MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Post a picture of someone you find to be...

Post a picture of someone you find to be the absolute pinnacle of attractiveness.

Whatever gender you prefer. Just post a pic that you personally consider the peak of physical attractiveness.



There was a recent thread about favorite female hairstyles of the last several decades. I did some random Googling and found this random, anonymous model. Just beautiful.



I'ma have to go with his Daddio instead. 🤤🤤🤤🤤😋😋😋😋


Funny, just by pure chance I was watching A Fistful Of Dollars last night and my Wife wandered into the room. We wound up in a discussion about this very topic and she thinks the son is slightly better looking. If you put a side by side same-age image of both together it’s really remarkable how alike they look, even for a father and son.


I happened to catch him on the Rogan show a while back and he seems like one of the most down to earth celebrities I’ve ever listened to.


It’s always nice to hear that a star has their feet on the ground. The guy was great in The Outpost, a really violent war pic about a U.S. base in possibly the worst defensive position ever.


Must take after his dad. I heard a BBC interviewer tell a story about the time he was going to do an interview with Eastwood and at the start of the interview his tape recorder wouldn’t work. Quick as a flash Eastwood was under the table on his hands and knees checking all the connections and plugs and calling out, ‘How about now? Is it working? Ok, try now?’ which I thought was a really sweet thing to do.


You hear so many stories of big stars being simply awful that it’s always good to hear these sorts of things.


A lot of people seem to mistake kindness for weakness - it’s nice to be nice.


I agree.
Kindness from another person is a great gift, you can become fast friends with a person that behaves this way and they can inspire you to act kindly as well.

But as you say, there are those out there that see kindness as an opportunity to be abusive, it’s a weird response to positive human behavior.


Luckily I’ve been around the block a few times to root out the users pretty quickly, but we’ve got friends that are a bit too naive who are always getting taken advantage of and never seem to learn.


Pamela Anderson in her prime. Am I right guys?


She’s gotta be well up towards the top of the list, that’s for sure.


Early on she was definitely amazing. Then she started adopting that artificial look and spoiled everything.


At first I thought it's going to be some joke and didn't even bother to click the link, but now I clicked it and I am 100% with you whynotwriteme. She's a goodness, prefect from head to toe. She absolute pinnacle of attractiveness.


The picture I posted was actually of a young Catherine Zeta Jones. Jennifer Connelly from your video was also very attractive before she lost too much weight and got kind of hard looking. The two of them did look similar when they were young.




Funniest moment in MovieChat.


Old enough to be her father but still a damn hot couple!!!!
