you imply, it’s really more of avoiding his punishment.


I didn't say he has been exiled, although in effect, that's what it boils down to. He can't return to the US without again facing the charges against him.

How did I imply anything like this? I said nothing about him being exiled, or that this is part of his punishment. He chose to flee the US because he had reason to believe the judge was going to sentence him to a much longer term than he'd originally agreed upon.

But I said nothing about any of that. Did you intend to reply to a different poster?


I meant to reply to wuchuck


Okay. It seemed like that might be the case.


So I would t count that at part of his punishment in they way you imply, it’s really more of avoiding his punishment.

What you're saying is obvious. But self-exiled or whatever, my point is that he has greatly suffered for his foolish deed/crime. She's long since forgiven and he's apologized. The incident is over four decades gone.

What Tarantino said in the interview is that -- in his opinion -- she likely "wanted it" because she was willingly alone with an adult man -- a rich, famous director -- on a dubious private photo shoot and she enjoyed his company and attentions. This doesn't excuse what Polanski did -- he made his bed and had to sleep in it for over 40 years -- but let's not be blind idiots and think that the girl was as pure as fresh snow in the matter. Why Sure!


"There were literally a million cases in the USA during the wild 70s where 13 year-olds partied it up with older men and they ended up having sexual relations."

What's your source for that?

I don't need a source; it's obvious reality. Besides, it's not something respectable adults are going to admit to, even four decades later. But I know of one woman who, when she was 13 year-old girl (or 14), willingly had sex with an adult man in the late 70s. In this particular case the man was in his friggin' 50s. She was drunk, yes, but she wanted it. She wanted the sexual experience and the gratification. She's not going to jump on the me-too witchhunt because -- drunk or not -- she wanted it and the man was simply giving her what she wanted (and obviously what he wanted).

This type of thing happened in every significant community all over the USA in the wild 70s. If you don't acknowledge this, you're quite naïve.

I'm not defending the adult in these situations. They're way out of line and should be punished when caught in accordance with our laws. I'm just explaining Tarantino's viewpoint: It's not out of the realm of plausibility that Samantha "wanted it" since she enjoyed her relationship with this famous director and willingly hanged out alone with him, including to have dubious photo shoots.

Tarantino's not a "monster" by his frank words in this interview. He simply refused to be politically correct and honestly (boldly) conveyed how he thought it went down in 1977 with Polanski and Samantha. What Polanski did was wrong, obviously, but Samantha probably knew what she was getting into and consciously/subconsciously "wanted it" because she was curious -- probably a little excited -- and valued the famous, rich director.

But you obviously believe that Samantha had absolutely zero part to play in what happened and that every word of her testimony is supreme truth. So be it, but I doubt you have much life experience with 13-15 year-old girls.

Of course you're going to argue that Roman was the adult in the situation and so the responsibility for what happened lies in his corner -- and I agree 100% (and he's paid for it for over 40 years now). But this doesn't change the likelihood of Tarantino's position -- that she was down for what happened, consciously or subconsciously, and she communicated that to Polanski in the days/weeks (whatever) leading up to the incident, even if she said "no" in the last millisecond.

It's the proverbial "he said/she said" situation. And you clearly believe everything "she said" to a 't.' That's fine. I'm more realistic and, therefore, in the middle: The fault for what happened clearly lies with Polanski, as noted, but let's not kid ourselves about Samantha being Little Miss Innocent who would never wever bend the truth about what really happened.


"I don't need a source; it's obvious reality. Besides, it's not something respectable adults are going to admit to, even four decades later. But I know of one woman who [...]"

Yes, you do need a source for such an outrageous and patently untrue statement. Sorry you don't like that. So the reality is you knew ONE woman who allegedly willingly, albeit drunkenly, had sex with a 50-year-old when she was 13. This translates, in your mind, to "literally a million cases of the same. On top of this you repeatedly refer to the 70s as "the wild 70s," to try to bolster up your claim. I have news for you, for most it wasn't especially wild. The whole world wasn't Studio 54. Far from it.

I came of age in the 70s, in LA, and had lots of friends. Guess how many young teens I knew who'd done that? Right, not even one. None since then either.

We're in agreement that the adult in these situations should be held accountable and punished according to the law.

