MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Isn't it just like you Americans...

Isn't it just like you Americans... see a highly dubious and most likely staged incident at the Oscars telecast and now this is all you people have to talk about during a period when the world is under threat of nuclear war.
AMERICAN IDIOT #1: I think Will Smith was wrong!
AMERICAN IDIOT #2: no Chris Rock was wrong! He should never have made those alopecia jokes about Jada!
AMERICAN IDIOT #3: God bless Will Smith! He just protecting his family!
BIDEN: The US is committed to a military action that could last decades. We have to take up the reins of leadership in the New World Order!


I think you pissed off the Yanks mate. Even Kowalski "I'm the guy who only posts in caps" got involved.


What did he say? I have put him on ignore for awhile.


Something about sodomising yourself with something sharp. I find it difficult to understand these American savages.


Kowalski is a lower simian anyway. He hasn't got the opposable thumbs of higher primates who can turn their caps lock on and off.


yes.... why should we discuss something that just happened when we should all talk about nothing but war?
you dumfuk! :D

did you notice there is more than ONE topic on most web forums? asking for a friend...


Whenever I hear the Americans speak on the situation in Ukraine, I know I'll get the Disney version about how foreign policy works that the Americans learn from watching their superhero garbage movies.


who cares? this is a WILL SMITH DISCUSSION, not "Shit in the world for $200, Bob"


Well, he is a little shit, so he likely is knowledgeable on the subject of shit.


Shouldn't you be on a politics board instead of coming here then?


I have come to address intelligent Americans wherever I can find them. This staged incident is a suspicious cloak being used to obscure the long-preplanned war against Russia. If people are talking about a phony slap at the Oscars, they won't be talking about the danger of nuclear war, or the fact that the Americans have now lost over 1 million people to COVID-19.


Phony slap? He just apologized to Chris Rock.


They have to keep up the drama so that it can be all that will be talked about for several news cycles.


Why would Will do something that would tarnish his nice guy image?


It is a mystery


Will Smith is an idiot. A condition you be able to relate to. It's no mystery at all.


"I have come to address intelligent Americans"

In my experience, putting them outside at night and letting them talk among themselves by flinging faeces at each other, is about all the social interaction they can learn.


You're the reason the ignore button was invented. And no, i'm not american.


Ignore me then, brother. I don't seek followers. I seek ZEROES.


Zeroes? What does that mean? You're seeking those with the worth as yourself, or what?


If you must know, I was paraphrasing Nietzsche. German philosopher. You wouldn't know him.


Why would I think you were referring Nietzsche in a discussion about Will Smith. And why don't you come out and say what you actually mean, you sleazy little shit?


I'll speak a language I'm sure you'll understand:


So, your into the Nietzsche concept of the Übermensch (Zeroes)

and Kabbalistic Apocalyptic Mysticism (Metatron).

Why does none of this surprise me? This post you made starts to make a whole lot more sense now:

So, my first instinct was right. You are a fucking nut. Hmm.. Zero Hedge. "Z". Interesting.

Yes, quite interesting. Especially the links between Metatron and Zerubabbel.


Please rise and remember I'm just a man as much as you are. You needn't worship me as a god.


You're a Freemason freak and I wouldn't trust you any further than I can throw you, let alone worship you. Been on your YouTube channel as well. Very strange. Oh, and you didn't refute anything I said. Still, I doubt your anyone of consequence in any case. I have satisfied myself that you're a fruitcake, though, and any theory I might have about you (however off base) is probably more likely than any theory I've yet heard about the Oscar incident being "staged".


Sounds like I might need a restraining order


You aren't worth stalking. I know all I need to know at this point anyway.


Isn't it just like a douchebag troll to shit on America when everyone knows we are the GOAT.


It is you who should be afraid, for Scripture teaches us that when the Christ returns, He will seperate the sheep from the goats and will cast the latter into the sulphurous pits.


If Christ returns, I'll bend him over and fuck him, in hopes that I'll catch some of his immortality. You'll be stuck with the goats.




You want to have sex with Jesus?

I wouldn't even give him the time of day, let alone THAT much of my time and effort.


America is a cesspool. Look at the other countries cities and look at American cities. Decaying buildings and lots of crime. Not something to be proud of. Even the suburbs are now overridden with crime.


You either don't travel, or you are trolling, because what you said simply isn't true. Yes, older infrastructure is getting addressed in the US. Most of that was done 15 years ago. Detroit is a perfect example. Most of "old" Detroit is gone. It's actually getting pretty nice. This is most cities. Yes, there still is a lot of crime in major cities (pretty much a global problem, fyi), and that uptick in the US is very recent and a product of an unprecedented situation that is already beingrectified. Until that, all violent crimes had been going down for decades. As far as suburbs being overriden...that's just silly. Minor pretty crimes in some areas are up because of meth, but the burbs are still safe as a rule. I'd quit getting my news from CNN if I were you.


The suburbs are more dangerous than ever. Cars being stolen, people being attacked in shopping plazas, shoplifters taking massive amounts of merchandise right in public and no one can stop them, convenience stores being held up with some killings and injuries, mass shootings in stores, office businesses and schools, The suburbs are not the place to be anymore. Lets not attempt to believe otherwise.


You're wrong,but ok.


I'm right.


Chris made a comment about the movie GI Jane to be funny. There is a possibility that Chris didn't even know about Jada having alopecia. That slapped was completely uncalled for!!!!!


Will Smith was wrong. All the rest of this is bullshit deliberately designed to stir up trouble and division. It's "complicated" because it happens to serve your agenda at the moment.




You've been outed. Don't bother responding.


Another one off his meds, I see.


Definitely not staged


What proof do you have? The fact that your American corporate media is showing round the clock covrrage of this non-event?


Why would Will Smith opt in to willingly make the whole world hate him for a bit?


This guy is a mindless idiot. Ignore him.


I'm not the one who believes Vladimir Putin is using Russian trolls on Moviechat to whip Americans up into believing the Will Smith slap was a staged incident.
