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what did you do today?

We went walking in the -14 Celsius weather. I am still cold. We stopped for coffee but we had to drink it outside because of the covid shit. It was Tim Hortons coffee.


Sadly, I did nothing. I watched a few episodes of Iron Chef (japanese), cleaned my house, and watched a movie. Joy.


Wasted rainy day. Eventually forced myself to go to town and poke around the cheap books in the charity shops.


I worked from 9-6 and am now watching Sweet and Lowdown.


Any good? Always considered watching that.


Samantha Morton was adorable and Sean Penn was pretty good I have to admit. Not a great film but one of Woody Allen's solid efforts.


I've always been interested in this one because for some reason it never felt like a Woody Allen film for me.


It's alright. The film looks good, has some nice music and a pretty good screenplay. It's a little slow at times and not very funny though. I would rate it a 6/10. It is worth a watch.


Maybe I'll check it out.


It's 3:45 pm PST. Haven't done much today. Had a fairly long walk to have lunch at a Jimmy John's. Had a Vito. Reno is about to set a local record--no appreciable precipitation in the entire month of January. With our bright sunshine, I can walk around without a jacket with temps in the upper 40s.

Lately, today included, I've been watching YouTube clips of The Dragons' Den. I think I like it better than Shark Tank.


Which Dragon's Den?




I've seen a few episodes of that one. I'm not a reality show watcher at all, but Dragon's Den (mostly the Canadian version) is the only one I wouldn't mind watching an episode for.


have you ever seen the canadian version?


Had two cups of coffee and shoveled my driveway. Next I am going to fill my truck up with gas and then pick up some beer. Watch a movie or two later today.


No. I see that it has a YouTube Channel, and that Kevin O'Leary is on it. I will check it out.


Talked to a whole bunch of people.

Baked. Made chocolate bourbon cookies.

Wasted copious amounts of time online.


I've been watching movies all day and right now I'm watching


So far had breakfast, washed the dishes, mopped the floor and washed and hung out the towels.


so no fires this year which is a good thing.


Not so far. The past two years have been wet by Australian standards so that is helping a lot.


There was a bit of a storm here so not very much…easy house chores, finished watching the new Dexter series (VERY good) and about to watch a horror/crime movie called Wrong Place Wrong Time…I hope it’s good!


we missed out on this latest snowstorm. how does the dexter series compare the the original?


We only got about 5 inches here so the snow moving should only be about an hour of work tomorrow, no biggy

Dexter was pretty good, I didn’t care for the ending though and thought they could have done more with what they wrote…
The cast was great and some of the camera work was excellent with nice locations and sets as well
Since I love Location stuff I looked it up and while the show takes place in upstate New York it was actually filmed in Middlesex Massachusetts! It really did look very much like upstate New York


For the horror/crime movie fans out there Wrong Place Wrong Time (21) was a turd, don’t bother👎

It’s a very Stupid story that made no sense with characters you will not give a shit about, there is poor acting all around and the climactic ending answered very few questions…The sets and gory practical effects were really quite good oddly enough, they were pretty impressive

Don’t waste your time unless you enjoy pretty good gore FX
