MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > guys: would you date a trans woman? (mal...

guys: would you date a trans woman? (male that trans's to female)

simple question

guys: would you date a trans woman? (male that trans's to female)

maybe be simple answers. or not.

yes or no and why


Only if he looked like Bennymuso's mom.


that thar is perfection! :D


Only if she still has a cock.

Signed, million man.


guessing you are gay? i'm not really keeping track. if so, makes sense.
but would being attracting to them looking very female be weird? doesnt matter to me at all, just curious


Nah I'm not gay, lol. Just gave a ridiculous answer to your ridiculous question.

Signed, million man.


fair enough. :) but you could see how that could work, i guess for some




Would you?


not in a billion years. he's still a physical male regardless of what he wants to THINK. i dont know any male that would. watched a pod cast where girls called that transphobic... no... just personal and natural biological preference: i don't date dudes


It’s an attack on heterosexuality. These nuts are trying to redefine it. Since trans women are women, a man can still date a trans woman and be considered straight.

A few years ago, someone started the term super straight, which is an actually just heterosexual, a person attracted to the opposite sex, not including trans, and social media treated it like it was a hate group.


i suspect all these idiot college kids are going to WOKE up years later from all this and feel really, really stupid.
exactly like 60s hippies that did tons of drugs then later in life say, "yeah... that really was a bad idea" :D


Yes. Except these people will have REALLY fucked up their lives.

I fully expect to see suicide rates skyrocket, 5 to 10 years out.



maybe this is simply part of natural selection weeding out the herd


Since trans women are women, a man can still date a trans woman and be considered straight.

If she's post-op, and doesn't have a penis and has a vagina, why would the man not be straight?


Because a man that has had cosmetic surgery, and takes hormones is still a man. We can respect them in society for how they chose to indentify, but this is still true, and long term the signs would be more and more obvious.

A straight man would either have to share in their delusion, which is unlikely, because attraction isn’t rational, or they haven’t come to terms with their own sexuality.


I was in LA County Jail where they put us homos in a separate dorm. There were trannies there. That's how I got to know them as regular folks.

Of course they were biological males and had no access to make-up or female clothes. Many of them looked like women, petite and feminine, even without getting all dolled up. (Yeah, they had male junk but they taped it inside their thigh. Don't ask me how or why?🤣)

A straight male might not even know his post-op girlfriend is a man. Is he still straight?


A straight male might not even know his post-op girlfriend is a man. Is he still straight?

My issue with this hypothetical, is that I have trouble believing it.

For the sake of argument, though, if a man was really convinced that he was looking at a woman, and did not suspect otherwise, then no, I wouldn’t consider him gay, or something other than straight.

As a gay man, do consider gay men that that have sex with trans women to be not gay? Since trans women are woman? Or do think they are more realistic, about what they actually are?


Many gay men prefer very effeminate men. But they still have male equipment.

Yeah, in the gay dorm in County Jail I told you about, there were masculine gay men with transgender 'boyfriends'. But most gay men prefer masculine men.

I guess the word were both looking for is "pansexual".


adjective: sexually or romantically attracted to people regardless of their sex or gender.

I agree. A pansexual is not "straight".


if he doesnt know, id yes. he is attracted to know he thinks is a female and her female traits. he thinks hes engaging in heterosexual sex.

but objectively he engaged in homosexual sex but didnt know it.

its like thinking you got a legitimate signed rare baseball card. you can think you have it, but in reality its a fake and isnt.


because thats still two males having sex? the definition of homosexual?

Im not saying you are saying thisBut if a male is actually a women just because they "feeL' like one. by many on the trans side logic. a guy having sex with another male who claims to be a women, fully intact, isnt homosexual and thats heterosexual sex..

it makes no sense.


Well I'm not one of these fools who believe "feelings" determine biological sex.

And homosexual intercourse is really an act, not an identity.

Yes, if a man has sex with a human being with male genitalia, even if that human being looks like a woman from the waist up, the man is performing a homosexual act.

But post-op trans? If a human being has a surgically created vagina and a straight man has sex with her, how is that not heterosexual?

Sad that we live in such a world, but we do.


No, because I’m attracted to women, and I don’t believe they could get me to not see them as men, and be attracted to them. Something always gives it away.


they can lie. i saw someone once who was $%#^ing HOT! only to have a friend tell me the girl was cross dresser guy. yes, I was attracted to what I thought was a girl (this was across a parking lot, never got close enough to SEE up close), but after I learned the truth, I just felt deceived.


I can believe that. Anyone can look good from a distance. My doubt would a that it could hold up long term. I think if you take time getting to know the person something is going to stand out. The voice, hands, Adams Apple, bone structure etc. personally I can’t get past the fact that they are man.

With enough makeup it can be hard to tell the difference by their face, but I find too much makeup to be a turn off anyway.


true. up close, I've never seen one that looked like an actual woman.

(I'm not JUDGING, I dont care what other people do, its just my experience in real life)


No. I don't like penis, and I don't want to fuck an open wound. They also won't smell like a woman.



Plenty of lovely ladies out there already thanks.


TRANSPHOBIC! :D :D just playin


I lived in Bangkok for a while, so I’ve seen a lot of stuff.


Did you see two dudes Bangkok when you were there?




C'mon! Bang cock? That one was obvious! 🤪


You get numb to it after hearing it for the first thousand times.


I'll take that as a yes, and I also take that as a "I filmed them too".


They prettiest girl in the bar is probably a bloke.