"I'm just explaining Tarantino's viewpoint: It's not out of the realm of plausibility that Samantha "wanted it" since she enjoyed her relationship with this famous director and willingly hanged out alone with him, including to have dubious photo shoots."

Samantha has said over and over again, she did NOT want it, it was NOT consensual. She said NO, and asked to be taken home *multiple* times. She testified to this, under oath, in court.

She did *not* enjoy their "relationship" (they had none), or "willingly hang out with him." The sole reason she went with him the first time, and the second, is because he'd asked her mother if he could photograph her, for a piece he was doing for French Vogue. Jesus, the facts are out there right at your fingertips, as they were to Tarantino.

But instead, he defended Polanski, and *lied* in doing so, not bothering to find out the facts before speaking. He should have just said he didn't know, admired him as a filmmaker, blah blah.



It's like Rorikon said elsewhere on this thread in his blunt-but-street-smart manner: "Young people do stupid things and women in some general form or another like to date/fuck older men... and shit. She probably changed her story or now regrets saying what she said in the past or something cause of how society will act based on what she wanted as a kid from before."

This happened a million times in the 70s all over the USA in practically every community. You're quite naïve to think otherwise. And how exactly would I get legitimate stats to prove it? Few respectable people currently in their 50s are going to admit to these types of shameful activities.

I came of age in the 70s, in LA, and had lots of friends. Guess how many young teens I knew who'd done that? Right, not even one. None since then either.

That's great; I myself favor a conservative (wise) lifestyle. But in my teens I unfortunately grew up on the rebellious, unruly side and I saw way worse than some 13-14 year-old getting it on with a dude in his 40s-50s.

Like I said, it's the classic "he said"/"she said" situation. You weren't there and didn't see a film of the actual events so you can't verify that she's speaking the absolute truth. It's not out of the realm of plausibility that she bent the facts to her benefit. It's called self-preservation. Teen girls are known to lie if it benefits them. Or do you absurdly think all teen girls are sterling examples of purest nobility?

I'm not "blaming her." I plainly said I'm in the middle, but with the blame in Polanski's court since he was the adult. Samantha no doubt enjoyed the attention and her blossoming womanly powers, but then the situation got out of hand.

A word of wisdom for teen girls: Don't participate in dubious private photo shoots with adult men because they probably have something else in mind than just taking pics, particularly when he asks you to take your top off.

What is it about this don't you get?


Tarantino has recanted and said he was entirely incorrect and WRONG saying what he said, that Polanski did RAPE Samantha Geimer and he's profoundly sorry for what he said. He's publicly apologised to her.

So yeah. You've got what to say about that?


It ties into what I just said: Self-preservation. With the me-too witchhunt happening Tarantino stands to lose too much to stick to his guns. The loss of one's fortunes can be a great motivator.

Besides, I never said I wholly agree with what Tarantino said in the interview. He was clearly too dismissive of Polanski's blatant transgression. I just pointed out that Tarantino's viewpoint is a legitimate position (that Samantha was likely down for getting it on to some degree), albeit unpopular in the current climate.

In response to another one of your replies elsewhere on this thread:

Sorry, but you've proven you and reason, let alone common sense, aren't on speaking terms.

Actually what I'm saying (and Rorikon) is the voice of reason on this thread. You're the fanatic who insists that Samantha speaks nothing but God's own truth and had absolutely zero culpability for what went down with Polanski in 1977. Why Sure!


So you think his apology was BS? That he's now lying to weasel out of what he said in 2004 to regain the good graces of the public and his industry?

Do you also think his apology to Uma Thurman was a lie?

I don't, on either score.

Those guns are sh!tty, ignorant ones to stick to; there's hardly any honour in it.

Maybe this will make it clearer to you.

Let's say there's a priest who similarly seduced and raped a 13-year-old boy. The priest's defence was that the boy "wanted it." The press at the time also went and ran with that, accusing the boy of being promiscuous. The boy told the priest No many times, said he wanted to go home, but the priest refused to take him home, or to stop his sexual advances. A celebrity in an interview says the same thing, that the boy wanted it, years later, and adds that they were dating. Many others jump on that and say yes, that's a valid viewpoint, the boy was likely down for getting it on with him, consciously or unconsciously.

That would surely be an unpopular undefencible position, as it should be.


