MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > KOWALSKI action figures!

KOWALSKI action figures!

Taking into account his immense popularity on this board, who can we procure to manufacture and distribute KOWALSKI action figures? Would this require a Go-Fund-Me startup?

I know I would like one to keep on my desk at work to constantly remind me to visit this site. Or I could glue one to the dashboard of my car. Once the marketing momentum starts building, would a comic book and/or bio-pic be far behind?


I want to collect the whole set of Moviechat action figures.


I want the BNP action figure with the huge beard!


That one has been discontinued because too many children were biting the head off. The Stonekeeper action figure is popular because if you press the button on his butt, it does a little rap.


Cool feature!
If you shake the hownos action figure it'll file your taxes for you! It's neat!!


Here’s the bobble head my wife got me for Father’s Day: -

And here’s the real thing: -


That's great! Are you going to get your wife a bobble head of her to match?


You know what, that’s a fantastic idea! I really didn’t stop to think about it; awesome!


That is a really good likeness, wow!


Apparently, there’s a site that will make these for you from a photo.


Pretty cool.
Your bobble totally resembled you.


Best Fathers Day present ever!


You know.... I never asked you this, but why did you choose your username. Its so odd, but cool, like you.


I'd only accept this if it was a voodoo doll. That ginger bastard needs a needle stuck in its ass.


I would seriously buy a Kowalski action figure


I want the hownos action figure with the reading glasses and light up calculator, that is a rare collectible!


I want a Shogun action figure air guitaring in a garage with a Willie Nelson shirt.


The Shogun action figure is highly collectible, it has the kung-fu grip!

It only comes with one of two concert t-shirts though, Kiss or Motley Crue.


Nothing a little black marker can't cover up.


I believe there are some bobble heads of him on ebay. 🤭

But, I found this one I think is Kowalski. It has to be him since he loves scary movies. 🫣


Here’s the bobble head my wife got me for Father’s Day: -

And here’s the real thing: -


Perfect! Captured you perfectly. I wasn’t aware until I researched bobbleheads we could have one made to look like us.


I failed to mention your cute daughter looks like a seasoned traveller. She will have all her globetrotting done before she’s 18. I never inquired about her schooling. How do you travel the world with her in school?


Yes, she’s been all over the world and is a lucky girl. She goes to a private school and the holidays are longer than in State schools. We plan our journeys meticulously and she hasn’t missed one day of school because of them.


Good time to mention the "real" Kowalski:


Cool movie but for me the real Kowalski


Oh goody! A multitude of photos of my distant Pollack cuz. I’m going to print & frame some to hang on the wall. 🥰


Oh my word! There really is a Kowalski! He lives! He breathes! He really is my distant Pollack cuz. Oh happy day! 👏🏻👏🏻


And Mike Henry (former NFL linebacker and star of Tarzan movies) as Sgt. Kowalski in The Green Berets -1968, definitely another action figure. 😉


I didn’t realize how popular Kowalski is. I had forgot how cheesy that movie was. They hadn’t perfected the real look of blood at the time. It looked like red paint. Pig’s blood is more like human blood. Did you notice after he stuck the VC there wasn’t blood on the knife? The only thing good about that movie was the soundtrack.


Agreed on the soundtrack, which stirred my soul back then: Dad was a two-tour veteran of Vietnam. My best friend at the time, also the son of a career soldier, had an uncle that was a Green Beret, with multiple tours in 'Nam. My friend revered him. I remember meeting him once between tours. He was a really intimidating guy! He had a reputation for being wild and beyond the reach of local law enforcement, much like Stallone's character in First Blood, I kid you not.


It wasn’t until several years later I realized we had no damn business being over there! I was working the night shift at a well known electronics company so I didn’t see the news. All I heard about were the hippie war protesters. Little did I know we had become ”occupiers”. Over 58,000 useless deaths and for what? Dammit! Lies upon lies! If I had known I would have joined the protesters, but they carried it too far when they blamed those returning by spitting on them! 😡🤬

The following is my first cousin Stevie from Dallas. He came back in pieces after the jeep he was driving went over a land mine. Dad flew to Texas to be with his sister for the funeral. It destroyed her mind.

