MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Taylor Discussion > When did Elizabeth Taylor look her absol...

When did Elizabeth Taylor look her absolute best?

When would you say?


She looked good in "Cleopatra". The long, straight hair was a huge improvement over the poodle cut she had through most of the 1950s. Second best might be "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof".


Well I wouldn't because I thought she was just a little above average looking so she never really had an "absolute best".


i found her pretty but not sexy.


i was never into her but i think it would be when she played cleopatra. cleopatra's always been thought of as sexy so i think there's a stigma or something.


Never. Even as a teen she looked like a middle aged woman who wasn’t that attractive. Pretty, yeah, but nothing unusual.




I guess you have to be gay to appreciate her.


The 50s. Just look at her in Giant. She's a goddess.


Based on photos and movies she was in, the 50s and 60s. She was quite the beauty, and sooo many women tried looking like her. What I find ironic is, she was a brunette and a style icon, despite living in a time when blond hair and blue eyes were highly sought after in the beauty sphere. Two unique genetic traits she had were violet eyes (one of the rarest eye colors in the world besides pink), and she naturally had double the amount of long eyelashes compared to most women. Makeup artists capitalized on that when coming up with her "look."