You seem like a quality person, Cat. I stand with you on the important points; sorry if I came off as bit of a smartaxx. :)


Thanks, Wuchak. I try to be fair, because I think it's important to be. Good to know you stand with me on the important points, and apology accepted :)


Young people do stupid things; that's a given. Not all young people, but certainly the majority.

In your opinion this means Polanki's victim lied, changing her story (which has never varied in any meaningful way, to the police or under oath in court), because she, like many other 13-year-olds, according to your opinion, can't WAIT to be fvcked by men twice or more their age. Or fvcked in the ass too. I mean seriously, what teen doesn't fantacise about *that*?

I didn't favour a particularly conservative lifestyle, or liberal. It was pretty average/middle of the road, despite growing up in LA during the "wild 70s," and in LA. If you grew up seeing young teen girls
*wanting to* "get it on with men twice or more their age, or worse, I say, out of experience, you and they are in a minority. Oh sure, teen girls are regularly known to lie, particularly about rape. Even though it's known that most rape victims don't report rapes. Same for teen boys, or are boys more credible to you merely by virtue that they're male?

Polanski's actions, simply put, aren't defensible. If you find the photo shoots to be dubious, that's entirely on him and no one else. It was he who abused that trust.

Yes, you are blaming her. It's disturbing to me you're unable to see it. Of course he was the adult, but Samantha anything BUT enjoyed the attention post- and pre-rape, and has been abundantly clear about that for all of these decades.

A word to the wise for men who want to seduce and rape minors, or those over the age of legal consent: don't. You shouldn't even have to be told this, by anyone.

Wuchak, you and I have reached an agreement, which is great. But I couldn't let what you said here go by without comment.


They never "dated." The sum and total of their "relationship" consisted of however many hours during those two days.

If you think the photo shoots were dubious, that's on Polanski and no one else.

I never said I think Tarantino is a monster. His words aren't just frank, they're outrageously sexist, and some are out and out lies. There is no excuse for it.

... Ah, I see you've now edited your post, and added more of the same BS victim blaming.

You doubt I have much life experience with 13-15 year old girls? Hilarious. Buddy, I WAS ONE, and knew lots of them. It's obvious to me it's you who lack experience with and understanding of teen girls.

She didn't say no in the "last millisecond." She said no many times, throughout. She asked him to take her home, many times. If you want to continue to blame her and say things that not only contract her testimony given under oath, but what Polanski himself has said, hey, whatever blows your hair back. But don't expect to not be called out on it.


Oh just shut the fuck up already. I get your point, but you want to feed it down everyone's throat too much.

You weren't in the same room with them, you CAN'T be sure of anything.

And fuck it you know because of your obnoxious attitude I'm with Tarantino and think that she actually wanted it. No matter how young she was.

And honestly caring so much about the opinion of someone you never met and most likely never will is just annoying. You don't agree with what he says? Well, too bad. But he still holds the right to express himself.

Do I think what Polanski had done was right? Not at all. Do I think he's a great director? Sure. Can I just ignore his personal life and enjoy his movies? Absolutely. Does this 40 years old story concern me in any way? Nope.

Bottom line, grow up and get the fuck over it. Care about your and your friends/family's opinion.


She's said repeatedly, and under oath, she took off her top because she was trying to be sophisticated and older than her actual years (as many kids her age did and do), and assumed he'd asked her to do that because he wanted shots so her shoulders were bare.

The day her mother became aware of what happened, she went to the police.

FYI, there have been 4-5 others who've stepped forward and said he did the same, or similar, to them. One has been discredited, IMO anyway; the others haven't been. The lambasting he's been subject to is a result of his own actions, although he has been incorrectly labeled a pedophile, in all but one instance, with the allegation in that one case being someone who alleges he molested her when she was only 10 years old.


I googled the names and see the MSM is covering the story, but mostly in the UK. Jezebel broke it Monday. Here's a good one showing that most of Hollywood defended Polanski earlier:


Either way, I think he's saying it isn't considered rape since she drunkenly or agreeably consented is the point he's trying to make, no? I don't think he was condoning it but that the definition of rape was just thrown around haphazardously (like how idiots misuse or throw around the racist card). Young people do stupid things and women in some general form or another like to date/fuck older men (see it in porn a lot) and shit. She probably changed her story or now regrets saying what she said in the past or something cause of how society will act based on what she wanted as a kid from before.