Here is my neighbor’s boy. I went to his funeral.

Stevie was killed on Mother’s Day, May 11, 1970

Michael was killed 6 days later on May 17, 1970

Both on the same panel of The Wall


Wow, kap, what that must have been like for the mother of those two young men. It's somewhat reminiscent of the premise to Saving Private Ryan, and that scene of the mother collapsing on her porch when she sees the priest emerging from the military vehicle in front of her house. I can somewhat relate. In my family, I lost two nephews back to back like that. One lived for one year, his younger brother, just one day. It was a profoundly sad time for my family.

1970 strikes a real chord for me. I attended the funerals back then of two upperclassmen from high school who had died in 'Nam and it was also the year I registered for the draft myself. I was designated 1-A so I felt certain I'd be going. Can you imagine the angst I was experiencing at times? 😓 To my utter amazement, I received a letter from Uncle Sam one day informing me that due to a newly implemented draft lottery system, I needn't report because I had drawn a high number. Yeah, you could say I had won the lottery! 😃

Like you, I didn't really learn the truth about that war until years later.


You surely did win! My husband was in the Army stationed in Germany. I can’t recall if he enlisted or was drafted in ‘57. Anyhow he did his time and mustered out in ‘61. I met him in ‘62 when we both went to work for Winn-Dixie. He mentioned he would have re-enlisted because he liked where he was stationed & hoped to get more education. But, there was talk of Viet Nam & the work he did would have sent him there so he thought it best to get the “hell out!”.

Think about that. “Talk of Viet Nam” in ‘61? Of course we civilians weren’t aware of Viet Nam or about the hell that was coming. Isn’t it odd we weren’t aware of Viet Nam, but we were sweating in ‘62 over the Cuban Missile Crisis. Later Johnson put “boots on the ground” in March of ‘65. Lying bastard!! I’m not going to take this further.


I didn't realize until after I posted this that I had a major brain fart and really misinterpreted yours, thinking those two were brothers. I was up late last night, distracted and not fully awake this morning when I read it and responded. Oh well, I can see you obviously got the gist of what I was trying to say and I'm sure they are "brothers in arms" in the hereafter. 😉

Where was your husband stationed in Germany? I was there in the late 50s, my dad's first of multiple tours (and all time favorite) there also. I think in '62 we went back for his second.


Stuttgart, Germany


Yes, a very well known town! My mother often referred to it. We lived in several different towns, one near Heidelberg, which has a world famous university. We went there often on the weekends because the folks loved the PX and Commissary at that base.




He knew the truth! As I said it took me awhile and I’m still angry over it. Bunch of lying bastards in D.C. I have a feeling he had a lot to say about Kent State. You had to have lived the time to understand. Some of the music from that time told the public what was going on.


Creedence Clearwater Revival, one of my favorite bands back then, is often associated with 'Nam in film. My band used to play a number of their hits.


“Bad Moon Rising” is my ringtone.



Dammit! I posted to myself!

Did you read the comment under the video. The movie “We Were Soldiers” depicted what our troops went through.


So, I'm not the only one experiencing brain farts today! 😁 Seriously though kap, in my years of communicating with you here, you've always been mentally sharp, articulate and lucid in your posts. If someone ever dared to accuse you of dementia, they'd definitely be barking up the wrong tree.

I've seen that movie and remember liking it. I have a plethora of disturbing memories of what our troops went through.


Thank you much, but you should have seen me in my red Solo cup days! I was sharper then. Except for the one Thanksgiving morning. I got up in the same condition I went to bed. During those days I was a whiz at cooking & cleaning. Anyhow, the night before I baked my pies, made my stuffing, did all the prep work. All that remained was rinsing, drying & stuffing the turkey in the morning to be roasted for a houseful of people.

