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Classic Films Everyone Praises, But You Can't Stand

I mean, you hear about, and possibly watch these movies that have been around for years, possibly even decades before you're born, and everyone thinks they're soooo great and advertise the living daylights out of them, or make references to them....but you watch them and think "Why in God's name would anybody like this? This film is awful! This film is boring!"

Gone with the Wind - I hated it after Scarlett gets married the first time, and I want to murder Scarlett for being such a bitch to everyone

Citizen Kane - for once I wouldn't be angry at Peter Griffin taping over it with the words, "It's his sled. That's it. There, I just saved you two boobless hours."

Cleopatra - don't like it after Caesar leaves Cleo's house to go to the senate (where he's later assassinated).

Mary Poppins - oh GOD that movie is so BOOORRRRINNG!!!! The only parts worth remembering are the cartoon adventure in the park and the kite scene at the end. Everything else sucks.

Casablanca - I don't like that it's in black and white, and the guy has to give up the girl at the end. I don't care if it's part of the story, I hate it.

West Side Story - stupid, contrived, ugly downtown city setting, and I don't feel anything for the characters involved.

Many old James Bond films - many of them are boring, dumb, or the babe he's with isn't as attractive as people make her out to be

Bonnie and Clyde - remind me again why I should care this film exists? These people are criminals and deserve everything they got. That, and I wanted to murder Blanche.

Every single Les Miserable film ever made - how could anyone like this story? The people in this are horrible to each other and it ends sadly.

Forrest Gump - I loved the title character, but I hate the girl they paired him with. She really was a low-class skank and didn't deserve him. Didn't like how much of society treated Forrest either, or how ungrateful people could be when he was being kind and helpful.

I have more, but those are the first ones I can think of right now.


anything by ingmar bergman


Citizen Kane was painfully boring though it’s worth watching for the innovative camera tricks

Lawrence Of Arabia was a big snooze fest as well but I do have the soundtrack on vinyl and that is some fine movie music right there👍


The Wizard of Oz (1939)


Big Trouble in Little China (1986).


I heard it was silly xD


I just didn’t get it at all.


Do you like wu-shu kung fu movies? I think a love of kungfu theater and Godzilla movies might be a prerequisite for BTiLC. I absolutely love it. I think it blends two cheesy action genres beautifully.


Strangely enough, I love both genres.


I'll be honest and say that it made a lot more sense when I was a kid. I watched it recently and was like....huh...where did that come from?? I still this it's a blast to watch though.


Maybe I’m just getting old and grumpy.


It's a weird, weird film.


Top gun
Every single Batman movie


Only thing good that came out of Top Gun was the awesome music.


The Princess Bride


Lawrence of Arabia: Some quality cinematography and maybe 2 minutes of good script.
The Shining: Elevator full of blood and murder spelled backwards. Dreary and as impressed with itself as its fans.
Gone with the Wind: Production value isn't enough. You have to be a good movie.
Top Gun: Lots of dudes dream of being pilots. This was a story-less bowl of dog food for that untapped demographic.
Rocky Horror Picture Show: A lousy, low budget, D list film that became famous for being made fun of and then evolved into open-mic night for niche glee types.
Platoon: It is almost a so-so war movie but it is too busy being anything but a war movie. I don't give 2 shits about the iconic end scene. It skates on that because marketing is the arbiter of what you think.
Four Weddings and a Funeral: A few nice characters doing a bunch of stuff. As fun as napping at a loud family gathering.
Kramer vs Kramer: A lot of yelling and sadness. Total downer movie. And what for?
Midnight Cowboy: A boring drug adventure of a couple of nobodies that literally goes nowhere. Lauded yet unimpressive acting.
Vertigo: I never saw the appeal. Most of the characters are unlikable and the payoffs to the setups are very low key.

Would have added Casablanca but I don't hate it. I just think it is a 6.5/10 good-script/poor-story movie that is treated like it is 10/10


I had to laugh at your description of Rocky Horror. I do love the movie, but you kinda nailed it.


Thanks. I've had a good time or two going to RHPS screenings but they were in the early days of the phenomenon when there were more jokes and funny antics from the audience instead of cosplay and sing-along. I have no problem with the fans (a few close friends are super fans of it) and actually love anything that is kept alive with sheer love like this. I just don't like the movie at all and especially don't like the discordant caterwaul of a gang of non singers shouting along with songs I don't like anyway.


I haven't been to the theatre in over 20 years to see it. Now when I watch it it's just to watch Tim Curry having fun.


Curry is the single beacon of light in that film. He is always on his game.


Taste is individual but it seems like you have a short attention span.


Have I mentioned sitting through four hours of "Lord of the Rings" and the "Dune" miniseries before? And enjoying most of it? Or watching both "Princess Diaries" films in one sitting?


Alright. Just not your cup of tea then.