Anyway Polanski is still guilty so what's there to it in all this?


Thanks, Rorikon -- the voice of reason and common sense on the matter.


Sorry, but you've proven you and reason, let alone common sense, aren't on speaking terms.


Actually what I'm saying (and Rorikon) is the voice of reason on this thread. You're the fanatic who insists that Samantha speaks nothing but God's own truth and had absolutely zero culpability for what went down with Polanski in 1977. Why Sure!


One was an adult, the other a child. Stop trying to twist things to make the adult less responsible for his actions.


I understand where you're coming from and even agree -- to a point. I'm not talking legally here, but rather simple common sense reality. Let me put it like this: In her early teens did Samantha have the power of DECISION or not? Did she not have the power to DECIDE who to party with or who not to party with? Did she not have the power to DECIDE to do an erotic photo shoot with a man in his 40s or not? Since the obvious answer to all these questions is 'yes,' it shows that she had some culpability.

Sure, at the end of the day it's the adult's fault. But Samantha made DECISIIONS that paved the way for what eventually went down.

I realize that you're not likely going to grasp what I just said. I realize you're probably going to fanatically deny that some early teen girls actually want to have sex with older guys and get experience (at least their "flesh" does). So it's useless to discuss it further. Believe as you will. What's it to me?


It doesn't matter if a minor 'wants' to have sex with an older man. The older man is the adult, it's his responsibility to say NO! It's no secret that having sex with kids is a big no no, whether they want you to or not. Do you really think it's okay for an older man to be taking a 13 year old girl alone with him to party and prey on for sex? Because the child "wanted it" ??? Really? Does the adult not know better? Or children being groomed from a young age by predatory adults to "want it" ??? If your answer is anything other than "no!" then please, go talk to someone.


Chill. I agree with what you’re saying. It IS the adult’s fault. Please read that again: It IS the adult’s fault. But here’s where you’re missing it…

It doesn't matter if a minor 'wants' to have sex with an older man.

Yes, it does matter because in cases like this, if the girl doesn’t want it and CHOOSES to cut ties at some point the statutory rape wouldn’t occur, unless of course the guy chases after her and forces himself on her.

You speak of teaching and grooming children/minors and that’s wonderful. We must teach them – especially girls – that we live in a fallen world where adults are susceptible to sexual temptation even though it’s absolutely not appropriate. Teach them about the power of decision they possess. And teach young females of their womanly powers and the responsibility thereof. Teach them that it’s not wise to tease men with their beauty – however lightly, particularly in situations where they are ALONE with a male – and then expect the man to have the scruples to resist temptation as carnal desire heightens. The adult SHOULD have the scruples but that’s often not the way it is in this fudged up planet where people have all kinds of flaws and immaturities. I’m talking reality here, not the way it SHOULD be in a perfect world.


She did not drunkenly or otherwise consent. She said no repeatedly, and repeatedly asked him to take her home. He didn't stop at any point when she said no, and refused to take her home. Sorry, that's rape.

Women (and let's be clear, we're talking about a 13-year-old here, not a woman) do not in general like to date or fvck men twice or more their age. Are there some women who like older men? Sure. Just as there are some men who like older women.

If you see young women "liking" to fvck older men a lot in porn, that's an older man's fantasy, being fulfilled by porn made for and produced by men, for that market. Hardly proves anything.

"She probably changed her story or now regrets saying what she said in the past or something cause of how society will act based on what she wanted as a kid from before."

Jesus, another one. She has not changed her story. She's never said anything other, from the time her statement was taken by the police the day after it happened, until now. She's never said anything other than it wasn't consensual, and maintains that to this day. Polanski himself admits guilt, has apologised to her, and said neither she nor her mother were responsible.

Yes, Polanski is still guilty. What's there to it? Until yesterday I knew nothing of the horrenous, and untrue, things he said on the Stern show, blaming the victim, just as she was blamed so many years ago. Which is what prompted her to say, repeatedly, that while Polanski's rape was awful, it wasn't nearly as bad as what was said about her in the press -- which is the same thing Tarantino, you, and others are saying about her now.


Tarantino is an IDIOT!