Trouble is I was indulging (omg Old Milwaukee) while I was singing & baking. The more I worked, the more I sipped. Yeah, right! Sipped! Morning came (I wish it had went) and I literally stumbled out of bed. Hauled that huge bird out of the fridge, dropped it into sink & began rinsing it. The more I handled it the weaker & sicker I became.🥴 Oh lordy me I came in a hair of stuffing my head in that damn bird! 🙇🏼‍♀️How I got dinner on the table is beyond me. 🤷🏼‍♀️The whole day was a blur. 😵‍💫

Wow! We definitely went off the rails of the OP, but there are times when we change seats on a train due to recollections of past times.


Wow! Old Milwaukee. There's a blast from the past beer I haven't thought of in a while. Sort of like Pabst Blue Ribbon or Hamm's ("...from the land of sky blue waters...")😉😁


Why my husband bought such rot gut beer is beyond me! But, in those days I would drink anything except Scotch, Whiskey/Bourbon, or Gin. Vodka, Tequila (sans worm), Wine, Beer, etc. were my go to.


You always seem like a fucking idiot to me dummy.


Stop posting 'Nam,' if you got lucky and didn't go you say 'Vietnam' asshole.

Vets say 'Nam, not an average blue collar cunt like you.


I don't take orders on how to express myself from lowlife punks like you, especially because you're such a mentally lazy, illiterate asshole.

Who in the fuck are you to lecture me about Vets anyway when you're a Police Academy washout, a fuckin' wannabe?


I'm not reading half that bullshit, you are an hilariously funny old loser though LOL:)
Look at yourself in a mirror some time gray man, your angry act is getting fossilized even faster than you.


Kennedy had announced that he was going to pull all military advisors out of 'Nam before his assassination. Robert McNamara, the then Secretary of Defense, was instrumental in persuading Johnson into a full-scale involvement.


When did you pull the dildo out of your ass fuckface?


I was a long-haired, pot smoking drummer in a rock band, a free spirit. Life was pretty much an ongoing party then. I was also an Army brat so I was sometimes conflicted. While I didn't like that war, I was never an outright protester and burning my draft card and running off to Canada were never options in my mind. I had resigned myself to having to go. When the cosmos smiled down upon me over my draft notice, I think that was the first time I began to embrace the notion that, "somebody up there likes me." 😁


You were very likely a cunt and a big talker even back then.
Go fuck yourself you phoney.


Such obvious projection. Like I said, learn some originality. And learn how to spell phony, idiot, so-called college grad. 🙄


You are alone, nobody likes you, you can't keep a woman and your hovel is ridden with venomous spiders.

Go laugh into the mirror you demented piece of trash.
Maybe play lollipop with that pistol you can hardly aim;)


The usual, go to desperate allegations. Like I said, transparent pathetic, predictable. The only surprise is that you haven't accused me of being boring, which is usually another one of your allegations early in the exchange. And it's also more projection.

Get some help, you sick puppy.


What a dolt response.
You know I only scan your nonsense because I never once met a pussy that could talk.

We had a long peaceful quiet time, I'm gunning for you now forever.


Oh, another hot air threat. I feel so intimidated. 🙄


Do I threaten you you old greasy sack of potatoes?

Well report me then like the wimp you are you old dusty bastard.


Hey Shoggie, gulp! 🥴 Did I open a hornet’s nest?


Now that I think about it, I think my dad was preparing to get my brother out of the country. He graduated high school in ‘68. My dad was a WWII Navy vet, but was pissed over our involvement in Viet Nam.




I forget how old I am, until I read replies like yours. My brother, 7 years my junior graduated high school in ‘68, and your dad in ‘69! 🙇🏼‍♀️


I want one!


You don't want a figurine that looks like him. It would resemble a very small dildo.


Thanks a whole hell of a lot! I’m laughing so hard I’m choking & it’s potty time. 😅😂🤣


