MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If you hold women to men's standards, yo...

If you hold women to men's standards, you realize, they're basically terrible human beings


"I only date tall men". or "My type is tall, dark, handsome". Or on those dating shows when they have a blind date, "Oh thank God he's tall."

Replace genders and use the word 'thin', or 'big breasts'. Men would be tared and feathered.


Women still want 'spousal support' despite being 'strong, fierce, independant women'.

I find this absurd. Whenever men do this to women, particuarly famous women, they get destroyed online. Excuse me? Women always do this.

The days of women being the stay at home wife who supported her husband as he persued his career goals and thus was a 'co contributor' to his success are gone. Women are expected to have their own jobs. If a marriage ends, there should be division of assets, AND THAT'S IT.

Women expect men to pay for the first date. If a man were to say 'can we split this?' she will trash him and he is basically guaranteed never to have another date.

Some women expect a man to ALWAYS pick up the tab. Add to that "romance" of buying her things. Jewlry. Flowers. Clothing. If a man were to ever utter "she has no romance, she never buys me anything" he would be destroyed.

Compliments. Women expect them. Sure, it's nice to recieve one, but to expect them? To complain about it? Imagine if men were like 'she never mentions how pretty I look.'

Denying sex. A girl can say no, or no thanks, and that's fine. If a man turns down a woman, out come the knifes. "He's obviously gay." or "you must be cheating to not find me attractive."

Women take being turned down so personally.

Gossiping. Women run their mouths about men. Men generally don't share every personal detail of a women's life. Imagine if they did?

So a lot of atributes of women, is actually toxic, shallow, greedy and double standarded.


If ya hate women so much buddy just forget about them and move on with your life.


Actually, a lot of women are very unhappy these days and the sooner we determine why, the faster it can be fixed.
This is part of pointing out the issues that are making them unhappy.

If you've never had a very successful, career oriented, rich "boss babe" crying in your arms about oh how she longs for a man to take care of her, you may not understand the issue.


It has to do with the serious lack of actual, masculine men out there. Women have worked so hard to get rid of them that they were too good at it, and then don't understand why they're unhappy with all these cowardly, whipped wimps they're left with after the "toxic masculinity" purge.


I fully agree. Funny thing is... masculine is STILL what they desire, and go home with from bar. Well, some anyway. That's life on Earth. I've seen women step up and wear the pants because they HAD to. And they regret it. that's what I have noticed anyway.

Let men be god damned men again already! :D Whatever nonsense this is right now, sure isn't satisfying anyone.
I FULLY BELIEVE it will bounce back. Nature finds THE way. i already see it turning.


Yeah, maybe some of us want a big strong guy to at least back us up when we need it, or to protect us when we can't do it ourselves. Maybe some of us want to have a guy at our side that knows how to stand up for himself. There's a reason knight in shining armor stories still hold an interest when it comes to rom-coms and romance novels.


just curious, are YOU male or female? I know your name says girl, but.... ..... internet. helps view your perspectives better knowing your sex


I'm female, regardless of what Kowalski says. Always have been, always will be. I have the name I do because I was a fan of the American Girls franchise while growing up. That and I am American.


I think a lot of women today, generally speaking, want it all. They want the career, the family, the money, the power…all of it, and they want all of it to be perfect. And it’s impossible to have all of it and at the same time have all of it be rewarding or fulfilling.

People in general today want a level of perfection in everything that just doesn’t exist.


Media: "look at all the really cool stuff you COULD have" ... if you are rich kardashians


I wouldn't mind being rich (I mean, who doesn't) but I would not want to do it the way the Kartrashians did. They did some truly gross stuff to get famous, and they honestly have more in common with gutter rats than actual human beings. The only thing you can truly admire them for is being business savvy and able to maintain their fame and fortune despite being around for 10 years.


Fully agree with their low status, yet the are loud examples for the rest of womankind. Sadly


Well they don't represent me or women like me. I'd rather have an imperfect hourglass figure than that creepy, artificial one with the big tush Kim has, I would never allow my dad to become a tranny (he wouldn't be interested either), and I would never allow my daughter to sleep around, get taped, and use the tape to get famous. That's just plain disgusting!


1000% A DUDE...IN HIS 50S OR 60S AS WELL.


The modern woman is basically an abomination and giving them rights scoffs at the face of thousands of years of experience dealing with their bullshit, proving why they don't deserve rights, options, a choice, or a say. They are the main reason America chooses complete snakeoil salesmen as political representatives. Because they are easily duped and have no ability to reason properly. Men have been carrying their stupid asses just so they can have sex. Women wanted to use their power, and now that they have that power, they've destroyed society without an agency for it.


