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Classic Films Everyone Praises, But You Can't Stand

I mean, you hear about, and possibly watch these movies that have been around for years, possibly even decades before you're born, and everyone thinks they're soooo great and advertise the living daylights out of them, or make references to them....but you watch them and think "Why in God's name would anybody like this? This film is awful! This film is boring!"

Gone with the Wind - I hated it after Scarlett gets married the first time, and I want to murder Scarlett for being such a bitch to everyone

Citizen Kane - for once I wouldn't be angry at Peter Griffin taping over it with the words, "It's his sled. That's it. There, I just saved you two boobless hours."

Cleopatra - don't like it after Caesar leaves Cleo's house to go to the senate (where he's later assassinated).

Mary Poppins - oh GOD that movie is so BOOORRRRINNG!!!! The only parts worth remembering are the cartoon adventure in the park and the kite scene at the end. Everything else sucks.

Casablanca - I don't like that it's in black and white, and the guy has to give up the girl at the end. I don't care if it's part of the story, I hate it.

West Side Story - stupid, contrived, ugly downtown city setting, and I don't feel anything for the characters involved.

Many old James Bond films - many of them are boring, dumb, or the babe he's with isn't as attractive as people make her out to be

Bonnie and Clyde - remind me again why I should care this film exists? These people are criminals and deserve everything they got. That, and I wanted to murder Blanche.

Every single Les Miserable film ever made - how could anyone like this story? The people in this are horrible to each other and it ends sadly.

Forrest Gump - I loved the title character, but I hate the girl they paired him with. She really was a low-class skank and didn't deserve him. Didn't like how much of society treated Forrest either, or how ungrateful people could be when he was being kind and helpful.

I have more, but those are the first ones I can think of right now.


To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)


I never saw the appeal of the first one, and my feelings are mixed on "Braveheart." Mom loved that movie and had a crush on Mel Gibson in the 90s. The music from the film is beautiful and memorable, but there's a lot more wrong with it than right; including the fact that 80% of the film is fiction, and it was mostly an ego trip for Mel Gibson. That, and I'm annoyed by the badly-researched costumes and 90s mullets the Scots were all wearing. The only good thing about that film was that it inspired people to want to learn more about Scottish history.


The historical inaccuracy annoyed me also and I am not even a Scottish or British. Additionally, maybe I am sensitive, but too much blood in Braveheart - not the first time in Mel Gibson movie.

"The only good thing about that film was that it inspired people to want to learn more about Scottish history."

Agree about this point. It is true about many historic movies.


I love ' To Kill a Mockingbird ' because it has such a warm nostalgic feel to it but I dislike the politics of the film.


I really want to love it but it is such a boring film.


I find To Kill a Mockingbird to be overly simplified and pushes a political point.


You're not taking into consideration the time period when these films came out. It may seem boring by today's standards, but they were fresh, new, and some revolutionary in their techniques when they were first released.


I was focusing on the stories, not the context of the time period it's from. Even the context used isn't going to convince me to like what I saw.


Singin' in the Rain


2001: A Space Odyssey (boring in spite of the great picture quality and special effects)
A Clockwork Orange (annoying)
Raging Bull (annoying)

I haven't seen the movies you listed except for Citizen Kane and quite a few James Bond movies. I've never seen a James Bond movie, old or new, that I thought was particularly good, and Citizen Kane was a yawner.


I didn't find Casablanca to be all that good. It had some memorable lines but there wasn't much else to like about it.


The Wizard of Oz


Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
Blood in Blood out - certainly this is a comedy? Right?
Batman. All of them. Except og TV series


At least you like Boromir character?

Agree about the last LOTR movie. Jackson didn't even watched the film before it was shown in theaters, he said this himself in interview. How this movie won Best Film Editing?


My eyes have glaced over long before I can receive the Boromir character.
I'm not saying the movie is bad. And I've never read the book. It just doesnt speak to me, doesnt engage me. I wish it did! I respect that millions, perhaps billions of people love it. Maybe it's a genre thing. Idk, but I'm alone in the corner at the party, playing with my phone.


It's perfectly fine not to be one of the herd, powerful in certain aspects, even though it's fun to be part of universal ecstasy. Fantasy isn't popular as you think. Many people prefer more realistic materiel. Fantasy popular mostly among young males. I myself fan of Tolkien and still wait for George R. R. Martin new book, but for the last few years now I didn't watch or read any kind of fantasy. Nowadays, I mostly watch drama and lately some romance movies (I recommend some of Michelle Williams movies in this genre).


Titanic, Forest Gump, Crash, No Country for Old Men
