MovieChat Forums > Sandra Bullock Discussion > should her oscar be rescinded??

should her oscar be rescinded??

based on a lie.


Are you telling me movies are not all based on real events?? Absurd. Any Oscar awarded to a movie that's not 100% accurate should be turned in post-haste!


No. she had nothing to do with the shit that was done to the player guy, in fact, she was also duped by the same people.

It's all very silly, Bullock didn't do anything wrong, and better she should donate the money she got for the role than return the Oscar, but nobody's saying that.


"better she should donate the money she got for the role than return the Oscar, but nobody's saying that."

Nobody is saying it because she shouldn't have to for the very same reason you stated she shouldn't have to return her Oscar.


Ethically, she has no reason to return her Oscar, or to be ashamed of her actions. She wasn't the only one conned by these people.

However, if she hasn't given up on films after "The Lost City", and still wants some good publicity, she could make some sort of regretful statement and give $$$$$ to foster kids who want to go to college, at the very least. Maybe auction off the Oscar as well, if it's become an embarrassment to her, but that would be her call only.


My only condemnation of Sandra was her choice to marry and bump uglies with that greasey POS Jesse "not related to the Outlaw" James. That really ruined her girl-next-door image.


I’m not one to get all up in other people’s relationships but in this case I tend to agree. ‘The Sweet Girl Next Door’ type is not always a great match for ‘The Bad boy’ type.

That was a weird union 😳


No, she’s just an actress that took
a role she liked and she nailed it.

She has no apologies or explanations to make, she was doing a paid gig and is a professional performer.


Why? All she did was play a role, her job. And people thought she did it well enough to win an Oscar. What grounds are there for saying that her performance now doesn't justify that win? Whether the film is accurate or not is neither here nor there. The performance is immortalised on film. It can't change. It's what it always was. If it was good enough then, it's good enough now.


However the lawsuit shakes out these are events beyond her control so no. What exactly would it accomplish?


Fuck no! Her winning that Oscar has nothing to do with the circus surrounding the Tuohys and Oher.


Lol no. Her performance had nothing to do with whether the story was true or not. The Oscar was not based on a lie, as she gave a great performance, the film was based on fabrications just like many based on a true story films.