I already figured you were a loser with women even before I read this comment.


Getting a modern woman makes you loser. It makes you a simp. I fuck and flee immediately. You're a dumbass using old outdated logic. You're so clueless it makes you a shithead, which guess what, makes you a prime candidate to support some roastie and her mystery meat kids.


That sounds like a very sad and lonely existence. Do you seriously not want to ever be in a loving relationship? I can promise you it's more fulfilling than demeaning women and having a one night stand. I'm also curious, if you don't mind, what's your age? I'm just trying to understand you mindset here.




I know it is, and would like that, but guess what's stopping me. The mind of a modern woman. Finding someone that isn't a brainwashed NPC woman that's available is like finding plutonium. I'm not wasting my time on those shitty odds. I'd rather just use them and discard them before they think about hitting me with rape charges from the regret.


having an opinion, a perspective, life experience, and a voice makes one a loser? how so?


You're thinking of arrogant, bitchy, misandric, LIBERAL women in power. Most of us are okay working with men, but then we don't go online and bitch day and night about how "terrible" they are.


"Most of us" IS the arrogant, bitchy, misandric, liberal women. And the sad sick shit is they don't start out they way. They are usually sweet and loving to everyone until two things happen. Easily brainwashed into finding the wrong man appealing by society standards and media, and then finding out the hard way that was wrong and becoming bitter monsters.


No. You're talking about most of the women IN THE NEWS or ON SOCIAL MEDIA, and many of them are in politics or the acting world. For every one of them, there are thousands of normal, honest, hard-working, mentally more stable women out there that don't buy into that crap, and often don't use those two mediums at all. Two proverbs come to mind about this:

"Never judge a crowd by its loudest voices. Always judge it by the quietest ones."

"An empty vessel makes the most noise."


This is all because men have lost their way

reply make some legitimate points.

As far as paying for dates, I firmly believe the asker should do the paying. I was dating a guy after my divorce and it took me a while to realize what a cheapo he was. I am certainly NOT a golddigger. I never asked to be "wined and dined". I made dinner a lot for him.

One time I invited him to my favorite Italian restaurant. My best friend suggested we get together for dinner. I was sure that her husband would pay for their share of the meal. And I was planning to pay for our meal since I did the asking.

Before we left, boyfriend wanted to know "how are we going to handle the bill"? God forbid he could be a check grabber and say that he'd pay since I made him so many dinners at my house for him. And he never asked if he could "bring something" when I invited him. He ate and ate and didn't leave a morsel. Never even asked if I was saving my leftovers for later meals (I was). He'd go in the kitchen and have seconds. Or else he'd ask if could take the leftovers home.

I had two dogs and five cats to feed. So you'd think he would realize I couldn't afford to feed him every night!

So while I agree with a lot of your post, there ARE some cheapo guys out there who expect a woman to cook for them all the time. Incidentally, his mommy always cooked and filled his fridge several times a week.

No wonder I dumped his cheap a@@!


Yeah he sounds like a pig. Buy the groceries at least.


There are definitely cheap men, there are a lot of men that make an issue out it, I see it come up A lot online. Chad Johnson famously pulls out a deck of uno cards and makes them play to see who is going to pay for the date.

But you do have to understand there are gold diggers out there. There are the women that will go out with a guy they aren’t that interested in just for a free meal. So some men are protective of their time and money.

Personally I’m never going to make an issue out of it. I never ask how we are going to handle it, or to split the bill. I’ll just pay it. But of this happens a few times, and she doesn’t at least make an offer to kick something in, then I will pull back, because now it’s expected


Yeah there ARE gold diggers! But considering that I made a lot of homecooked meals for the guy, and whenever he came over he always looked in my refrigerator and helped himself without asking, I think I was being generous.


I was talking in general, but I agree with you based on your version of the events. It’s a fair trade. In my experience gold diggers arent looking to make home cooked meals. They are usually selfish people that want to take as much as possible, without giving anything.


I think it's time for you to come out of the closet.


Looks like you're the head of the tar and feathering committee.


You love to label people gay like it’s the height of ridicule. Crazy that a person claiming themself a progressive uses homosexuality as an insult. Why are you so intrigued that the poster might be privately gay? Why is that status your go to form of humiliation?


I’ve gotten the gay thing for not being aggressive.


Anyone who picks their partner for height, boob size, hair color, or any other superficial characteristic is quite literally playing "Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes"!

Other than that, the OP is an obvious troll, who is obviously trolling.


Regarding compliments, women expect them, but they have to be the right compliments or they won't appreciate them. They expect them because they get them so often. Meanwhile, a guy can go years without getting a compliment.
